• 首先采用刚体模型建立弹性位移缩小机构理论模型;

    First, the analytical model of the compliant mechanism for motion reduction was founded using the rigid-body model theorem.


  • 弹性位移估计结构侧向最大弹性位移有效方法

    The inelastic displacement ratio spectra is an effective way to estimate the maximum lateral inelastic displacement of structures.


  • 采用散斑照相方法带有圆孔的粘弹性位移进行了试验测定

    The method of speckle photo is used to measure experimentally the displacement field of the viscoelastic model.


  • 通过考虑单元间边界条件可以得到姿态动力学的解析模型由此可以获得扰动姿态角附件弹性位移之间传递特性

    Boundary conditions are used to assemble the global system model, and transfer properties from external disturbance or attitude to elastic deflection of appendages are obtained.


  • 本文根据过程基本原理,导出了以边界元法为基础的弹性位移分析公式将其与以有限元法为基础的基本公式作了比较

    The back analysis formulas of viscoelastic displacements are derived from BEM according to the fundamental principle of inverse process, and it is compared with FEM ba formulas.


  • 如果结构弹性,那么加载卸载位移曲线遵循相同的迹线。

    If the structure is elastic the force-displacement curve follows the same path on loading and unloading.


  • 测试选取适当模型应用弹性力学理论推导出微小位移焊接残余应力关系式

    On the basis of model selection from the pieces tested and according to elastic mechanics, the relation between minute displacement and welding residual stress is deduced.


  • 采用土分析法,计算分析荷载周期内弹性路基内各研究节点位移竖向应力、桩土应力瞬态响应

    Then, transient response of vertical displacement, vertical stress and pile-soil stress ratio of some nodes in the elastic subgrade are computed in one single load cycle.


  • 将此法应用于弹性有限位移理论除了得到前人得到的变分函外,得到了一对泛函—狭义泛函。

    Using this method in finite displacement theory of elasticity, we found not only variational functionals obtained by predecessors but also a pair of new functionals-narrow functionals.


  • 对于标准线性固体由于弹性滞后效应虽然位移分量时间而增长但它趋于某一极限值

    For standard linear solids, because of the effects of retarded elasticity, although the displacement components will also increase with time, they will tend to their limit values.


  • 电波发生器以上压电驱动器弹性铰链位移放大机构组合而成。

    Piezoelectric wave generator contains more than eight groups of piezoelectric actuators and displacement amplifiers with flexible hinges.


  • 有关资料表明采用这种地基模型计算地基刚度矩阵,所获内力位移结果好的符合弹性解答的基本规律

    Some documents show that the proposed method in calculating stiffness matrix is satisfied in solving the displacements and internal forces of plate by elastic theory.


  • 本文给出弹性变形时应变位移之间精确关系。

    This paper gives the exact relations between strains and displacements for large deformation of elastic thin shells.


  • 位移检测方法用于弹性元件刚度测量仪采用激光干涉仪进行标定。

    We applied this method to the stiffness measurement of flexible parts, and located the displacement with the help of laser interferometer.


  • 本文首先导出圆形分布荷载作用下层状弹性体系应力位移计算一般性公式

    The general formulae for the analysis of stresses and displacements in an elastic layered systems subjected to external loads are derived in this paper.


  • 提出三种计算结构位移补充方法第一振型弹性分析法推算平面法。

    Three additional displacement ratio calculating methods, i. e., the first mode method, elastic time history analysis method and calculating plane end displacement method, are suggested.


  • 简化弹性研究了位移应力不同类型中的传播特性

    The pile is simplifyed as an one dimensional elastic rod. The propagating characters of strain wave and displacement wave in different piles are studied.


  • 采用时程分析法分析了该组合结构地震作用弹性地震响应在罕遇地震作用弹塑性位移响应。

    The elastic response of structure under frequent seismic actions and the elastoplastic response under infrequent seismic actions are calculated by the method of time-history.


  • 对应每型下推覆分析目标位移采用弹性能力方法来计算。

    The target displacement of each mode pushover analysis can be obtained by inelastic spectrum.


  • 杨氏弹性模量E反射式位移传感器传统杠杆测量进行比较,得出无论操作方面还是数据精确度方面都说明了光纤传感器法大大优于光杠杆法。

    As comparing with adopting traditional optical lever method to measure Young 's modulus of elasticity E. Using optical sensor is much better in both operation and data precision.


  • 本文相似理论推导线弹性自重体积力作用原型模型位移关系式

    The relation between displacement of prototype and that of model if derived for the linear elastic body at its body force condition of self-weight based on the similarity theory.


  • 根据界面位移应力连续条件确定未知弹性模式系数

    The unknown mode coefficients of elastic waves are determined by means of the continuous conditions of displacement and stress on the boundary of the interfaces.


  • 求出弹性地基板的地基反力,全部位移应力分量

    The foundation reaction, all the displacements and stress components can obtained.


  • 本文利用互相配合弹性体配合表面上位移连续条件等值条件建立了计算过盈应力有限元模型

    In this paper, the finite element model for calculating interference fit stress is formed by using displacement continuous condition and equal value of force condition on the fitting faces.


  • 文中讨论弹性常数取用误差位移分析计算成果影响地下厂房稳定性研究等问题。

    This paper also discusses the influence on the results of back analysis due to the error of fetched value of elasticity constant and the stability study of underground powerhouse.


  • 有限单元建立了可考虑接缝地基脱空弹性地基位移计算模型

    A numerical model calculating displacement of jointed slab on void foundation is established with finite element method.


  • 应用弹塑性力学岩石力学理论,详细讨论了弹性岩石应力位移

    The stress and displacement of wellbore with viscoelastic rock are discussed in detail by using viscoelastic-plasticity mechanics and rock mechanics theory.


  • 直接线性弹性基本方程着手引进位移一般表达式,将问题归结求解一个线性积分方程

    From the basic equations of a linear viscoelastic solid, we introduce general expressions of displacement so that the problem is reduced to solving a linear integral equation.


  • 对于线弹性裂纹应力常数时,各分量均是时间相依材料流变常数函数。

    For linear viscoelastic cracked bodies, when the applied stresses are constant, the displacement components are time dependent and are functions of rheological constants of materials.


  • 对于线弹性裂纹应力常数时,各分量均是时间相依材料流变常数函数。

    For linear viscoelastic cracked bodies, when the applied stresses are constant, the displacement components are time dependent and are functions of rheological constants of materials.


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