• 方法主动监测发现STD病人进行问卷式调查

    Methods a questionnaire survey was conducted among STD patients identified by active surveillance.


  • 调查方法包括调查问卷为相关情况问题式调查

    The methods of investigation include: Questionnaire associated with general conditions;


  • 方法采用问卷调查140名飞行员背痛流行情况

    Methods An epidemiological investigation was performed in 140 pilots by using a back pain questionnaire made by the authors.


  • 方法江西省98家医院182名病案工作人员进行问卷式调查

    Methods Questionnaires were distributed to 182 medical record management workers in 98 hospitals of Jiangxi Province.


  • 方法对241例孕妇在孕期产后进行问卷式调查分娩时测量产后出血量

    Methods 241 pregnant women were surveyed prospectively by questionnaire before and after labor and the amount of bleeding during labor was measured.


  • 方法采用中华医学会老年分会流行病学组推荐统一调查问卷调查进行查体

    Methods: the unified questionnaire recommended by the elderly branch of Chinese Medical Union was adopted in making a questionnaire survey and doing physical examinations.


  • 参与者完成了一项访谈调查其中包含了所有吸烟以及健康生活方变量有关的问题。

    Participants completed an interviewer-administered survey that contained items on all forms of tobacco use and on health and lifestyle variables.


  • 方法采用家庭环境量表家庭功能量表78名海洛因依赖者问卷式调查,并71名正常人比较

    Methods: The Family Environment Scale and The Family Function Scale were adopted in 78 families with a heroin addict compared with 71 control families without heroin addict.


  • 选取河南省登封为示范县,新密县对照县。 采用封闭式调查问卷对两县分别进行基线终线调查

    We selected Defeng County of Henan province as the demonstrated group, and Xinmi County as the control group.


  • 派遣数以千计侦察机器人银河系中进行地毯式调查终于找到冰雪行星霍斯上的反抗军基地

    Through the use of thousands of probe droids dispatched to comb the galaxy, Vader eventually located the new Rebel base on the ice planet Hoth.


  • 方法采用整群抽样SF -36量表杭州市4血透中心的181例血透患者进行评量表式调查

    Methods: By a cluster sampling procedure, 181 hemodialysis patients from 4 hemodialysis centers in Hangzhou completed the SF 36 Scales with self administration.


  • 许多企业都通过内容广泛测试了解申请人的技能智商个性以及诚信度而且采用谷歌类似自传调查雇主增加

    Employers use a wide range of tests meant to assess skills, intelligence, personality and honesty. And the use of biographical surveys similar to Google's new system is on the rise.


  • 他们年轻委托瑜伽杂志》一份2008年交互调查问卷显示瑜伽练习者中的40.6%年龄段1834岁。

    They're young: 40.6% of those who do yoga are between 18 and 34, according to a 2008 Harris Interactive poll commissioned by Yoga Journal.


  • 方法采用问卷式调查法,对高血压患者健康教育前后进行药物治疗依从性调查,健康教育前进行对疾病相关知识认知程度的调查

    Methods a questionnaire investigation was conducted of drug therapy compliance and knowledge about the disease in hypertensive patients before and after health education.


  • 方法采用自制“大、中专学生交友心理调查问卷”,对温州医学院300名中专医学生200名本科医学生交友心理进行问卷式调查

    Methods About 300 secondary specialized medical students and 200 college students in Wenzhou Medicin college were surveyed using making friends questionnaire of self-devised.


  • 经过彻底调查许多专家现在认为条轨迹条普通的喷气飞机尾迹

    After a thorough investigation, many experts now believe that the streak was a run-of-the-mill jet aircraft contrail.


  • 这些假设对于寻求科学调查具有数学查寻简约的学者是富有吸引力

    Such assumptions have the attractiveness for those seeking 'pure' science of making investigations mathematically tractable and parsimonious.


  • 这次调查是由客户数字体验研究公司Foviance开展的,结果发现了这个年龄的人士单身度假旅行要求

    The research by digital customer experience firm Foviance, also discovered exactly what this age group does want from a singles holiday.


  • 据阿立贡国力实验室对于插电混合动力车最近调查显示考虑插电混合动力车商品化可行之前,至少三个障碍需要克服

    From a recent report on PHEV research by the Argonne National Laboratory, there are at least three hurdles that must be overcome before PHEVs can be considered to be commercially viable.


  • 关于紧急情况社会行为大多数数据都是来自自我报告(self-reported,也称自陈)的调查问卷或者打折扣实验室模拟,托尔格

    Most data on social behavior under stressful conditions are from self-reported survey answers or watered-down lab simulations, Torgler says.


  • 根据项来自福瑞斯特尔市场调查公司统计:44%的欧洲消费者表示对捆绑服务没有兴趣,49%的人表示如果折扣可能会有兴趣。

    In a survey it carried out, 44% of European consumers said they were not interested in such service bundles, though 49% said they might be interested if there was a discount.


  • 任何时候公布项民意调查确信交互地图马上跟进

    Anytime a poll was released, you could be sure that an interactive map would soon follow.


  • 针对办公室矛盾最新调查表明,个“苹果员工的不良行为病毒一样传播,最终会带同事破坏一个团队

    One "bad apple" can spread negative behavior like a virus to bring down officemates or destroy a good team, according to a new study examining conflict in the workplace.


  • 航空安全官员开始调查澳大利亚航空公司架巨型喷气客机引擎星期四失灵原因,这次事故迫使飞机新加坡紧急迫降

    Air safety officials have begun investigating why an engine failed on one of Australia's Qantas Airlines jumbo jets on Thursday, forcing it to make an emergency landing in Singapore.


  • 研究员根据婴儿痛苦表达,对所谓袋鼠护理效果进行了调查

    Researchers investigated the effect of so-called "kangaroo care" on the babies' expressions of pain.


  • 报告中的结论来源于疾病控制中心行为风险因素监视系统系统使用自述数据通过电话调查2007年的统计信息得来。

    The estimates in the report come from the CDC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, which uses self-reported data from phone surveys and 2007 census information.


  • 调查国家中,卢西亚取得最大跳跃前进2002年来自无偿自愿者血液占采集血液的24.39%上升至2004年的83.05%。

    Of the countries surveyed, St. Lucia made the biggest jump forward, going from 24.39% of collected blood coming from unpaid volunteers in 2002 to 83.05% in 2004.


  • 年轻时,称之为,亚里斯多芬尼斯苏格拉底,调查上天下地事物,稍后转变成所谓柏拉图的苏格拉底。

    The move from the younger we could call him Aristophanic Socrates the Socrates who again investigates the things aloft and under the earth to the later what we could call platonic Socrates.


  • 对于这些程序一步,调查要求母亲父亲袋鼠护理轮流孩子

    For each of those procedures, the investigators had the baby's mom and dad alternate who held the baby using kangaroo care.


  • 调查显示月饼盒子变得越来越精致复杂,有的还采用带有筷子抽屉抽拉食盒造型

    A survey showed that mooncake boxes had become increasingly sophisticated in the shape of drawers adorned with chopsticks and mini wardrobes.


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