• yacc允许通过符号引用表达式组成部分

    Yacc allows you to refer to the components of an expression by symbolic names.


  • 因此开发人员应该使用变量引用表达式映射名称可能为 NULL路由决策

    Therefore flow developers should not use routing decisions in which variable reference expressions map onto name columns whose values may be NULL.


  • 如果检索SQLNULL那么不会此类分配任何XPath变量引用表达式

    In the case where a retrieved column has a value of SQL NULL, then no XPath variable reference expression is assigned to such a value.


  • 注意这里一个被选中表达式所有出现地方都替换变量引用选项

    Notice that there is an option to replace all occurrences of the selected expression with references to the new variable.


  • 如果一个度量引用其他度量,那么产生SQL表达式时,不能使用聚合函数嵌套的度量产生SQL表达式

    When generating SQL expressions for measures that reference other measures, the aggregation function might not be used to form the SQL expression for the nested measures.


  • 基于卡片表单中的字段可以表格中的单元格一样引用,可以包含数据可以包含能运行时确定数据的表达式

    The fields in the card-based forms can be referenced like cells in a spreadsheet and can contain either data or an expression that determines the data at run-time.


  • 如果一个绑定表达式引用模型数据不再可用或者组件恢复之前发生了更改,那么组件树的一些部分将被撤销。

    If model data referenced by a value binding expression is no longer available or has changed prior to the component tree being restored, it can result in portions of the tree being dropped.


  • 上面表达式产生前面反向引用同样效果通过使用命名明显便于阅读

    The above expression will create the same effect as the previous back reference example, but by instead using named groups. It is also significantly easier to read.


  • 然后表达式变量引用可以静态绑定本地堆栈框架全局变量的特定上。

    References to variables within an expression can then be statically bound to a particular slot in either the local stack frame or the list of global variables.


  • 除了简化元素嵌入紧凑表达式提供引用重用策略表达式的方法。

    Besides simplifying element nesting, compact expression also provides a way to reference and reuse policy expressions.


  • 对于外部策略表达式引用UR i属性通常提供外部策略真实url

    For external policy expressions, the reference's URI attribute normally gives the actual URL of the external policy.


  • 使用多个反向引用时,正则表达式很快就会变得令人迷惑而且很难理解

    When using multiple back references, a regular expression can quickly become confusing and hard to understand.


  • 第一引用默认表达式全局变量计算一个

    The default expression calculates a value to assign to the global variable the first time it is referenced.


  • 意味着通过引用正则表达式(或者甚至是一代码),变量拒绝设置某些恶意的值完全无意义值的尝试

    This means that a variable may reject attempts to set its value to something malicious or simply nonsensical by referring to a regular expression (or even a piece of code).


  • LIKE谓词一个特性允许使用引用作为模式表达式

    There is also a new feature for the LIKE predicate that makes it possible to use a column reference as pattern expression.


  • 最后我们看到第二个子表达式除了方括号组成引用运算符外,还有一个加号

    Finally, we get the second child subexpression, which other than the "don't refer" operator consists of some stuff in square brackets, and a plus sign.


  • 这个特殊例子中方法引用lambda表达式清晰地表达我们意图它们概念一样的。

    In this particular example, a method reference is a clearer expression of what we mean than a lambda expression, but the idea is the same.


  • 我们给出度量产生SQL表达式示例这个度量没有引用其他任何度量

    Let's first start with an example of generating the SQL expression for a measure that does not reference any other measures.


  • 可以通过实例文档填充表单,实例文档是从表单元素XPath表达式引用的。

    You can populate the form through an instance document, which you reference from XPath expressions on the form elements.


  • Spring附带一个变量解析器实现允许JSF表达式引用 Spring托管Bean

    Spring comes with a variable resolver implementation class that lets you reference Spring managed beans in JSF expressions.


  • 节点指定条件可以使用ESQL引用XPath表达式

    The condition specified in the node can use an ESQL reference or XPath expression.


  • 重要一点XPath表达式只能引用名称空间前缀限定元素属性

    Foremost among them is that XPath expressions can only reference namespace-qualified element and attribute names by the use of namespace prefixes.


  • 最后触发器setvalue操作引用index属性中的相同value元素,index属性可以使用XPath表达式

    Finally, the setvalue action tied to the trigger references that same value element in its index attribute, which can take an XPath expression.


  • 对于DatabaseRoute节点始终结果第一中的指定引用用于这些xpath路由表达式

    For the DatabaseRoute node it is always the named column values located in the first row within the result set that are referenced and acted upon in these XPath routing expressions.


  • 比方说表达式中的变量引用导致错误即使元素确实位于变量有效模板

    For example, a variable reference in the expression results in an error even though the element is positioned in a template where the variable is in scope. Some key differences are.


  • 第一个“非引用表达式表示“查找类似httpftp或其它值的字符串”。

    The first of these "non-reference" child subexpressions just says "match something that looks like HTTP or that looks like FTP or...".


  • X Forms表单元素使用数据模型引用实际上XPath表达式因此可用XPath表达式引用模型中的任何元素

    The data model references used by the XForms form elements are actually XPath expressions, so you can use them to refer to any element in the model.


  • 说明函数必须一个涉及比较操作并且引用索引扩展hash _ index的搜索方法equals表达式使用

    It says that the function must be used in an expression involving the comparison operation and that the search method "equals" of the index extension hash_index is referred to.


  • 两个XPath表达式节点引用com . icl . saxon . expr . Expression对象表示

    The two XPath expressions are represented by com.icl.saxon.expr.Expression objects referenced from the nodes of the tree.


  • 内部以及lambda表达式一个局限性——它们引用来自它们词法作用域最终(final)局部变量

    One limitation of inner classes - and lambda expressions too - is that they can only refer to final local variables from their lexical scope.


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