• 求解引导中心漂移以及产生电流

    The shift of the guiding center and the dipole current are worked out.


  • 四个方程中,引导中心空间连续方程基本方程,刘维定理则是核心。

    Of the four equations the basic equation is the continuum equation of phase space for the guiding center which has its root in the Liouville's theorem.


  • 本文导出引导中心四个动力学方程推广相对论形式讨论了这些方程之间联系及其空间物理中的应用

    In this paper four dynamic equations of guiding center are derived and generalized to the relativistic form. Relations between these equations and their applications to space physics are discussed.


  • 产品信息中心回答许多问题然后引导使用产品包括工具解决问题

    Product Information Centers answer many questions, then lead you into using the tools included in the product for resolving problems.


  • 引导第一启动欢迎中心会看到如图3所示许可协议(包括文本图形模式)。

    When you start the Welcome Center for the first time after boot, you see the license agreement shown in Figure 3 (text and graphical modes are both shown).


  • 只有3%调查对象属于“自我管理型”,每个员工都核心原则价值”所引导,这套原则和价值激励每个员工以公司使命为中心调整自身行为。

    Only 3% fell into the category of "self-governance", in which everyone is guided by a "set of core principles and values that inspire everyone to align around a company's mission".


  • 自从四川地震以来,国家引导救援以及中国民众源源不断慈善成为舞台中心

    But since the earthquake in Sichuan, the immense state-led rescue effort and the outpouring of charity from the Chinese people has taken center stage.


  • 西北大学法律学院错误定罪中心主任史蒂芬·德利岑,对于嫌疑人思想引导重要性不能低估

    Steven A. Drizin, the director of the Center on Wrongful Convictions at the Northwestern University School of Law, said the significance of contamination could not be understated.


  • 结果个人计算机不再技术领域中心今天可能只是引导用户众多设备之一

    As a result, the PC is no longer centre of the technological universe; today it is more likely to be just one of many devices orbiting the user.


  • 这些中心它们国家区域建议引导这一系统

    These centres will also channel their national or regional proposals to the system.


  • 夫妻门将全国医疗服务中心得到免费婚姻引导心理咨询服务此举招致来自病人医生群体强烈谴责。

    Couples are to be offered marriage guidance counselling for free on the NHS, in a move which has drawn strong condemnation from patients and doctors' groups.


  • 拘留中心灯光引导直升机降落

    The lights from the facility guide the helicopter.


  • 所以需要好的酒店引导可以修改计划的优质商务中心

    So you need a good concierge, you need a good business center that you can make changes well. The concierge will take your business call.


  • 对于星系超过临界大小星系,超过一亿太阳质量尘埃可以仅仅十万年内引导中心中心产生高密度的尘埃云。

    For galaxies above a critical size, more than 100 million solar masses of dust can be channelled towards the centre within just 100, 000 years, creating a dense cloud in the centre.


  • 格伦·爱德华兹艺术中心传统办法引导埃里克一个松散的,印象主义风格

    Glen Edwards from Art Center, also with a traditional approach, guided Eric in a loose, impressionistic style.


  • 他们跟踪大鱼通过渗透受害者电脑利用他们高速宽带连接引导他们进入botnet网络控制中心

    They follow the big fish, looking to infiltrate victims' machines to take advantage of their high-speed broadband connection and herd them into a botnet attack force.


  • 后者中心圆柱形沟槽这样能生成整体在钻孔作业过程引导钻头。

    The latter has a cylindrical groove at its center, thus generating a solid core, which guides the tool as it proceeds during the drilling operation.


  • 装置引导套管居于中心减少下套管过程套管撞击眼内突起的岩石井眼冲刷的地方。

    The device guides the casing toward the center of the hole and minimizes problems associated with hitting rock ledges or washouts in the wellbore as the casing is lowered into the well.


  • 每个应该配置中心边缘引导确保可更换阀座密封和最小的局部磨损

    Each check valve shall be both center and edge-guided to ensure repeatable seating and minimize localized wear.


  • 当下套管时,浮同样能够引导套管中心减少套管对岩石突起或者井眼冲刷撞击

    The float shoe also guides the casing toward the center of the hole to minimize hitting rock ledges or washouts as the casing is run into the wellbore.


  • 这里展示如何构图使用一系列弧线观众引导画面视觉中心

    Here I wanted to show how you can use a series of large sweeping curves in your composition to lead your viewer's eye to the main area of interest.


  • 克利夫兰临床医疗中心联手谷歌引导一种新的健康提议特征服务

    Cleveland Clinic is collaborating with Google to pilot features and services of a new health offering.


  • 一个导线中心引导基于IGBT开关输入端。

    From the center there is one line leading to the input of IGBT-based switch.


  • 我们现在知道是,金融公司巨额资金引导无法售出的住房空空如也购物中心建设方面

    Financial firms we now know directed vast quantities of capital into the construction of unsellable houses and empty shopping malls.


  • 这种阀门应该配置模块化回阀总成其阀杆中心引导

    Valve shall feature modular check assemblies with center stem guiding.


  • 我国未来必将北京建设成为引导特色产业群产业链集成中心

    Beijing will be built into as an integrated industrial chain, industrial clusters and centers.


  • 人本主义疗法特点强调主体性,引导来访者面向未来来访者中心主要是以意识情绪体验方式起作用

    Feature of humanistic therapy was focusing on human, inducing visitors facing future, taking visitors as center, and mainly playing role in emotional experience of awareness.


  • 人本主义疗法特点强调主体性,引导来访者面向未来来访者中心主要是以意识情绪体验方式起作用

    Feature of humanistic therapy was focusing on human, inducing visitors facing future, taking visitors as center, and mainly playing role in emotional experience of awareness.


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