• 村民,刘快简陋工厂已经破产这些工厂里,油漆混合在露天里,仓库烟雾

    The villagers say some of Liukuaizhuang's bare bones factories, where paint is mixed in open drums in fume-filled warehouses, have already gone bust.


  • 2006年,山中伸对古尔研究成果进行了进步研究,证明个人皮肤样本可以用来制造干细胞

    In 2006, Gurdon's work was developed by Yamanaka to show that a sample of a person's skin can be used to create stem cells.


  • 因为合同已经终止不得不帐篷里过夜这份工作依据安全性来讲危险的,可以

    Because his contract had been terminated, Samuel had to move to a tent to stay over. The job was dangerous in terms of security, but he could earn some money.


  • 保持敞开,就约书亚,赛亚,库图湿婆样。

    And I will hold the door open for you, as will Yeshua, Maitreya, Kuthumi, and Shiva.


  • 他用开玩笑的口气阿耳德墨耳①,还叫她其他幻想中的名字,但是苔丝喜欢因为听不

    He called her Artemis, Demeter, and other fanciful names half teasingly, which she did not like because she did not understand them.


  • 先知告诉远征军统帅门农,牺牲自己女儿伊菲革涅亚,她献给阿耳特斯。

    A prophet told the commander of the expedition, Agamemnon, that he had to offer his daughter Iphigenia as a sacrifice to Artemis.


  • 据说后来得到了雕像到了自己领地。木像神火保存在这块土地上。

    Later it was said that Aeneas got hold of it and carried it with him to his new land, where it was preserved together with the goddess "fire."


  • 最好作品,《相:勉强塞亚冒险》,讲述现代救世主他的信徒开始对他期望太高之后辞职故事

    One of his finest works, Illusions: the Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, tells the story of a modern-day saviour who resigns his position when his believers start to expect too much of him.


  • 维也纳国际原子能机构召开会议上表示,核查人员的公正性充分信心

    Amano told a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna that he has full confidence in the inspectors' impartiality.


  • 肉果,也叫做木苹果,也叫加锡罗果南美当地常青树果实,并且引入包括西非东南亚在内的许多地区

    Mammee Apple, Mamey Apple or Santo Domingo Apricot is an evergreen tree, native to South America, which was introduced to various other regions of the world including West Africa and South East Asia.


  • 普通大学生

    Samuel was an ordinary university student.


  • 国际原子能机构总干事天野之,伊朗“没有提供必要合作”,叙利亚没有该机构2008年中就提出的些疑问做出答复。

    The head of the International Atomic Energy agency, Yukiya Amano, says Iran is "not providing the necessary cooperation" and that Syria has not responded to agency queries since mid-2008.


  • 方面,发烧友依然坚持传动式唱片,这种唱片播放时颤音更少并且更高音频质量- - -跟磁带历久新。

    Audiophiles, on the other hand, stick to belt-driven models which produce less vibration when spinning and maintain higher audio qualitythey've also been around as long as direct-drive models.


  • 本月动员讲话中,平卡斯新来者宣告已经着手打造快乐同义历久互联网图腾

    In a pep talk this month, Mr.Pincus told his company's newcomers that he had set out to build an enduring Internet icon, one that was synonymous with fun.


  • 本月动员讲话中,平卡斯新来者宣告已经着手打造快乐同义、历久新的互联网图腾

    In a pep talk this month, Mr. Pincus told his company's newcomers that he had set out to build an enduring Internet icon, one that was synonymous with fun.


  • 稀土问题上存在冷静的思考,但是自从稀土以来,这些冷思考忽视

    Cooler heads have weighed in on rare earths, but since the frenzy began they've largely been ignored.


  • 会议上表示,叙利亚仍然拒绝讨论有关指称,说过去建造没有宣布的反应堆,以此用来生产炸弹材料

    Amano also told the meeting that Syria still refuses to discuss allegations it had been building an undeclared nuclear reactor intended to produce bomb material.


  • 日前,2004年戛纳电影节上被全世界所熟知的日本演员柳乐宣布即将与与名日英混血的模特结婚

    Actor Yagira Yuya, who gained worldwide fame at the Cannes Film Festival in 2004, is engaged to marry a Japanese-British model.


  • 有时身边月亮阿尔忒象征

    Sometimes she was also shown with a crescent moon near her. The moon is the symbol of Artemis.


  • 原子能机构总干事星期会议开始时,就岛核灾难事,提出了最新的进展报告。

    IAEA chief Yukio Amano gave an update on the Fukushima disaster as he opened the meeting on Monday.


  • 佳酿历久香,现在批古研究者们能医学史(某个片段)。

    A fine wine gets better with age, and the remains of an ancient wine have given researchers a glimpse into the history of medicine.


  • 星期伊朗禁止名有经验核查人员入境之后做出上述表示的。

    Yukiya Amano spoke Monday after Iran barred two experienced nuclear inspectors from the country.


  • 比如最近买了Giambattista Valli外套,衣服的肩部很有形,她认为这种新的样子历久新的潜力。

    For instance, she recently bought a Giambattista Valli jacket with a more - structured shoulder, a new look that she thinks will have some staying power.


  • 比如最近买了Giambattista Valli外套,衣服的肩部很有形,她认为这种新的样子历久新的潜力。

    For instance, she recently bought a Giambattista Valli jacket with a more-structured shoulder, a new look that she thinks will have some staying power.


  • 下午5-探索位于尖沙文化熔炉重庆大厦,这里也是王家卫部影片《重庆森林》拍摄地。

    5 p.m. - Explore the cultural melting pot of Chungking Mansions on Tsim Sha Tsui's Nathan Road, the setting for another Wong Kar-wai movie, "Chungking Express".


  • 在奥威尔传世之作出版六十,《1984》的描述依旧水晶般,历久新,引人注目。

    Sixty years after the publication of Orwell's masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four, that crystal first line sounds as natural and compelling as ever.


  • 达斯山大女神姓名不详英雄儿子马其顿勃洛恩的寻欢作乐国王

    Midasson of the GREat goddess of ida,by a hero whosename is not remembered ,was a pleasureloving king of macedonian bromium,where he ruled over the brigians and planted his famous rose gardens.


  • 离开船队发现标志

    You can spot this symbol among the fleet leaving Meereen.


  • 离开船队发现标志

    You can spot this symbol among the fleet leaving Meereen.


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