• 如果我们计算一下所有与会人员开销及管理费用一个全天团队会议要花费数千美元

    An all-day team meeting costs thousands of dollars, if we calculate the cost of all the people involved along with overheads.


  • 这个数字大概的表明了生活开销花费多少

    That number is roughly what you spend on your living expenses in a given year.


  • 食品能源开销增加压缩其他商品与服务上的花费平抑价格人为地降低核心通货膨胀

    Increases in food and energy costs can squeeze spending on other goods and services, depressing prices and artificially lowering core inflation.


  • 必须处理许多兆字节XML文档花费内存磁盘空间CPU开销操作这么的文档通常是不实际的。

    If you must deal with many-megabyte XML documents, it's often impractical to spend the memory, disk space, and CPU overhead to manipulate such huge documents.


  • 美国医疗别的国家花费更多但是这些更多的开销似乎没有带来对应的、更好的结果

    America spends more on health care than other countries, but those expenditures don't seem to produce uniformly superior results.


  • 显然如果每个工作单元相当于单个字符串方法调用一百倍,那么花费线程开销比例相应地了。

    Obviously, if each unit of work were two, or ten, or one hundred times as large as a single string method call, then the proportion of time spent in thread overhead would be correspondingly small.


  • 度量应用程序需要多大开销两个有用的统计信息JIT编译次数执行这些编译花费时间总量

    Two useful statistics for measuring how much overhead your application will encounter are the number of JIT compiles and the total amount of time spent performing these compilations.


  • 尽管美国人花费大量非必需品服务上,他们他人礼物开销很大

    Although Americans spend a great deal of money on unnecessary goods and services for themselves, they also spend a large amount on gifts for others.


  • 这种情况下开销将会体现时间花费解决问题所需努力上面。

    In this case, the costs are represented by time and effort needed to work around the problems.


  • 女性承担贵的健康保险费一些基本开销上,例如节育妇保花费更多现金。

    They are charged higher premiums for health insurance yet still have greater out-of-pocket expenses for things as basic as contraception and maternity care.


  • 另外开销增长得到控制,花费2007-08GDP的42.6%降到2010 -11年的42 . %。

    And spending growth is to be reined in so that expenditure slides from 42.6% of GDP in 2007-08 to 42.0% in 2010-11.


  • 平均每个人员花费为794英镑(折合1277美元,居计划人员开销之首)。

    The outlay averaged pound794 ($1, 277) per person (on top of the project's staff costs).


  • 他们认为费用开销而不是花费一些费用资产

    They see it as a cost instead of an asset that costs something.


  • 这种方法好处只有需要时或如果需要它时,才会花费一些开销得到

    The advantage of this approach is you only incur the expense of obtaining the value when and if you need it.


  • 如果已知锁定无争用但是难以避免删除同步指令,则这些锁定花费一点确定开销不失为明智的做法。

    It can be desirable to have a small and deterministic cost for locking that is known to be uncontested but where synchronization directives are hard to avoid or remove.


  • 对于整个日志来说,GC开销(即花费执行GC上时间)大约为5%,非常不错的。

    For the log as a whole, the GC overhead (that is, the amount of time spent doing GC) is around 5 percent, which is pretty good.


  • 这些费用只有半数用于电脑开销;多数花费制冷系统上。

    Only around half of this is used to run computers; much of it goes on cooling.


  • 报名费100美元1,000美元不等;每套衣物得花费100美元到12,000美元不等;还有化妆品开销甚至掩饰脱落乳齿假牙等的开销

    Entry fees range from $100 to $1,000; outfits can cost between $100 and $12,000 each; and then there’s the cost of makeup, and even false teeth to cover up lost baby teeth.


  • 老年人会在传媒花费大笔开销(从而获得)身体健康生活方式建议。”铃木说道。

    "Older people are able to consume a huge amount of health and lifestyle advice in the media," he says.


  • 困扰着市场问题——同时也引发了人们一月份大肆谈论国家破产——是所有这些拯救计划花费多少财政部是否财政能力支付这些开销

    The questions bothering the markets-and prompting feverish talk in January about national bankruptcy-is how costly all this will prove, and whether the Treasury has the fiscal capacity to pay for it.


  • 相信做出相关改进花费所带来的收益一定会大于毫无建树开销

    "I believe (benefits from) the relative costs involved far outweigh the cost of doing nothing," Sanchez says.


  • 常识孩子们足够聪明领会这一点:如果早日达到目标,我必须省得更多就意味着其他东西花费更少。但是进行一个关于开销节省的谈话来加深他们的这一认识是有必要的。

    It's common sense, and kids are smart enough to figure it out: if I want to get to a goal faster, I have to save more... which means spending less on other stuff.


  • 方法执行时间开销使您深入了解某些任务花费响应时间的占全部响应时间的百分比有助于指出应用程序瓶颈

    Method execution timings provide insight on what percentage of the overall response time is spent on specific tasks, and helps identify application bottlenecks.


  • 臃肿员工编制和巨额的花费开销导致了这家国有垄断企业竞争乏力。

    The former state monopoly is not competitive because of its bloated, expensive workforce.


  • 5月24日,先生另一项重大经济开销削减进行来了保护。 主要包括对16-19岁的教育花费确保开端”这项5岁以下儿童设计的项目

    On May 24th Mr Osborne safeguarded from cuts this year another big chunk of spendingon schools, educating 16- to 19-year-olds and Sure Start, a programme for under-fives.


  • 不过,筛选代理开销上所花费 2.5相当于 select_hits_xo.py 在其筛选 过程中不用花费十分之一

    Those 2.5 seconds that the filter spends in proxy overhead, however, correspond to less than a tenth of a second that select_hits_xo.py spends in its filtering.


  • 一旦我们一个清晰预算计划,我们可以管理日常开支限制预算的花费改善生产力日常开销

    Once we have set a clear budget plan, we'll be able to manage the overheads costs by limiting budget spending and improving overhead productivity.


  • 下一步汇总所有开销一步,要全面彻底,即使花费星期或是一个月时间确保没有任何遗漏。 。

    Next, gather up all of your expense information. Do this thoroughly, even if it takes three days, a week, or a month. Make sure you're not missing anything.


  • 永远不到,为了治愈生病花费多少时间金钱精力手术药物上,开销时常远远高于匹马本身的货币价值

    You could never guess just how much time, money and effort horse owners would spend on surgery and medicine to heal a sick horse, it was very often far more than the monetary value of the animal.


  • 永远不到,为了治愈生病花费多少时间金钱精力手术药物上,开销时常远远高于匹马本身的货币价值

    You could never guess just how much time, money and effort horse owners would spend on surgery and medicine to heal a sick horse, it was very often far more than the monetary value of the animal.


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