• 物流企业车辆发生堵塞时,如何有效得制定应急调度计划物流企业显得尤为重要

    When the commercial vehicle is in the road in which the traffic jam occurs, how to make the effective emergent vehicle scheduling plan is very important for the logistics company.


  • 随机需求下,本文研究物流企业自有仓库容量限时物流库存管理问题给出了使库存成本期望最小订货量。

    Under stochastic demand, this paper discusses logistics storage management problem when the own storehouse of logistics enterprise is limited. And the optimal ordering quantities was given.


  • 物流运输装置前进遇到障碍,则采用图像光电传感器双重识别使运输装置自动停止发出报警信号

    When the device meet the obstacle while moving forward, it can stop and alarm automatically through the image and optical electrical sensors which perform dual identify.


  • 物流财务技术支持市场销售经理们做出“正确销售,而不是过多的销售”的计划方法的时候,问题就会迎刃而解

    The solution came about when the logistics, finance, technical support, marketing and sales managers developed a "sell right, not more" planning approach.


  • 件事肯定的,如果英国离开欧盟时,英国建立新的物流经济障碍没有知道这些障碍会造成多大的分歧。

    One thing is for sure, if or when the U.K. leaves the EU, it will erect new logistical and economic barriers, and no one knows how divisive they will be.


  • 方面业务精心策划执行互联网创业过程物流公司证明有价值的。

    When every aspect of the business is carefully planned and executed, the process of starting an Internet logistics company will prove to be rewarding.


  • 保质保量准时完成上级交办工作任务需要时愿意承担其他物流工作安排。

    Fulfill tasks assigned by supervisor with quality and quantity assured before deadline. Willing to handle flexible logistic job if needed.


  • 供应商零售商共同承担退货物流成本时,回购价格随着零售商承担退货物流成本增加而增加,但增加的幅度甚微;

    When burdened by retailers and suppliers together, it will be increased with the increasing of the return logistics cost burdened by retailers, but the increasing range is very narrow.


  • 规模经济-理想条件单位时间在一个地方,用户需要需要”原则,往往付出大量成本而言物流

    Economies of scale - Ideal condition of "one unit at a time at a place where user needs it, when he needs it" principle tends to incur lots of costs in terms of logistics.


  • 然而仓储功能作为现代物流中的一个环节,它目的使仓储量最小化,加速货品的流通量

    However, when warehousing functions as a link in modern logistics, the aim is to minimize inventory and speed turnover.


  • 供应链退货物流成本过大时,回购契约机制达不到协调供应链目的。

    When the return logistics cost is too high, supply chain can't be collaborated by buy-back contract mechanism.


  • 市场部拓展增进项目时他们合作分析物流问题

    I work with our marketing group to identify logistical issues as they develop promotional programs.


  • 业界广泛认同第三物流的时候,一种基于提供综合的供应链解决方案物流理念——第四物流又悄然出现

    When the third-party logistics is widely recognized in the field, another logistics concept based on integrated chain supply, the fourth-party logistics emerged.


  • 供应商完全承担物流退货成本时,回购价格随着物流成本增加而降低;

    The result shows that when return logistics cost is burdened by retailers completely, the buy-back price will be increased with the increasing of return logistics cost.


  • 分析范围左右延伸时,供应链原材料供应商制造商分销物流零售商和消费者组成。

    When the range is extended from the right to the left, a supply chain consists of the raw material supplier, the manufacturer, distribution and logistics, the retailer and the end -customer.


  • 人们第三物流理解懵懵懂懂的时候,第四物流已经迫不及待地跃出水面成为物流产业又一关注的焦点。

    When people's understanding of Third Party logistics is still muddle, the Fourth Party logistics can not wait to be out of the water and become another focus of the logistics industry.


  • 集成化供应链思想引入农产品物流领域,农超对接模式应运而生本质超市农产品基地直接对接集成化农产品供应链。

    When integration is introduced into agricultural products logistics, Integrate with Agricultural Base & Supermarket appears whose nature is integrated supply chain of agricultural products.


  • 使用如此堆叠阵列时,用于浓缩物流水平出口端口23’)同样地互连而提供组合的浓缩 物出口

    When an array of such stacks is used, horizontal side outlet ports (23') for the concentrate streams can be likewise interconnected to provide combined concentrate outlet streams.


  • 使用如此堆叠阵列时,用于浓缩物流水平出口端口23’)同样地互连而提供组合的浓缩 物出口

    When an array of such stacks is used, horizontal side outlet ports (23') for the concentrate streams can be likewise interconnected to provide combined concentrate outlet streams.


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