• 开普勒望远镜工作原理是监测视野内成千上万个恒星亮度微小变化

    Kepler works by monitoring the thousands of stars in its field of view for tiny changes in brightness.


  • 一巨大的收获开普勒望远镜如此灵敏,连这样的一颗星体都能观测得来。

    The other big deal is that Kepler is sensitive enough to have found something this small.


  • 上个月美国宇航局宣布了1,235个新的可能存在行星航天卫星开普勒望远镜观察到

    Last month, NASA announced that 1, 235 new possible planets had been observed by Kepler, a telescope on a space satellite.


  • "行星猎人"预计美国宇航局开普勒望远镜发现个类似地球的行星绕着一个类似太阳的恒星。

    Planet-hunters anticipate that NASA’s Kepler telescope will reveal an Earth-like planet orbiting a Sun-like star.


  • 这种相遇时间变化可以让开普勒小组测定行星质量这是开普勒望远镜无法测量的。

    The transit timing variations also let the Kepler team determine the planets' masses, a measurement that Kepler can't usually make.


  • 基于开普勒望远镜巨大观测数量优良数据质量科学家希望借此提高恒星演化的认识。

    Because of the quality of the Kepler data and the large number of stars the spacecraft will observe, scientists hope to improve their understanding of stellar evolution.


  • 开普勒望远镜发现了几个系外行星系统我们的太阳系迥然不同,从而科学家重新构想行星形成理论

    The Kepler Space Telescope has discovered several systems that are very different from our own, and have caused scientists to rethink theories of planetary formation.


  • 美国太空总署宣布环绕两个太阳”运转行星开普勒望远镜发现首次被确定的此种外部星体。

    A planet orbiting two SUNS - the first confirmed alien world of its kind - has been found by Nasa's Kepler telescope, the US space agency announced.


  • 在那里或许有些奇怪化学成分是开普勒望远镜看到的。 这个温度太了不能形成,氨云可以反射一部分入射辐射木星便是如此。

    That’s too hot for the formation of ammonia clouds that would reflect some of that incoming radiation as they do on Jupiter.


  • 开普勒”小组首先根据凌日法获得地外行星的讯息,然后开普勒望远镜其他太空望远镜(包括运行轨道上的和地球的)行星做进一步观测,最后才将确定候选行星。

    Kepler identifies these slight changes in starlight as candidate planets, which are then confirmed by further observations by Kepler and other telescopes in orbit and on Earth.


  • 很难想象行星煤炭还要黑,但是宇航员们的确声称,他们通过NASA开普勒太空望远镜我们处的银河系发现这样一颗行星。

    It may be hard to imagine a planet blacker than coal, but that's what astronomers say they've discovered in our home galaxy with NASA's Kepler space telescope.


  • 伴随着开普勒望远镜,还一系列关于远方恒星系中行星探索

    The Kepler telescope will be launched amid a flurry of discoveries of planets circling distant stars.


  • 可能急于看到一位美国宇航局科学家站出来开普勒太空望远镜用来寻找外星人的。

    You'd be hard-pressed to get a NASA scientist to come out and say that the Kepler space telescope is designed to find aliens.


  • 伽利略看到月球景象不久开普勒牛顿、卡塞格望远镜的改进设计做出了很大贡献。

    Not long after Galileo saw the moon up close, inventors like Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton and n. Cassegrain made a succession of major innovations in telescope design.


  • 颗行星宇航局开普勒星球追踪望远镜发现的。

    The discovery was made by NASA's planet-hunting telescope Kepler.


  • 月球侦查轨道器将微型芯片到了月球肩负探索地生命任务开普勒太空望远镜则搭载了一张致地外智慧生物的光盘,上面存满了人类的名字写给地外生物的信息

    The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter took a microchip to the moon. And the exoplanet-hunting Kepler telescope took a DVD full of names and messages to ET into orbit.


  • 实际上2010年8月开普勒望远镜照相机就记录下星系行星同步穿越

    In fact, in August 2010, Kepler's telescope and camera recorded a simultaneous transit of three of the planets in the system.


  • 詹金斯表示一趋势继续因为开普勒——2009年3月发射寻找类似地球的外星球——其他望远镜持续不断的传来数据

    That trend will likely continue, Jenkins said, as data keeps pouring in from Kepler — which was launched in March 2009 to search for Earth-like alien planetsand other telescopes.


  • 装备了一可以同时观测超过10万颗恒星望远镜开普勒搜寻着行星凌日现象所产生的微弱光线

    The craft, which is armed with a telescope that can track more than 100,000 stars simultaneously, looks for slight diminutions of light caused by planetary transits.


  • 装备了一可以同时观测超过10万颗恒星望远镜开普勒搜寻着行星凌日现象所产生的微弱光线

    The craft, which is armed with a telescope that can track more than 100, 000 stars simultaneously, looks for slight diminutions of light caused by planetary transits.


  • 开普勒望远镜进入轨道之后,会对银河系位于天鹅座与天琴座之间区域进行持续观测,这其中大约有十万颗恒星

    The Kepler telescope will hang in orbit and stare continuously at a field of 100,000 stars in the Cygnus-Lyra region of the Milky Way.


  • 开普勒望远镜进入轨道之后,银河系位于天鹅座与天琴座之间区域进行持续观测,其中大约有十万颗恒星

    The Kepler telescope will hang in orbit and stare continuously at a field of 100, 000 stars in the Cygnus-Lyra region of the Milky Way.


  • 2任务执行中,美国宇航局的行星搜索太空望远镜开普勒”获得巨大成功

    TWO years into its mission, NASA's planet-hunting Kepler space telescope has been a big success.


  • 开普勒则是第一设计用来寻找地球大小的行星望远镜,这些行星的轨道处于“可居住区域,温度也不太低,水份可以液态形式存在,适宜生物生存。

    Kepler is the first telescope to be designed to find Earth-sized planets that orbit in the "habitable zone" where temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold for water to remain in its liquid state.


  • 利用开普勒天文望远镜数据年龄测算并不侧重个别恒星而是针对一些星团

    He's using Kepler data to do his age dating too, but he's not focusing on individual stars; instead he's looking at star clusters.


  • 2009年天文学历史上重要事件400年的周年纪念选定开普勒”做望远镜名字也是应景之作。

    The choice of the name Kepler is timely, for 2009 is the 400th anniversary of two of the most momentous events in astronomy.


  • 结果开普勒太空望远镜计划首次科学大会宣布,会议上还公布了数量惊人候选行星

    The results were announced at the Kepler telescope's first science conference, alongside the staggering number of new candidate planets.


  • 但是开普勒望远镜善于发现这些恒星黑点

    But Kepler is good at finding spots on stars.


  • 开普勒号项目组的科学家预言,在这望远镜的航程中,能够找到至少50颗地球大小的行星,其轨道的公转周期大致都是一年还有许多更大的行星。

    Kepler's scientists estimate that the telescope should find at least 50 Earth-sized planets in one-year orbits, plus many bigger planets.


  • 开普勒号项目组的科学家预言,在这望远镜的航程中,能够找到至少50颗地球大小的行星,其轨道的公转周期大致都是一年还有许多更大的行星。

    Kepler's scientists estimate that the telescope should find at least 50 Earth-sized planets in one-year orbits, plus many bigger planets.


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