• 如果两种形式需要,则该生物严格的混合营养

    If both forms are required, the organisms are mixotrophic sensu stricto.


  • 形式互惠利他行为,称为“狼狈为奸,唯利是图”。

    The second form is reciprocal altruism, or “you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours”.


  • 但是一些从未发展严重狂,而是处在较温和的轻躁这种形式,我们称为双相ii

    Some people, however, never develop severe mania but instead experience milder episodes of hypomania that alternate with depression; this form of the illness is called bipolar II disorder.


  • 目前所知,H5H7病毒致病形式传给禽类

    On present understanding, H5 and H7 viruses are introduced to poultry flocks in their low pathogenic form.


  • 这种疾病形式包含周期性躁狂抑郁称为相I

    The classic form of the illness, which involves recurrent episodes of mania and depression, is called bipolar I disorder.


  • 即使Prius其他形式混合汽车所替代丰田汽车制造环保车,技术先进赢得名声

    Even if the Prius is pushed aside by other forms of hybrid, it has done wonders for Toyota's reputation by making the firm seem green and technically cool.


  • InferGenericTypeArguments重构会自动原始形式那些类推测恰当(generic type)。

    The Infer Generic Type Arguments refactoring automatically tries to guess the appropriate generic types for classes used in their raw form.


  • 做到一点并不容易主张采用一个简单的五方案能天衣无缝地做到聚合机构形式社会网络模式的转变。

    This is not easy, nor do I make any claims to a simple five-step program which might produce a seamless transition from the aggregated institutional form to the social-network model.


  • 店主制作蛋糕当成一种艺术形式童话故事神奇梦境带给所有新的的,年轻的和年长顾客们。

    The owner sees making cup cakes as an art form, bringing fairy tales and magical dreams to her customers old and new young and old.


  • 缓存这些视图过程结果保存中间存储中,以文件关系数据库形式

    Caching stores the results from these views or procedures in an intermediate storage that could be either a file or a relational database.


  • 松散服务使用参数定义,其中架构形式包含消息内容说明

    Loosely typed services use generic parameter definitions that do not include an explanation of the message content in form of a schema.


  • 函数结果会以CLOB字符对象数据形式返回,容纳1MB 的数据。

    The result of the function is returned as a CLOB (Character Large Object) data type that can hold up to 1 MB of data.


  • 如果翻转这个创建一种很不自然的从向左的形式(参见4)。

    If you flip this paradigm, you create an unnatural right-to-left movement (see Figure 4).


  • 提高代码有效性可以指定上限下限),不是指定某个泛参数精确。 这可以使用有界通配符来实现,形式为 “?

    To increase the usefulness of our generic code, instead of specifying the exact type of a generic type parameter, we can specify an upper (or lower) bound instead.


  • 有ise起草通用能源供应草案(Universal Energy Supply ProtocolUESP)特别能源和负载管理所编制的,也是一系统所选择的通讯形式

    The Universal energy Supply Protocol (UESP) developed at the ISE was designed especially for this type of energy and load management and is the form of the communication of choice.


  • 细菌单一的,也就是说,他们只有单一的形式我们单一的种类名称固定下来;

    Germs are monomorphic, i.e., they have only one form and can be identified by species


  • 对于混合内容文档),使用XML如果需要使用元数据比如URL标记文本各种混合形式,比如字处理文档和 blog文章,那么就使用 XML。

    XML for mixed content (documents): If what you will post requires the use of metadata (such as URLs) or a varied mix of markup and text, such as word processing documents and blog posts, use XML.


  • 持有犯罪主观罪过形式只能故意已为学界所公认对于主观故意司法实践中如何证明,则存在较大争议。

    It is generally accepted that the form of subjective fault of crime of possession can only be intention, while how to testify it in judicial practice is a more controversial issue.


  • alphabeta地中海贫血轻度重度两种形式

    Alpha and beta thalassaemia have both mild and severe forms.


  • 我们叙事生物,如果事物是以故事形式来展现,那么我们记忆也会十分清晰。

    We're creatures of narrative, and our memories are especially pleased by anything that takes the form of a story.


  • St Ryde整个家族5形式包括匀称的斜体,所以可以根据喜好来决定是、细常规中等还是粗体。

    The whole family comes in 5 weights including the matching italics, so you can choose from thin, light, regular, medium and bold.


  • 叠加平行维度之间有些频率的(或者理解为能量的吧)机制联接它们而且这些装置制造出通往其他时间框架相的门户,这些不同的实相这些独特的区域里以不同形式共存

    There are frequential mechanisms that connect these overlays of parallel dimension, and these create gateways to other timeframes and realities that coexist differently within these unique areas.


  • 1糖尿病发病率人所食用牛奶酪蛋白(是A2形式的β酪蛋白,而含A1B变种形式的β酪蛋白比例多)。

    The cow-milk found in populations with a low incidence of type 1 diabetes has a much lower fraction of A1 and B betacaseins (instead they have the A2 variant).


  • 奖励规划有两个主要组成形式(图13-1)。金钱作为直接报酬雇主提供的。

    With the direct type of compensation, monetary rewards are provided by the employer.


  • 宇宙古史》写道,以罗摩形式英雄奉献者曼显现。

    It is written in the Purana that God assumed the form of Rama for His heroic devotee, Hanuman.


  • 每个图中,所有形式除了一个顶部都是这个词的构成成分。

    In each of the tree-branch diagrams, the forms except the one at the top are the all constituents of the word.


  • 总体来说,《管理天》这本书中的建议敦促我们我们自己的时间精力负责不要邮件其他形式反应工作消磨掉我们的关注点。

    Taken as a whole, the Suggestions in Manage Your Day-to-Day urge us to take responsibility for our own time and energy by not letting email or other forms of reactivity blunt our focus.


  • 总体来说,《管理天》这本书中的建议敦促我们我们自己的时间精力负责不要邮件其他形式反应工作消磨掉我们的关注点。

    Taken as a whole, the Suggestions in Manage Your Day-to-Day urge us to take responsibility for our own time and energy by not letting email or other forms of reactivity blunt our focus.


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