• 它们占据了非常一部分我们考虑原子构造时候,不用考虑它们会占用很多质量

    They take up a teeny bit, but when we're thinking about the set up of the atom, we don't have to account for them as using up a lot of the mass.


  • 我们思考如何衡量是否成功地实施SOA时,机制普通度量机制一起(作为企业架构一部分)形成衡量标准。

    When we think about how to determine if we have successful SOA implementations, the mechanism associated with our normal alignment as part of enterprise architecture drives the measurement.


  • 我们处理新的事物时我们可能会失败-或者仅仅成功一部分

    When we tackle something new, we might fail - or only partially succeed.


  • 实际上富有:这只是苏联机器工业一部分我们回顾过去时期苏联沉闷可怕的个人生活时,其实非常有用和有趣

    He's actually something much richer: a small part of an enormous machine and a most useful and interesting lens with which to look at decades of often dreary and sometimes terrifying Soviet life.


  • 我们收藏家们“深入购买”的时候,就意味着他们一个艺术家那里买许多作品,他们会成为这个艺术家创作生涯中不可或缺一部分

    When primary collectors "buy in depth", meaning that they acquire a lot of work by a single artist, they can become integral to an artist's career.


  • 我们遇见心上人我们心灵一部分历史学家带点书呆子气会想象或者记起曾经在哪里见过这个,曾经不经意间擦肩而过

    When we meet the sweetheart, our hearts will part as a historian, bookish, imagine or remember once where have I seen this person, once and she was inadvertently pass.


  • 我们接受完整性人类本性一部分当我们不断地滚动前行能欣赏其价值时,我们就会获得其他人渴望完整人生

    When we accept that imperfection is part of human, and when we can continue rolling through life and appreciate it, we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to.


  • 我们知道可以成为这样互相滋养链接中的一部分我们就可以他人分享自己的能量,直到这个世界所照亮。

    When we know the joys of being part of such a nurturing association, we can share it with others until the world is ablaze with this light.


  • 所以我们我们时日由“上帝而且上帝独自决定的,我们其实是在人类也参与了这过程中的一部分,因为人类正是上帝的一部分

    So when we say thatGod, and God alonechooses the time of our death, we are saying


  • 我们身体我们的记忆力也逐渐衰退,这似乎是衰老过程中无可避免一部分

    It seems an inevitable part of aging-as our bodies grow older, our ability to remember gradually fades.


  • 其中很大一部分尤其是我们谈论音频事实有什么看似简单的合理的,是不是

    A big part of this, especially when we're talking about audio, has to do with the fact that what seems straightforward and reasonable is not.


  • 我们外求时,假装成我们只是极小一部分我们只是有限身体头脑

    God is all Beingness. We are, when we look within, all Beingness pretending we're a tiny part of It, a limited body mind.


  • 我们无限描述成第七中的一个”时,我们只是想到了这个图像一部分

    When we describe infinity as being a "point" in the seventh dimension, we are only imagining part of the picture.


  • 因此,我们自己小汽车加仑汽油时候,我们所付只是汽油本身费用而且还有不断进行油工作的一部分费用。

    When we buy a few gallons of petrol for our cars, we pay not only the cost of the petrol, but also part of the cost of the search that is always going on.


  • 我们自己汽车购买加仑汽油时,我们不仅仅是汽油价钱而且包括了一部分不断进行着的勘探费用

    When we buy a few gallons of petrol for our cars, we pay not only the cost of the petrol, but also part of the cost of the search that is always going on.


  • 一部分原因是因为中场但是我们4:1击败布莱克本比赛里,他这个位置上打得

    It's partly explained by the fact he was playing on the left of midfield but then he played very well there when we beat Blackburn 4-1.


  • 我们有足够了解依据这原则生活时,虽然困难增加(因为也是神圣秩序一部分)但依然可能保持内在平静

    When we properly understand and live by this principle, while difficulties will arisefor they are part of the divine order too — inner peace will still be possible.


  • 运动使我们很多方面受益我们参加运动时,几乎我们身体一部分得到训练

    Sports benefit us in many respects. When taking part in sports, we get the chance to train almost all parts of our bodies.


  • 我们失去位挚爱友人我们陷入悲伤,久久无法释怀。我们所爱已成为我们自己的一部分

    When we lose a dear friend, someone we have loved deeply, we are left with a grief that can paralyse us emotionally for a long time.


  • 我们接受完整性人类本性一部分当我们不断进行人生滚动能欣赏价值时,我们就会获得其它人渴望完整人生。

    When we accept that imperfection is part of being human, and when we can continue rolling through life and appreciate it, we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to.


  • 我们出售肉类食品时,通常做法是,我们会出售其身体一部分或者整体出售。

    When we sell the meat from the animal and poultry, we normally sell it as a whole or cut it from the whole body.


  • 我们宇宙飞船开始驶入茫茫黑夜时,地球上处在白天状态一部分,以及表层浮动的粉红云彩如烟暮霭仍然可见

    The daylight part of the Earth with its pink clouds and evening haze above the surface is still visible while our spacecraft is already sailing into the blackness of night.


  • 我们带着疲惫一天工作回到家冲个热水澡享受生活不可缺的一部分

    When we come home with tiredness after one-day's busy work, having a warm shower is almost indispensable.


  • 我们带着疲惫一天工作回到家冲个热水澡享受生活不可缺的一部分

    When we come home with tiredness after one-day's busy work, having a warm shower is almost indispensable.


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