• 一做法最初只是针对一些残障弱势人群

    This approach was initially meant for the disabled and vulnerable groups.


  • 改善弱势人群病例发现方面哪些工作

    Q: What work is being done to improve case detection in vulnerable populations?


  • 歧视使得很多弱势人群羞于要求他人帮助预防控制艾滋病

    Stigma has discouraged many vulnerable people from asking for help in preventing and managing the disease.


  • 项目成功弱势人群失业率控制在平均失业率以下。

    She says the program has succeeded in bringing the unemployment rate of the disadvantaged up to the average unemployment rate.


  • 经济学说应该代表公正诚信平等促进所有包括弱势人群福祉

    Instead, they should stand for justice and integrity, and contribute in an equal way to the well-being of all people, including the most vulnerable ones.


  • 世行本身正在通过支持针对弱势人群粮食现金计划、以工代赈计划等方式提供援助。

    For its part, the Bank is assisting by backing feeding and cash programs for vulnerable people and public work for food programs.


  • 经济学说应该代表公正诚信平等地促进所有包括弱势人群福祉

    Economics should be representative of the impartiality and integrity and equal promotion of all people, including the well-being of the most vulnerable populations.


  • 也是首要目标基础优良卫生保健的效益推广贫穷弱势人群中。

    That, too, was the foundation for an overriding objective: to extend the advantages of good health care to poor and marginalized populations.


  • 需求评估他们特别关注残疾人妇女体弱多病弱势人群的需求。

    During the evaluation of those needs, they also paid special attention to such disadvantaged groups as the disabled, women, and the physically weak ones.


  • 扩大改进最低生活保障(低保)制度保护弱势人群实现一目标的重要途径。

    This can be done largely by expanding and improving the minimum living allowance (dibao) system to protect the extreme poor and vulnerable.


  • Upendo弱势人群团体成员结核病痊愈者,他们支持照护自己社区中的结核病患者

    Members of the Upendo Disadvantaged Group - all of whom have been cured of TB - support and care for TB patients in their community.


  • 秘鲁总人口包括土著人群在内很多弱势人群,均居住安第斯席尔瓦地区偏远地方

    Many of the most vulnerable segments of the Peruvian population, including indigenous peoples, live in remote places in the Andes or Selva regions.


  • 这些国家虽然呈现出欣欣向荣的态势,但是其中还有许多极端贫穷弱势人群还有少量富有人群

    Inside these nations there will be mass prosperity, but with a large minority in serious poverty, and a small number who are very rich.


  • 这种方式解决了一时之需,使得人们之间更多往来一做法最初只是针对一些残障弱势人群

    By this way, people can not only solve their own problems but also have more contact with others. This approach was initially meant for the disabled and vulnerable groups.


  • 针对社会弱势人群开展道路安全教育旨在人群知识态度行为进行干预从而降低道路伤害的发生率。

    Road safety education focused on vulnerable populations in the society were mainly aimed at intervention of knowledge, attitudes and behaviors.


  • 针对社会弱势人群开展道路安全教育旨在人群知识态度行为进行干预从而降低道路伤害的发生率

    Road safety education focused on vulnerable populations in the society were mainly aimed at intervention of knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. Therefore, incidence of road traffic would be decreased.


  • 使用针对生活高风险地区弱势人群开展免疫接种并不应对提供控制预防霍乱流行其他干预措施造成影响。

    When used, vaccination should target vulnerable populations living in high risk areas and should not disrupt the provision of other interventions to control or prevent cholera epidemics.


  • 性的少数人群弱势人群我们通常无法听到他们声音主流社会代替他们发声他们如何”。

    Of a small number of people, vulnerable people, we often can not hear their voices in the mainstream of society instead of their voice, said how they are "sick."


  • 我们需要强大的IDA第17轮增资满足这些大胆计划贫困弱势人群打开一个充满机遇的世界

    We need a strong IDA 17 replenishment in order to fulfill these bold plans that will open up a world of opportunity for the poor and vulnerable.


  • 特别重点为普及到弱势难以接触到的人群

    There is a special focus on reaching vulnerable or hard-to-reach population groups.


  • 又说,提供目标4 -5个月达到人群2%,开始卫生工作者随后其他弱势群体

    The deliveries should target about two percent of the population there over the next four or five months, beginning with health workers and followed by other vulnerable groups, she added.


  • 我们所有地方合作伙伴结核病方面开展工作,另外,我们不要忘记处处弱势群体高危人群,就富裕国家同样贫穷群体一样。

    We have partners working everywhere in TB and let us not forget that there are vulnerable and at-risk populations everywhere - as we have pockets of poverty in rich countries too.


  • 由于慢性非传染性疾病负担逐渐富裕人群转向贫困弱势群体需求随之增长。

    Demands are rising as chronic noncommunicable diseases shift their burden from wealthy populations to the poor and disadvantaged.


  • 行人整个交通体系处于弱势地位交通事故中最容易受到伤害人群数据显示行人在交通事故中的伤亡人数居高不下

    Pedestrians are in the most disadvantaged position in the traffic system, and they are the most vulnerable groups. Data shows that pedestrian casualties in traffic accidents is in the high.


  • 社会弱势群体同一社会经济文化体能智能处境发展潜力等方面处于相对不利地位的特殊人群

    The social weak group is a special group that lies in a relatively disadvantageous situation on economy, culture, physique, intelligence, circumstance, etc. in the same society.


  • 弱势群体社会生活中处于弱势地位的人群的总称。

    The vulnerable group refers to those who are in the disadvantaged condition in social life.


  • 我们发现弱势群体教育人群健康情况比较糟糕并且证实比重严重的睡眠问题

    What we find is that disadvantaged populations or lower-education populations have worse health outcomes and it turns out they have worse sleep problems.


  • 旅游景观规划设计应该关注残疾人老人弱势群体在内更广泛人群旅游的需求

    The planning and design of tourist landscape should consider the demands of people in all social groups, especially those who are aged or handicapped.


  • 旅游景观规划设计应该关注残疾人老人弱势群体在内更广泛人群旅游的需求

    The planning and design of tourist landscape should consider the demands of people in all social groups, especially those who are aged or handicapped.


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