• 我们当时同一学院那时还是男子学院。

    We were in the same college, which was male-only at that time.


  • 那时需要这个男人以及当时给予情感支持

    I needed this man's love, and the emotional support he was giving me.


  • 想到当时许多事情观点都很强硬,真是奇怪,那时应该就是这样

    It is strange to think that he held strong views on many things, but it must have been so.


  • 一切当时看来重要的东西,那时还有那时所拥有世界他们哪里去了呢?

    Everything that seemed so important back then, Naoko and I back then, and the world I had back then, where could they have all gone?


  • 手机时候,给所有有手机的朋友都发短信当时觉得那是件很酷的事,所以那时的手麻利

    When I first got my cell phone, I thought it was so cool to text message to my friends who have one, and I was pretty fast with my thumb then.


  • 当时没有批准玛丽入会,因为在那时,妇女是禁止成为会员的。

    Marie was not accepted by them because women were not allowed to become members at that time.


  • ,我当时八岁的孩子阿莉森也加入了我们的谈话中来,听着我们说的每一个字。

    At that time, Allyson, my then eight-year-old, came to join us and listened to every word.


  • 基拉当时14岁,打算和卡蒂一起生活到她18岁,那时的她便脱离寄养系统了。

    Akyra was 14 at that time and planned to live with Katie until she aged out of the system at 18 years old.


  • 指向我书架上的任何一本书,我都能说出我买这本书的年份、那时我在哪里工作,或许还能说出我当时住在哪里。

    If you pointed to any book on my shelves, I could name the year I got it, where I was working, and probably where I was living at the time.


  • 现在不知道为什么,我那时认为强行把头塞进南瓜里就能解决这个问题,但在当时似乎是完全合理的。

    I'm unsure now why I thought forcing my head inside the pumpkin would settle the matter, but it seemed to make perfect sense at the time.


  • 选择了伯纳德·马拉默德。当时并不知道那时正是一个纽约城市大学研究生否则的话,我会机会当年上一面。

    I chose Bernard Malamud, not knowing at the time that he was a graduate of CCNY or that I would have a chance to meet him that year.


  • 他们嫉妒下一代潜力的新兴创业者,他们想到了当时自己是多么光鲜夺目,他们想重拾那时的荣耀。

    They watch the next hot startup with jealousy and it reminds them of when they were that "shiny new thing" and they want that back.


  • 拒绝了因为觉得对于当时新加坡那时不是开博览会的正确时候。

    But he declined, feeling that the time was not right for such a fair in the city-state.


  • 当时普遍——那时房子价格比现在得多所以我们买得起房子

    This was a very common arrangement – we could afford bigger houses in those days when property prices were so much lower.


  • 那时看作冒险之举,因为当时中国汽车销售尚未起飞

    At the time, it was seen as a risk because car sales had yet to take off in China.


  • 男孩当时尖叫呼救,救护车小时以后那时已经太晚了。

    The boy was able to scream for help, but the ambulances didn't arrive until an hour later, which by then was too late.


  • 那时准备(那时可能已经卖掉了当时太小了),所以每月一次循环不同联系。

    I wasn't ready then (I would've sold then but I was too small) so I kept everyone in the loop with monthly updates.


  • 当时空军服役而且那时冷战仍在继续苏联人有40,000(枚核弹),我们阻止了他们

    When I was in the Air Force for five years - and there was a Cold War going on, and the Soviets had 40,000, and we stood them down.


  • 希尔达学院建于1893年,当时牛津大学5所女生学院之一,而那时其他学院招收男生

    St Hilda's, founded in 1893, was one of five colleges set up at Oxford to provide education for women when other colleges accepted only men.


  • 大家开会,那时春天容易感冒,当时患了重感冒,于是我就犯了,一个经典错误,我Kleenex纸盒带进了办公室

    One day I called a meeting, and I was in the spring So I had a heavy fever. So I made a classical mistake of bringing a box Kleenex next day to the room.


  • 然而接近那种情况下时,就处于“当时”,不管来说意味着什么,那时我的思想完全变化了。

    However, my cognitions go “online” when I am in or close to the situation, whatever it is for me, and my thinking changes quite drastically.


  • 所有这些方法当时合情合理而且政策倾向所以那时这种方式经营公司

    All of that sounded reasonable at the time and conformed to my liberal political leanings, so I have run the company that way since then.


  • 姥姥告诉,1948年出来,怀抱着当时刚出生不久哇哇直哭的母亲,现在的情况比起那时经历一切算不了什么

    His grandmother tells him it was nothing compared to what she had to go through when she was driven away from Jaffa in 1948, carrying his screaming mother, then a newborn, in her arms.


  • 这种方式当时可行的,因为岁老人比较罕见不过更远的未来回事了。

    This is just about feasible at the moment, when centenarians are still comparatively rare, but it will not be the case for much longer.


  • 当时担心,因为主要演讲安排到傍晚进行,人们那时脑子会不会只想晚餐的事。

    I was concerned about starting his keynote late in the afternoon, thinking that people would have only dinner on their minds.


  • 当时担心,因为主要演讲安排到傍晚进行,人们那时脑子会不会只想晚餐的事。

    I was concerned about starting his keynote late in the afternoon, thinking that people would have only dinner on their minds.


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