• 这部电影是关于一个中国牧师女人

    The film concerns a woman who goes to China as a missionary.


  • 牧师开始布道时话语响亮感恩之声感动了所有听众

    When the pastor began to preach, his words were a loud thanksgiving that moved all his hearers.


  • 为此牧师使用了长长的茅草风筝空中飞时,这些就会在风筝后面飘动

    For this the priests used long grasses, and thesewhen the kite was in the airwould stream along behind it.


  • 他们到达美国时,一位牧师热情地帮助他们安顿在纽约的一个收容所里。

    When they got to the United States, a churchman warmly helped place them in a homeless shelter in New York.


  • 一位牧师警察街上通过扬声器交谈时,约翰同事悄悄地爬上这栋六层楼的屋顶

    As a priest and policeman talked to her through loudhailers from the street, John and his colleague quietly made their way up the stairs of the six-story building to the roof.


  • 您为何离开爱丁堡大学去了牛津大学?达:爱丁堡大学两个学期父亲发觉或者姐妹得知不想医生于是建议我去牧师

    After having spent two sessions in Edinburgh, my father perceived, or he heard from my sisters, that I did not like the thought of being a physician, so he proposed that I should become a clergyman.


  • 牧师祷告结束了悼词,一首赞美诗唱响了,抬棺人在棺材架边各就各位。

    When the minister had finished his eulogy with prayer a hymn was sung and the pall-bearers took their places beside the bier.


  • 然而介绍医生法官大学干部军官牧师时,一般加上他们的职称

    Medical doctors, judges, college officials, military officers, and clergy are usually addressed with an occupational title, however.


  • 牧师抵达海岸的时候,见到年轻渔夫淹死浪花里,双臂紧扣美人鱼的尸体

    And when the Priest reached the shore he saw the young Fisherman lying drowned in the surf, and clasped in his arms was the body of the little Mermaid.


  • 然而慢慢地接受了劝慰镇静了一些;牧师引路时候,她的眼睛探寻到玻璃死者

    Gradually, however, she yielded to dissuasion, becoming more composed; and as the minister was in the act of leading her away her eyes sought the face of the dead beneath the glass.


  • 斯威夫特马修英国谋到一个牧师职位的时候,事情开始变糟了

    Things went wrong when Swift got an English chaplaincy for Pilkington.


  • 牧师家里的人一同坐在席位上。他们完了诗、抬起头来看的时候,他们就点点头,说:"对了,珈伦,到这儿来了!"

    She sat in the pew with the clergyman's family, and when they had ended the psalm and looked up, they nodded and said, "It is right that thou art come!"


  • 1864年,工人们店主们牧师们,贵族们,人们全都因为加里波第凯旋游街而兴奋得如痴如醉时,英国人大快朵颐享受着创于加里波第凯旋齐名的脆

    Britons still munch on the eponymous biscuits created after Garibaldi's triumphal tour of the country in 1864, when he intoxicated workers, shopkeepers, clergymen, lords and ladies alike.


  • 村里牧师一个三十五磅穿过村子的两车道公路正中时,比赛就开始

    The match starts when the village priest drops a 35-lb. ball in the middle of the two-lane highway that runs through Shukhuti.


  • 牧师引路时候,她眼睛探寻到玻璃死者

    And as the minister was in the act of leading her away her eyes sought the face of the dead beneath the glass.


  • 主教牧师经过漫长一天后回到梵蒂冈他们可能幻想天国之然而现在迎接他们的却是金色霓虹灯拱门

    As bishops and priests walk back to the Vatican after a long day they might be dreaming about the the Pearly gates but they will instead be welcomed back by golden neon gates.


  • 连续在这儿三个月后特别是冬天终于开始渴望接触知识有教养的人,哪怕是穿外套牧师

    When you live here for two or three months without a break, especially in the winter, you begin at last to pine for a black coat.


  • 作为最后一为了这个书香门第后代能够从事需要高深学问职业父亲说服达尔文牧师学习

    As a last resort, in order for this scion of an educated family to enter one of the learned professions, his father persuaded Darwin to study for the ministry.


  • 牧师对此神力的介入大喜过望,男孩自己的孩子扶养大。

    The priest was overjoyed at this divine intervention and raised the boy as his own.


  • 乌鸦,我为他当牧师本子

    I, said Rook, With my little book, I'll be the person.


  • 忏悔结束后牧师回到住所走进厨房,他发现有人偷走了他的火鸡

    When confession was over, the Priest returned to his residence. When he walked into the kitchen, he found that someone had stolen his Turkey.


  • 小小的册子,他的牧师

    With my little book, I'll be the parson.


  • 珠儿眼中闪着妖气仰望牧师时,脸上带着那种调皮微笑使她的表情时常那么鬼精灵似的

    There was witchcraft in little Pearl's eyes; and her face, as she glanced upward at the minister, wore that naughty smile which made its expression frequently so elvish .


  • 达尔文爱丁堡大学攻读医学,后来父亲一个有钱医生建议牧师剑桥大学

    Darwin had been a medical student. at Edinburgh University for two years, before his father who was a wealthy doctor proposed that he might become a clergyman and sent him to Cambridge.


  • 许多以后牧师床上年轻人身边解释神迹般的出生。

    Many years later, as the priest lay on his death bed, he drew the young man to him and explained his miraculous delivery.


  • 许多以后牧师床上年轻人身边解释神迹般的出生。

    Many years later, as the priest lay on his death bed, he drew the young man to him and explained his miraculous delivery.


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