• 威尔森·华盛顿的住所里(有着一巨大银制手铐冰箱里Dom perignon香槟酒)可以看到硫磺海军陆战纪念碑

    His flat in Washington (with giant bed, silver handcuffs and Dom perignon in the fridge) looked down on the Iwo Jima Marine Memorial.


  • 本届世界杯上,美国被出示最多红牌最少黄牌,分别

    The United States tied for the most red cards in this tournament with two - and the least yellow, with five.


  • 其中格利球场的,吉姆男友一起“小熊加油”的牌子

    One of the pictures was taken at Wrigley Field, where Jim stands with his boyfriend in front of a "Go Cubs" sign.


  • 美国北达科他州法哥的第一社区银行,某男人在排轮到办理业务时将勒索便条递给柜员,柜员如数给了他现金后

    After waiting on line at the Community First Bank in Fargo, North Dakota a man wrote out a ransom note and handed it to the teller. The teller gave him the money and he ran out the door.


  • 雇佣专业人员购物中心或者公共广场支起折叠文件置于桌上,然后桌子附近游荡路人搭讪。

    A group of paid professionals put the paperwork on a folding table in a mall or public plaza and then roam around the table, approaching passers-by.


  • 媒体刊发照片显示澳大利亚训练被阻塞一望无际海藻中。

    Photographs in the Australian news media showed an Australian team seemingly stuck in a carpet of algae during a training run.


  • 国家地理学会一份报告中,马克了一遇到巡逻照片

    In Mark Owens's National Geographic Society presentation, he displayed a photograph of the scouts he met.


  • 在路上开始嘲笑同车两名球迷,因为他们只有火车票。

    They start making fun of a couple of Red Sox supporters who only have one ticket between the two of them.


  • 那个星期,《体育画报》封面刊登了身穿野猪训练的照片。杂志内的一篇文章刊登了我手篮球照片。

    That week Sports Illustrated had me on the cover in a Razorback jogging suit; the article inside included a picture of me palming a basketball.


  • 慷慨来访者给拍的快照件“自由碗”牌T恤衫,一条裤子,一顶明尼苏达双城棒球帽—就是全部家当。

    His only possessions were a snapshot of himself taken by a generous visitor, a Liberty Bowl T-shirt, trousers, and a Minnesota Twins baseball cap.


  • 有些女孩试图跳到毛毯上,却撕碎了消防的毛毯。

    Fire Department blankets were ripped when multiple girls tried to jump into the same blanket.


  • 不期而至的邀请(例如“刚刚有两纽约尼克斯的球票放在桌上了,想不想去看?”)

    Spontaneous invitations as in "Two tickets to the Knicks game tonight just landed on my desk."


  • 15之后搜索加拿大北极地区威廉发现罐里的罐顶上还压着石头

    Almost 15 years later, a search party found a single sheet of paper left in a tin can covered by stones on King William Island in the Canadian Arctic.


  • 玉芬丈夫因为二奶抛弃了,她成立一个“对抗二奶游击”,成员都有和她一样的境遇。

    Zhang Yu fen-a wife who was dumped by her husband for a mistress-formed a "guerilla squad for attacking mistresses" made up of similarly dumped wives.


  • 回程时候,扬基球迷决定如法炮制,两人买了车票。

    On the return journey the Yankees fans decide to pull the same trick and purchase only one ticket for the two of them.


  • 中国孙琳琳王蒙会、周阳得知夺冠后陷入喜悦之中。

    China's team of Sun Linlin, Wang Meng, Zhang Hui and Zhou Yang leaped in joy when they were announced as Olympic champions.


  • 盒子里面吉姆.哈亲笔签名照片,下个金莺主场迎战道奇比赛的入场券。

    Inside the box was an autographed picture of Jim Hardin and 2 tickets to an Orioles vs. Dodgers game next month.


  • 芝加哥黑鹰边锋StuGrimson解释为什么衣柜上贴自己的彩色照片:“这样的话忘记名字怎么拼写时,我还是可以找到自己衣服。”

    Stu Grimson, Chicago Blackhawks left wing, explaining why he keeps a color photo of himself above his locker: "That's so when I forget how to spell my name, I can still find my @#%#%@ clothes."


  • Terry周日下午比赛中以良好的表现回应,是役CarloAncelotti率领的切尔西在主场2:0战胜斯托克城,获得了一足总杯赛半决赛的门票。

    Terry provided the perfect response to an afternoon on Sunday as Carlo Ancelotti's side booked an FA Cup semi-final spot with a 2-0 win over Stoke at Stamford Bridge.


  • NBA球星沙奎尔·奥尼尔(Shaquilleo' Neal)就获胜者提供了波士顿凯尔特人(Boston Celtics)门票,供观看球主场比赛

    NBA star Shaquille o 'neal added to his package four tickets to the home opener game of his team the Boston Celtics.


  • JSOC助理指挥官、陆战准将MarshallWebb坐在毗邻办公室桌子尾部,他打开自己笔记本

    Brigadier General Marshall Webb an assistant commander of JSOC took a seat at the end of a lacquered table in a small adjoining office and turned on his laptop.


  • 玉芬丈夫因为二奶抛弃了,她成立一个“对抗二奶游击”,成员都有和她一样的境遇。

    Zhang Yu Fena wife who was dumped by her husband for a mistress—formed a “guerilla squad for attacking mistresses” made up of similarly dumped wives.“Unless


  • 美国韩国被出示的黄牌最少,场比赛5黄牌。

    The U.S. and South Korea tied for the fewest yellows, with five each in three games.


  • 今年6月底别动已经开出1,100罚单

    By the end of June this year, the Brigade had already handed out 1, 100 tickets.


  • 喜欢足球吗?这里有雷文斯比赛门票

    Do you like football? I've got an extra ticket to the Ravens game.


  • 真人真事埃及旅行照片上,可以看到,E旅游者正在凝望国王时,依万斯特盯着垃圾堆看,数着可乐罐。

    True story: a photograph from his trip to Egypt shows a group of tourists gazing at the Valley of the Kings — Ivester is staring into the garbage, counting Coke cans.


  • 海鹏深入塔山煤矿公司综采工作面实地了解公司安全生产设备运行现场管理人员配置等情况。

    Winning the line also went Tashan mine mechanized mining companies face two teams on the ground to understand the company's safety, equipment operation, on-site management, staffing and so on.


  • 海鹏深入塔山煤矿公司综采工作面实地了解公司安全生产设备运行现场管理人员配置等情况。

    Winning the line also went Tashan mine mechanized mining companies face two teams on the ground to understand the company's safety, equipment operation, on-site management, staffing and so on.


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