• 撞击所释放强烈高温许多类型岩石中形成一种热冲击石英

    The intense heat of the impact would produce heat-shocked quartz in many types of rock.


  • 大型逆冲断层活动中所有压力都会释放,且会造成一些世上强烈地震

    During a megathrust event, all of that stress releases and some of the world's most powerful earthquakes occur.


  • 非常有益想法所以强烈推荐程序员通过释放配置文件格式开始编写他们程序

    This is a useful line of thought, so I strongly encourage programmers to start writing their programs by locking down the configuration file format.


  • 日冕大部分热量明显地通过日冕层应力磁场强烈作用而释放出来的。

    Most of the heat in the corona, said Klimchuk, is apparently still released by the snapping of stressed magnetic fields in the corona.


  • 令人印象深刻他们释放橡木桶熟成的莳萝样的,几乎是美洲橡木的强烈气味拥抱着而不是仅仅覆盖上去低度威士忌

    More impressive still are their fledgling releases of lightly barrel-aged whiskey, with the dill-like, almost piney tang of new American oak embracing the grain, rather than masking it.


  • 这个模型显示一旦T细胞释放血,它们就可以强烈攻击HIV蛋白即使它们已经变异了。

    The model also showed that once those T cells are released into the bloodstream, they can effectively attack HIV proteins, even when the virus mutates.


  • 通常敞开火焰上加热,就把神经有强烈毒害作用的元素释放到了环境当中。

    Typically, heating occurs over an open gas flame, releasing the potent neurotoxic element into the atmosphere.


  • 于是上周地震,甚至哪怕如此强烈的地震也可能并未将累积压力完全释放出来Heaton

    It took last week's quake to do the job — and big as it was, it may not have released all the accumulated strain, says Heaton.


  • 为了心灵受创伤之前避免受到伤害大脑释放防护性化学信号同时也会引发强烈幻觉

    In order to guard against damage during trauma, the brain releases protective chemicals that also happen to trigger intense hallucinations.


  • 同时,新恒星释放强烈紫外线辐射加热气体,从而星云发光

    Meanwhile, newborn stars are emitting intense ultraviolet radiation, heating the gas and causing the nebula to glow.


  • 许多美国人强烈反对遣送迈格拉希回国决定:国务卿希拉里•克林顿一反常态地发表尖锐言辞,释放迈格拉希的决定绝对错误”;

    Many Americans vociferously opposed sending Mr Megrahi back. In unusually strident language, Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said it would beabsolutely wrong” to free him.


  • 面带笑意两眼放光,并且释放和对方达成强烈共识而互相握手时所释放能量相同的能量。

    Light up your eyes and smile, and give off that same special energy that usually accompanies the full-blown shake.


  • 因此这些应力最终释放时候,所发生的地震比以往更加具有破坏性,就连在古巴东部感受到震动,一系列强烈的余震一直持续到第二天。

    When it finally struck, therefore, the earthquake was all the more violent. They could feel the shaking as far away as eastern Cuba.


  • 如果提升意愿非常强烈那么生活中支持提升这样一个目标任何事物都会浮现出来让你释放转化超越。

    If one's intent to ascend is strong, then anything in one's life that does not serve to support such a goal will come up to be released and transcended and left behind.


  • 一些科学家地震可以帮助地球释放压力阻止强烈地震发生。

    Some scientists say a slow earthquake could be helping to release pressure of the earth, and able to prevent powerful quakes.


  • 目前围绕钢厂这样几个因素交织在一起原料成本居高不下、钢厂传导成本压力意愿强烈钢材产能释放强度上升

    At present, the surrounding steel mills, there is such a few factors intertwined: raw material costs, steel conduction high cost pressures will strongly, steel production release strength rise.


  • 因此释放一个强烈香气,须打开罐子

    Therefore, for it to release a stronger aroma, the jar needs to be opened.


  • 一类型的大肠杆菌释放强烈毒素可能导致严重肠道症状带血腹泻

    This E. Coli strain can produce a powerful toxin and may cause severe gut symptoms, like bloody diarrhoea.


  • 核武器核电站X光产生强烈电离辐射足以电子原子中释放出来,损害dna

    Ionizing radiation, the powerful type from nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants and X-ray machines, is strong enough to knock electrons off atoms and damage DNA.


  • 其强灾害产生与热带气旋登陆能量短时内的突然释放台风强烈中尺度扰动特征有很大关系

    Those serious disasters of tropical cyclones are closely related to sudden release of energy and mesoscale disturbances of a landing tropical cyclone in a short time.


  • 可能会觉得这种转变一种强烈背叛损失但是是因为这些方面材料真相释放

    You may feel this shift as a strong sense of betrayal or loss, but that is because those aspects of your material truth are being released.


  • 通过来自世界各地反馈强烈自我解剖病理研究能够发现缺少环节复杂的五十肩,这项工作是适应释放

    Through feedback from around the world, and an intense self study of anatomy and pathology, I was able to discover the missing link for immediate release of complicated frozen.


  • 是的我们正在确保一切就位, 当地球母亲释放股市强烈地暴跌直至彻底崩溃。

    Yes we are ensuring that all is in place so that when the mother gives that big blow the tumble will start fervently leading to the demise.


  • 正常烘焙,液体软的确发出强烈气味并且常规释放更多油质残留物

    LS does produce a strong odor when baked normally and leaves more oily residue than the regular clay.


  • 最为强烈恳求释放痛苦,请同意成为我的妻子

    I beg you, most fervently, to relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife.


  • 心灵角落情感压抑着。随着时光流逝他们变得强烈一旦释放出来,就不可收拾。

    Hidden in the corner of soul, my feelings are oppressed. As time goes by, they grow intensive and are out of my control once set free.


  • 所有上述时刻,让感觉强烈起来一种叫“生长激素释放肽”的物质

    At all these moments, what's fueling the feeling is a substance called ghrelin.


  • 强烈心灵震荡,激烈情感冲突,在导致他们艺术观念产生嬗变同时,使他们释放了巨大艺术激情

    Strong spiritual impact on the intense emotional conflict, leading them to produce art on the evolution of the concept, but also so that they release a tremendous artistic passion.


  • 强烈心灵震荡,激烈情感冲突,在导致他们艺术观念产生嬗变同时,使他们释放了巨大艺术激情

    Strong spiritual impact on the intense emotional conflict, leading them to produce art on the evolution of the concept, but also so that they release a tremendous artistic passion.


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