• 美国国家航空航天局教育发射纳米卫星计划教育团体科学任务提供免费发射现在美国非盈利机构开放

    The NASA Educational Launch of Nano Satellite program, which offers free launches for educational groups and science missions, is now open to U.S. nonprofit corporations as well.


  • 美国宇航局纳米卫星教育发射计划教育团体科学任务提供免费发射卫星的机会,现在非营利性公司开放

    The NASA Educational Launch of Nano Satellite program, which offers free launches for educational groups and science missions, is now open to nonprofit corporations as well.


  • 报道,中国政府计划取消独生子女政策,并开放胎政策。

    It was reported that the Chinese government plans to end its one-child policy and instead let families have two children.


  • 作为计划一部分美国欧洲以及其它大型经济体必须确保向中国出口产品开放市场

    As part of the plan, the us, Europe and other big economies must assure open markets to Chinese exports.


  • 与此同时卷入纳布柯计划西方公司通报称,今年将会是该计划投资开放期。

    Meanwhile, Western companies involved in the Nabucco project announced an open season for investment in the project this year.


  • 美国作为一个开放市场铁杠支持者经济刺激计划中包含了“购买货”的条款并且投巨资扶持垂死挣扎汽车工业

    The U.S., typically an enthusiastic supporter of open markets, include "buy American" clauses in its stimulus package and propped up its flailing auto industry with handouts.


  • 演讲预约其中部分是因为旅行计划耗费体力而且因为对于全天(24x7)开放源码拥护者需要已经以前那样了。

    He says he's backed off on the public speaking engagements, in part because the travel schedule was exhausting, but also because the need for a 24x7 open source advocate is just not what it once was.


  • 然而,人民币国际化过程中一个有趣动向外界要求中国决策者计划更快的速度开放市场,这种压力正在积聚。

    Yet one of the interesting dynamics of this process will be the pressure that builds up from the outside for China to open its markets more quickly than policymakers intend.


  • 采办创造一个处理系统支持海军作战系统开放体系结构计划执行

    The procurement will create a processing system that supports the planned implementation of open architecture for Navy combat systems.


  • 夏伟先生希望这样交流能够展示美国文化开放自发性。中方的回访正在计划中。

    Mr. Schell said he hopes that exchanges like this one will display the openness and spontaneity of American culture. There are also plans for a reciprocal visit.


  • 斯曼博士将女人开放性和伴侣观点,计划能力尊重相结合。

    Dr. Haltzman links open-mindedness to a woman's ability to show respect for her mate's ideas, plans, and abilities.


  • 当然提议开办一个专栏来讲解如何创建一系列开放源码XML应用程序已经编辑一起制订了这个计划

    Of course, there's the schedule I had worked out with the editor when I proposed a column that would document the process of creating a series of open-source XML applications.


  • 他们计划利用开放监狱废弃军营创造5000个监狱空间。

    They also want to convert open prisons and deploy disused military camps to create around 5000 extra places in jail.


  • AECV计划记录在案第四美国国防部完全开放小型无人机系统竞争计划,也是AeroVironment公司获得的第四个。

    The AECV program represents the fourth U.S. Department of Defense full and open competition for a small UAS program of record, and the fourth won by AV.


  • 办公桌轮用开放计划办公极端版本人们坐在办公场所任何一处他们地方,挪动自己周围用品

    This is especially true for hotdesking, an extreme version of open plan working where people sit wherever they want in the work place, moving their equipment around with them.


  • 滑动玻璃幕墙阳光进入深层计划同时确定一个大型开放居住区朝着花园围栏透明

    The sliding glass walls allow daylight to enter into the deep plan while defining a large open living area, transparent towards the fenced garden.


  • 开放隔间计划,全部实木地板,正式客厅壁炉美妙视野窗户

    Open Floor Plan with Hardwood Floor Through out, Large Formal Living Room with Fireplace and Wonderful Window View.


  • 绿党计划举行开放选举。

    The greens plan an open primary.


  • ,“日本决定签订协议行动计划美国商品服务开放市场说明他们了解我们的态度。”

    "Japan's decisions to sign agreements and" action plans "that would open markets to American goods and services" make it clear that the message has been received, "he said."


  • 一个开放果蝇基因组计划产物,主要是可以图形化浏览果蝇基因组注释结果。

    Apollo is a collaborative open source project between the berkeley drosophila genome project the sanger institute and the ebi.


  • 例如,1980冬季奥运会会址普提西德奥运村设计师们计划赛后立即改为一个开放监狱

    In Lake Placid, home of the 1980 Winter Olympics, for example, the designers of the Village planned to use it as an open prison as soon as the Games were over.


  • 美国作为一个开放市场铁杠支持者经济刺激计划中包含了“购买货”的条款并且投巨资扶持垂死挣扎汽车工业

    The U. s., typically an enthusiastic supporter of open markets, include "buy American" clauses in its stimulus package and propped up its flailing auto industry with handouts.


  • 开放计划设置创建一个伟大空间感觉只能苍白中性颜色家具设计师建筑师精心选择优势增强

    The open-plan settings create a sensation of great space, only enhanced by the predominance of pale, neutral colors and the designer furniture carefully selected by the architect.


  • 开放课程计划所提供课程教材真的好用了,特别是那些缺少正式背景

    The course material provided in the OCW is extremely useful especially for the people who do not have formal background.


  • 开放课程计划联盟网站接触浩瀚资源入口

    The OCW Consortium web site is your portal to this vast resource.


  • 开放式课程计划如此努力身为这样支持鼓励这项计划学校校友为傲

    OpenCourseWare is such great endeavor, and I'm proud to be an alumna of an institute that supports and encourages education in this way.


  • 作为计划中提到整个项目中,迅雷可以建立使用开放源码软件转向配置

    As mentioned throughout my project plans, the Thunderbolt can be built using either an USS or OSS steering configuration.


  • 作为计划中提到整个项目中,迅雷可以建立使用开放源码软件转向配置

    As mentioned throughout my project plans, the Thunderbolt can be built using either an USS or OSS steering configuration.


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