• 这些专案会议期间持续进行,使用交互合作沟通

    And these projects will continue past these sessions, using collaborative interactive communication.


  • 基本上合资企业:股权合资企业契约合作企业。

    Basically there are two types of joint equity joint venture and contractual joint venture.


  • 我们的“嵌入合作团队皆为男性因为阿富汗国民军中没有妇女)。

    Our "embedded partnering team" was all men (since there are no women in the ANA).


  • 最后,论文探讨了LDPC分布合作通信系统中的优化问题

    Finally, the optimization of the LDPC codes in the DSTC systems is discussed.


  • 无店铺营销当中重要、最具爆发力发展前景的一叫互惠合作

    Among the various forms of non-store marketing, mutually-beneficial cooperation is the most important, explosive and promising.


  • 诱导培养孩子方法只是简单地就他们行为他人产生的影响他们沟通而且强调社会合作逻辑

    Inductive parenting is simply communicating with children about the effect of their actions on others and emphasizing the logic of social cooperation.


  • 家庭就像是一个合作企业一样,很难制定统一的规则因为每个家庭都需要自己的独特的解决问题办法

    The family is a co-operative enterprise for which it is difficult to lay down rules, because each family, needs to work out its own ways for solving its own problems.


  • 员工合作竞争搭建技术平台使世界范围内用户运转并且为非英语登录者提供翻译

    He and his staff set up the technological infrastructure for the collaborative competitions, keep it up and running for users worldwide, and provide the translators for entries in foreign languages.


  • 有一些自己或者同时作为豚鼠研究人员能够举行电子冥想会议或者围绕一个活动进行其他合作

    Some researchers, using themselves and their coleagues as guinea pigs, can hold electronically mediated meetings or engage in other forms of collaboration around a liveboard.


  • 决定潜在合作伙伴是否可能合适匹配唯一就是坦诚对话

    Honest dialogue is the only way forward in determining whether you and your potential partner may be a suitable match.


  • 语言加入闭包能够让API表达出更具合作——因此是更丰富的——计算只需客户提供少量计算就可以了。

    Having closures in the language enables APIs to express more-cooperative - and therefore richer - computations, by allowing the client to provide bits of the computation.


  • 著名公司5年前开始互相合作,而宾利制造世界上最快最强的厢轿车- - -大陆轿车系列。

    The well-known companies began a collaboration 5 years ago, when Bentley has created the fastest and the most powerful sedan in the world - Continental GT.


  • 华纳兄弟梦空间》做了大量病毒营销包括提供定位服务SCVNGR合作宣传影片

    For Inception, Warner Bros. did a lot of viral marketing - including working with the location-based service SCVNGR to promote the film.


  • 今天开幕上,各方代表团团长除了中方促成第二会谈做努力表示感谢以外表明了愿意合作态度。

    At today's opening ceremony, in addition to offering thanks to China for its efforts which have made the second round of talks a reality, heads of delegations also expressed willingness to cooperate.


  • 布朗兄弟哈里曼银行位首席合作伙伴同处间办公室,“伙伴会议室”,并就坐桌旁,头顶有副绘出公司创建者严厉面孔的油画

    The eight top partners of Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) share an office, the Partners’ Room, sitting at two rows of antique desks, overlooked by a painting of the firm’s stern-faced founders.


  • 随着越来越多全球性分布开发出现,开发小组人员合作逐渐变成成功关键因素

    With the emergence of more globally distributed development, collaboration among the people on development teams has become a critical factor for success.


  • 个在同一地点软件团队内,在一个分布团队内,在共同参与一个业务活动,软件开发IT运作不同团队之间,如何与人合作

    And how do you collaborate within a co-located software team, within a distributed team, and across teams responsible for the business, software development, and it operations?


  • 2008年4月23日至24日,首届“中国—阿拉伯国家新闻合作论坛”北京举行吴红波部长助理出席开幕并致辞。

    Assistant Foreign Minister Wu Hongbo addressed the opening ceremony of the first China-Arab Press Cooperation Forum held in Beijing from April 23 to 24, 2008.


  • 但是多样性很丰富合作生物统称藻类它们可以诱导生产类橄榄油,一种可以让喷气飞机正常飞行的燃料。

    But there's a diverse and abundant population of photosynthetic organisms, collectively called the algae, that can be induced to make the likes of olive oil, oil that can fly jet airplanes just fine.


  • 利用互联网互动功能他们创造了标志性合作竞争模

    Harnessing the interactive capabilities of the Internet, they created their hallmark collaborative competitions.


  • 新浪微博已经和在其他网站一起合作例如百度土豆点评等,如此可以增加“一键通道功能

    Sina Microblog is currently working with other websites such as Baidu, Tudou, Dianping, etc. to develop a "one-click access" function.


  • 内部人士认为艾斯纳为协同运作付出了巨大的努力艾格合作管理更加适合

    Mr Eisner certainly pushed synergy hard, but Mr Iger's collaborative management style is better suited to it, insiders say.


  • 尊敬阁下女士们先生们荣幸受到邀请这次地区科技合作年会闭幕讲话

    Your Excellency, ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor to be invited to speak at this closing ceremony of this annual conference on Regional Science and Technology Cooperation.


  • 再过5哥本哈根会议就要召开了,各国合作应对气候变化一次里程碑会议,国际社会对此寄予厚望。

    The Copenhagen conference will commence in 5 days' time. It will be a major milestone in the global effort to tackle climate change and the people of the world have high hopes on its outcome.


  • 无法继续合作孤胆英雄科学家离开了,而加入研究计划的是大型科学团队专家组

    Out go heroic lone scientists battling against the odds. In come large teams and specialist centres.


  • 现有奖励机制孩子身上产生心照不宣管理措施相比,3c法(Content,Collaboration,choice,即内容、合作、选择)反而可作为解决孩子不听话问题的一种办法。

    In contrast to the tacit control imposed by the rewards system, the three Cs - content, collaboration and choice - provide alternative guidelines for dealing with non-compliance of children.


  • 现有奖励机制孩子身上产生心照不宣管理措施相比,3c法(Content,Collaboration,choice,即内容、合作、选择)反而可作为解决孩子不听话问题的一种办法。

    In contrast to the tacit control imposed by the rewards system, the three Cs - content, collaboration and choice - provide alternative guidelines for dealing with non-compliance of children.


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