• 国家强势家族处理明显受到地方司法部门的操纵,时期内造成的伤害可能这起灾难事故本身严重。

    This obvious manipulation of the local judiciary by the state's most powerful family was probably more damaging in the long term than the tragedy itself.


  • 一个国家需要强势货币还是弱势货币?

    Does a country want a stronger currency or a weaker one?


  • 一个倾向于发生剧烈货币贬值国家现在必须应对现实强势今年货币兑美元上升了4.2%。

    A country prone to sharp devaluations of the currency must now cope with the real's strength: it has gained about 4.2% against the dollar this year.


  • 就是因为此前多年来,这些国家长期利用较其原有货币强势相对借贷成本低廉欧元举债

    For years, they have been able to incur debts in a currency that was far stronger, and had much lower borrowing costs, than the old national ones the euro replaced.


  • 由于前些年资产市场强势以及国家未来养老金负债值乐观估计,美国养老金问题的严重性一直不人们所知。

    The severity of states' pension woes was disguised for years, because asset markets were so strong and because of the way states accounted for the cost of pension provision.


  • 美国拥有世界强势经济力量,市场关注重点美元(美国经济)相对于世界其他国家货币(或经济)的强弱。

    The U.S. is the world’s biggest economy and the focus of the market is typically on the strength of the USD (or U.S. economy) versus the rest of the world’s currencies.


  • 这些差距可能会解释欧元强势几周尽管欧元区国家对于债务危机的忧虑不断增加,欧元美元依然走强(图表)。

    This gap may explain the strength of the euro, which has risen against the dollar in recent weeks despite endless euro-zone sovereign-debt worries (see chart).


  • 美元强势主要原因就在于人们普遍认为美国经济最近几年世界上其他发达国家经济表现得好得多。

    The main reason for the dollar's strength has been the widespread belief that the American economy vastly outperformed the world's other rich-country economies in recent years.


  • 面对本次衰退一些新兴市场国家占据不同往常财政强势

    Several emerging markets face this slowdown from a position of unaccustomed fiscal strength.


  • 近两年大多数发达国家已经尝试了某种形式量化宽松欧洲中央银行竞争对手做少,解释欧洲为什么相对强势些)。

    Over the past two years much of the developed world has attempted some form of QE. (The European Central Bank has done less than its rivals, which may help explain the euro’s relative strength.)


  • 大多数拥有强势货币国家避免重蹈覆辙

    Most nations with strong currencies should refrain from following its lead.


  • 由于老牌强国——美国欧洲国家日本——需要强势货币反映它们的活力的新兴国家之间错位。

    It is a mismatch between the old guard - US, Europe, Japan - and the new powers that require stronger currencies to reflect their dynamism and growing wealth.


  • 不同国家有时会不同强势设计文化人们处事的方式也会匹配这种本地文化特征。

    There are strong design cultures in different countries and everyone wants to do things that fit their local culture.


  • 2010年,中国需求强势兴起可是大大拉了亚洲兄弟国家们一把,兼及其他商品生产国诸如巴西澳大利亚以及撒哈拉以南非洲国家

    In 2010 a strong resurgence of Chinese demand helped lift other Asian nations, along with commodity producers as diverse as Brazil, Australia and sub-Saharan Africa.


  • 更为强势银行信用社已经能够批发市场举债了,即使面临着高利率,并且有些情况下还需要国家担保

    Stronger banks and cajashave also been able to borrow from the wholesale markets, even if only at highrates and, in some cases, using state guarantees.


  • 过去几年印证大家猜测——新兴国家强势崛起本世纪的焦点。

    The past few years have reinforced the suspicion of many that the story of the century will be the inexorable rise of emerging economies.


  • 发达国家市场中,诺基亚RIM苹果公司这样生产高品质手机制造商都拥有自己强势品牌极为忠实客户群

    In developed markets, makers of elaborate handsets such as Nokia, RIM and Apple have strong brands and fiercely loyal customers.


  • 埃及的穆巴拉克,突尼斯阿里以及叙利亚的阿萨德都凭借强势的世俗主义支持建立起粗暴的(同时也是极度不自由的)警察国家

    Egypt’s Mubarak, Tunisia’s Ben Ali, and Syria’s Assad built brutal (and deeply illiberal) police states with strong secularist support.


  • 即使是强势国家也尤其虚弱的一面。

    But even stalwarts are looking weaker.


  • 处于经济弱势地位国际消费者只能选择最有利于保护自己利益国家法律抗衡侵权的“强势商人

    International consumer who is in weak economic status has to select the law that could protect his own benefits for against the stronger economic traders.


  • 福特汽车公司计划家族成员小型车主力中国其他亚洲国家市场展开强势扩张

    Ford Motor plans to use its new family of small cars as the centrepiece of an aggressive expansion in China and other parts of Asia.


  • 目前经济增长商品价格强势也许反映澳元汇率中,全球各地投资者越来越多地关注国家经常项目赤字不平衡因素

    But economic growth and the strength of commodity prices are probably priced in by now, while investors around the world are focusing more on imbalances such as national current account deficits.


  • 二里头文化作为东亚地区首次出现的强势核心文化,多数学者相信中原地区至此迈入了真正国家阶段

    Erlitou culture as the first strong central culture, most of scholars believe that the central plains area had come into the phase of true state.


  • 事实上,与世界其他国家相比,美国很多方面处于强势地位。

    In fact, by most measures America has rarely been stronger relative to the rest of the world.


  • 美元过去强势主因大多数投资者认为在近几年内,相对与其他富裕国家美国经济整体表现十分出众。

    The main reason for the dollar's strength has been the widespread belief that the American economy vastly outperformed the world's other rich country economies in recent years.


  • 显然瑞士相对欧元较为强势因为每个欧洲国家银行汇入瑞士

    Obviously, the Swiss is strengthening against the euro as anyone who is able is moving their money into Switzerland and out of assorted European countries and Banks.


  • 强势货币通过降低进口产品价格增加购买能力并且能支持服务业这样倾向劳动密集性非贸易企业。

    A stronger currency would, by reducing the price of imports, increase Chinese households' purchasing power and favour non-traded businesses such as services, which tend to be labour-intensive.


  • 你们有限的意识组成体系实相基于金钱权力国家也是富人强势这种错误的共生关系必须马上结束

    Your limited-conscious kingdom is governed at money and power, ensuring that the state is married to the whims of the millionaire. This symbiotic relationship immediately requires a rapid end.


  • 你们有限的意识组成体系实相基于金钱权力国家也是富人强势这种错误的共生关系必须马上结束

    Your limited-conscious kingdom is governed at money and power, ensuring that the state is married to the whims of the millionaire. This symbiotic relationship immediately requires a rapid end.


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