• 不停地公寓电话贝斯接听电话的时候,她挂断了。害怕吉米并且不想失去家庭

    Dan Gallagher: she keeps calling the apartment. When Beth answers the phone, she hangs up. I'm scared Jimmy, and I don't want to lose my family.


  • 科尼最近米兰街道,他看到的非意大利人多到让他感到不再身处一个意大利欧洲城市而是非洲城市。

    Mr. Berlusconi recently said that when he walks the streets of Milan, he sees so many non-Italians he feels he is no longer in an Italian or European city, but in an African one.


  • 直接问及今后打算时,:“我们一个创意无限的公司。”

    We are a company with a lot of ideas,” Bezos says, when asked directly about his plans.


  • 桩丑闻开始五月科尼的妻子韦罗妮卡•拉里奥宣称离婚并且无法再忍受一个“与未成年人交往”的男人一起

    The scandal began in early May when Mr Berlusconi’s wife, Veronica Lario, announced that she was divorcing him, adding that she could no longer stay with a man who “consorts with minors”.


  • 贝斯发明集装箱玻璃纤维制成重量传统集装箱的四分之三重要的是箱子空无一物时,可以折叠成原体积的四分之一

    Because it is made of a fibreglass composite, it weighs only three-quarters as much as a standard container butmore importantlywhen it is empty, it can be folded down to a quarter of its size.


  • 首席席执行官杰夫开始谈论亚马逊最新商业计划-巨大网络服务平台时候关于全球计算机网络主题继续

    This theme of a global computing network continued when Amazon.com founder and CEO Jeff Bezos came on stage to talk about Amazon's latest business venture - a giant web services platform.


  • 最后上诉放在明年法院科尼做出一个初步裁决时

    His final appeal will be heard next year, by when the court trying Mr Berlusconi should reach an initial verdict.


  • 弗洛伦提心吊胆地走进来的时候,先生停止来回踱步,看着

    When little Florence timidly presented herself, Mr Dombey stopped in his pacing up and down and looked towards her.


  • 特西·威金打开前门看到位戴着全面纱妇女穿过两侧种满鲜花的过道走上前来还在想她是不是对了。

    When Betsy Wiggins opened her front door and saw the woman in a full black face veil coming up her flower-lined walkway, she wondered if she had done the right thing.


  • 欧元命运还掌握植假发的科尼脑中时,成功希望十分渺茫

    While the fate of the euro was resting on Mr Berlusconi’s follically enhanced head, the chances of success were slim.


  • 感觉个人盈盈Kindle Fire握只手(换iPad试试看?),乔布正在相同原则做事内容

    There is a sense, as one easily holds the Kindle Fire in one hand (try doing that with an iPad), that Bezos is working from the same set of principles as Jobs: Content matters.


  • 关于地效飞行器的原理可以追溯到20世纪20年代——德国物理学家卡尔*威尔描述出地原理特点时。

    The theory of ground-effect vehicles goes back to the 1920s, when Carl Wieselsberger, a German physicist, described how the ground effect works.


  • 罗马爆发动乱(详情文章),科尼2010年12月赢得信任投票时,也出现了这样的情况。

    Rioting broke out in Rome a day later (see article), just as it did when Mr Berlusconi was confirmed in office in December 2010.


  • 科尼那不勒参加一个漂亮18岁姑娘纳奥米莱蒂齐亚生日之后73丈夫科尼的关系就破裂了。

    She broke with her 73-year-old husband after he attended the birthday party of a pretty 18-year-old, Noemi Letizia, in Naples.


  • 2009年5月参加18内衣模特生日派对新闻被爆料后,科尼的妻子随即提出了离婚诉讼

    In May 2009, Berlusconi's wife initiated divorce proceedings after he attended the birthday party of an 18-year-old underwear model.


  • 媒体大亨西尔维奥·科尼购买了米兰队后,米兰队的黑暗时期结束了

    This dark period was over when the media billionaire24, Silvio Berlusconi, bought the team.


  • 桩丑闻开始五月科尼的妻子韦罗妮卡•拉里奥宣称离婚并且她无法再忍受一个“与未成年人交往”的男人一起

    The scandal began in early May when Mr Berlusconi's wife, Veronica Lario, announced that she was divorcing him, adding that she could no longer stay with a man who "consorts with minors".


  • 史密先生贝斯谈话时,了一位客人。

    When Mr. Smith and Beth were talking together, a visitor came.


  • 科尼的账户开始泄露时人们开始怀疑他们关系

    Suspicions about their relationship grew when Mr Berlusconi's account began to leak.


  • 然而严重市场压力一缓解,科尼就开始放弃财政紧缩措施。此举令德国大为恼。

    But once the most acute market pressure was relieved, Mr Berlusconi began to backtrack on his austerity measures, to the fury of Germany.


  • 近邻准则是一种次最优准则样本数目很大时,最近邻准则错误率不会超过错误概率2

    The misclassification probability of the nearest neighbor decision rule won't exceed 2 times of that of Bayes decision rule when the sample number is very large.


  • 参数限制某一范围内并服从一致分布,且多余参数未知时,置信区间很高置信概率

    The Bayesian credible intervals that arise when a parameter is given a uniform distribution over the restricted range and nuisance parameters are unknown have good frequentist coverage probabilities.


  • 汉·索洛是否曾经有人说太多时,她回答说以前有一个熟人这么说过她,但现在“遗孀他的抚恤金贝斯着逍遥自在的日子。”

    When asked if anyone had ever told her that she talked too much, Amaiza responded to Solo that one previous acquaintance had, and that "his widow was living it up on Bestine with his death benefits."


  • 卢克朋友们平的落入帝国陷阱时R2陪同年轻绝地来到这个空都市

    When Luke's friends fell into an Imperial trap on Bespin's Cloud City, Artoo accompanied the young Jedi to the floating metropolis.


  • 卢克朋友们平的落入帝国陷阱时R2陪同年轻绝地来到这个空都市

    When Luke's friends fell into an Imperial trap on Bespin's Cloud City, Artoo accompanied the young Jedi to the floating metropolis.


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