• 靠近时,脚步变得慢了。

    As he drew near to it his step became still slower.


  • 靠近事情变得很有趣

    Things got interesting when he approached the front door.


  • 靠近的时候,我们就能听到声音然后逃跑了。

    Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound of the bell, and run away.


  • 靠近开始哈利·波特电影时,艾玛已经警觉了起来。

    Emma was very alarmed when he approached her and started talking to her about the Harry Potter films.


  • 靠近饭店的时候了。感觉因为怜悯害怕气。

    As he near the restaurant he walked more slowly, he could feel a knot in his stomach caused by pity and fear.


  • 靠近的时候,烟囱静立在那儿,周围还要黑暗,就一个没有灯走廊走进的黑暗里面。

    As he moved closer, the chimney solidified, grew darker than the dark around it, as if an unlit passageway into some greater darkness.


  • 第三满怀信心骑着马靠近城墙时,一支弩箭击中了靠近脖子

    On the third day, as he rode daringly near the wall, confident in his hard-tried luck, a bolt from a crossbow struck him in the left shoulder by the neck.


  • Lip-Lip 靠近她时,她把 Lip-Lip 翻过来一直咬,直到放走,但是白方有一个更大的问题。

    When Lip-Lip got close to her, she turned Lip-Lip over and bit him until she let him go, but White Fang had a bigger problem.


  • 每天舒尔茨直升机营地徒步走向企鹅栖息地时,着迷的企鹅都会靠近

    The fascinated penguins approached Mr Schultz each day as he hiked from a helicopter base camp to the main Emperor rookery.


  • 后来,块腐烂香蕉在印树的叶子棵树长在房子靠近大门的地方,所以主人走近时,准一大跳。

    He picked up a rotting banana skin and hung it on the leaves of a neem tree that grew near the gate of the house, so that it would startle the owners when they came out.


  • 女友餐厅就餐时,安排靠近门口位置而且店家拒绝们换位置。

    But when he went to the restaurant with his girlfriend, he was seated at a table near the door and his request to change seats was rejected.


  • 小船靠近罗杰斯的时候,汽车玻璃窗救生艇拿了救生衣

    As the boat floated close by him, Rogers climbed inside the bus, kicked out a window and grabbed three life jackets from the dinghy.


  • 每次爱情轻轻靠近时,感觉清楚地告诉在等待答复反应

    Every time, when love is approaching to me, I feel he is telling me clearly that he is waiting for my answer and response.


  • 靠近看时看到一些较年长甚至手臂绳子起来。

    As he looked more closely, he saw that some older people had even tied their arm in place with a rope.


  • 靠近,把冰冷嘴唇在我的嘴唇上的时候,我已经开始晕头转向了。

    My head was already spinning by the time he leaned closer and pressed his icy lips against mine.


  • 那个靠搬走,就有机会靠近窗户了。能够另外一张床上去,护士高兴的给做了转换。

    As soon as it seemed to be an appropriate opportunity, the man asked if he could be moved next to the window.


  • 随后一个晚上凝视天花板是突然靠近窗户那个人剧烈的咳嗽肺部水给塞了。

    Later one night, as he lay staring at the ceiling, abruptly, the man by the window began to cough. He was choked by the fluid in his lungs.


  • 三个小时发现真相时,10州级公路服务点抛弃了海伦,这个地方靠近拉法叶特。

    When Timmy found out three hours later, he dumped Helen and the basket with me in it on the service road of Interstate 10, near Lafayette.


  • 每天下午那个靠近窗户起身的时候,就会室友描述窗外的风景来打发时间

    Every afternoon when the man in the bed next to the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the outdoor things he could see through the window.


  • 导师到达雅·鲁巴区域时,放任马队自由奔驰,马队靠近奥汗噶兹的地方停了下来

    When he reached the area of Yalova, he directed the horses to go as they like. They stopped in a place near Orhanghazi.


  • 姚明靠近篮下时,致命的。

    Yao is a deadly short-range jump shooter.


  • 凌晨太阳最好的伙伴,而远景中的黑马靠近时总想要咬我。

    The early morning sun was my best friend, unlike this small black guard horse .


  • 杨利伟听到这种声音非常紧张靠近舷窗试图找出原因

    Yang said he was very nervous when he heard the sound, and moved close to the porthole to try to find out the cause.


  • 妇女进来的时候,靠近门口坐着的老大爷准备站起身但是这位妇女让回到自己座位上

    When a woman entered, an old man near the door attempted to rise, but she forced him back into his seat. "Thank you," she said, "but please don't do that." I am perfectly able to stand.


  • 走了回来汤米靠近床边一点

    When he came back after removing the coal scuttle, Tommy Brock was lying a little more sideways;


  • Sam上班突然往左拐弯时没有注意靠近

    Sam was riding a bicycle to work. He was not aware that a car was gaining on him when he made a sudden left turn.


  • Sam上班突然往左拐弯时没有注意靠近

    Sam was riding a bicycle to work. He was not aware that a car was gaining on him when he made a sudden left turn.


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