• 持有张艾麦克斯金卡,几乎可以随心所欲地旅行

    With an Amex Gold Card, you can travel almost at will.


  • 研究者之一,来自芝加哥西北大学张艾:“夜晚被明亮蓝光照射三小时,会对饥饿感葡萄糖代谢有着极大的影响。”

    Study co-author Ivy Cheung, of North western University, in Chicago, said: 'A single three-hour exposure to blue-enriched light in the evening acutely impacted hunger and glucose metabolism.


  • 一张唱片献给伍迪·艾伦,她艾伦理解她的痴迷

    She dedicated her first album to Woody Allen, who she says understands her obsession.


  • 艾登:前阵子看了一张对大熊猫进行创作设计的

    Aiden: a while back you showed me a picture you created of a panda bear.


  • 奥斯汀小姐艾登狼人吉尔曼、诺费勒吸血鬼其他恐怖怪物质量相片上,这样人们得到不仅仅是一张纸了。

    Ms Ostein said she prints out Aidan's drawings of Wolfman, Gill-man, Nosferatu the vampire and other scary monsters on quality photo paper so people aren't just getting a piece of paper.


  • 文章上方看到一张面带怒容的黑白照片卡门·艾尔茜拉把它撕下放进自己绿色缎面钱包

    At the top of the article, she saw a peppery black-and-white image of him, which Carmen Elcira tore out and put in her green satin change purse.


  • 艾米丽·波斯特研究所建议一张手写的感谢条不过至于花体字还是印刷字体写无所谓,只要整洁就行了。

    The Emily Post Institute recommends sending a handwritten thank-you but says it doesn't matter whether the note is in cursive or print, as long as it looks tidy.


  • 不是出于私人因素:在对艾伦·格林斯潘担任最后一央行行长的投票中,投下了孤独一张反对票。

    It wasn't personal: he also was the lone vote against Alan Greenspan 's confirmation for his final term leading the central bank.


  • 艾米着的一张、亨利上睡的。

    On the same bed where Amy had been made and Henry had cried.


  • 艾莉第一个寒假过得平淡无奇,开学前一天回到学校时却惊奇发现上贴着一张便条

    Ellie's first winter break was uneventful, and when she returned to her dorm on the day before classes started she was surprised to find a small note taped to her door.


  • 艾伦没有说话只是递上了一张卡片

    Alan, without a word, handed him the card he had been given.


  • 1950年早期丝·奥克金佛罗伦萨遇见斯·艾伦,奥克金主角一张照片,呈送给《论坛报》。

    Ruth Orkin was in Florence in the early 1950s when she met Jinx Allen, whom she asked to be the subject of a picture Ms. Orkin wanted to submit to the Herald Tribune.


  • 在这儿张桌子吧,艾伦,一张主人伊莎贝拉小姐用,他们有门第上等人;一张给希刺克厉夫自己,我们是属于下等阶级的。

    Set two tables here, Ellen: one for your master and Miss Isabella, being gentry; the other for Heathcliff and myself, being of the lower orders.


  • 在众多作品中,也许最为完美雕塑算是艾哈迈德·阿卜杜勒·瓦哈卜创作无名雕塑,对这个作品粗浅的解释,作品表现是一张面对恶魔犄角动物面庞,可以肯定的是,肯定别人给出不同的解释。

    Of these, the finest example may be an untitled statue by Ahmed Abdel Wahab. My interpretation of it was that of an animal face with the horns of a devil, but others may see it differently.


  • 他们一张销量百万唱片傲慢玛丽(1971年)”也是这样,当时跳跃不停娜占尽了艾克风头,而特纳戴着高高的费多拉帽深层的墨镜站在蒂娜的后面,面无表情。

    The same was true of their first million-seller, “Proud Mary” (1971), where the gyrating Tina stole the show from Ike, unsmiling behind her in his high fedora and dark glasses.


  • 天后,卡门·艾尔茜拉父亲彩票的钱机票

    Two days later, after getting lucky on a lottery ticket, Carmen Elcira's father used his winnings to buy her a plane ticket.


  • 写到一张图上艾尔画了两个犹太人在那里庆祝,因为如果世界的末日来临,他们不用还债了[9]。

    In one frame, he writes, Herge drew two Jews rejoicing that if the world ended, they would not have to pay back their creditors.


  • 来自天空是一张3月较小艾雅法拉火山喷发的失真短波红外照片。 这展示了这个被掩盖冰川之下的火山的力量

    FIRE FROM THE SKY: This false-color, short-wavelength infrared image of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano's smaller eruption in March shows the power ofthis glacier-covered volcano.


  • 75分钟演出艾薇儿演唱了张专辑成功最轰动的歌曲,包括Complicated、imWithYouMyHappyEnding

    In the 75 minutes show, Avril ran through some of the biggest hits in her first 3 album including Complicated, I'm With You, My Happy Ending.


  • 艾薇儿2002年首张专辑LetGo》进入乐坛,继续发行4专辑

    Avril broke onto the music scene with her debut album Let Go in 2002 and went on to release 4 albums in 10 years.


  • 艾德温。罗过去一探究竟,看到每个在玩的人手上都张写满了数字

    When Lowe went over to check it out, he saw that each player had a small, square card with numbers.


  • 艾凡机场这里有没有兑换货币的地方?需要兑现一张旅行支票

    Yes. Is there a money changer here at the airport? I need to cash a traveler's check.


  • 位网友又在艾莉一张照片回复了另一张照片,这次仍然是一位年轻女孩,拥有塔娜一样棕色长发笑容

    Someone else responded to the first photo of Ally with another picture, again showing a young woman with the same long brown hair and smile as Santana's.


  • 艾琳需要不是怜悯,而是一张付款支票。

    ERIN: I don't need pity. I need a paycheck.


  • 空中传来轰隆隆的雷声尽管碧空万里无云。艾蒙想,雷尔就这样明目张胆,好像这么巨大的暗影朝着勒斯林城移动不够似的。

    Thunder rumbled overhead, though the sky was cloudless and blue. Ryel, making his presence known, Armon thought, as though the vast black shadow advancing toward Lesslyn were not enough.


  • 艾丽斯因为要有一张完美的嘛。

    Alice: That's coz I am going for perfection!


  • npr新闻艾尔萨·张报道,保罗·凯文·柯蒂斯指控奥巴马至少其他官员邮寄蓖麻

    NPR's Ailsa Chang, reports Paul Kevin Curtis is accused of mailing letters with the poison ricin to Obama and at least two other public officials.


  • npr新闻艾尔萨·张报道,保罗·凯文·柯蒂斯指控奥巴马至少其他官员邮寄蓖麻

    NPR's Ailsa Chang, reports Paul Kevin Curtis is accused of mailing letters with the poison ricin to Obama and at least two other public officials.


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