• 接着第二影响开始婴儿潮出生的人开始退休

    Then the second effect kicks in: The boomers start to retire.


  • 除了幸存者一个个地死去,人们看到另一个事实Nemitz先生一代人开始退休他们曾极力说服父母老师打破沉默、说出真相。

    Overlooked next to the fact of the survivors' dying out is that Mr. Nemitz's generation, those who fought to break the silence of their parents and teachers, is starting to retire.


  • 他们直到完全退休开始享受生活

    They do not start enjoying life until full retirement.


  • 我们开始看到人们退休看法发生变化。”牛津大学人口老龄化研究所联合主任乔治·利森表示

    "We're beginning to see a change in how people view retirement," says George Leeson, co-director of the Institute of Population Ageing at Oxford.


  • 就是老冯,退休开始修理自行车。

    He was Lao Feng and started to repair bikes after he retired.


  • 着我们临近退休,我们开始思考在哪里度过最后几年的生活。

    As we nearly retired (退休), we started to think where we should spend our final years.


  • 到20世纪80年代中期退休后,他才重新开始读书。

    It was only after he retired in the mid-1980s that he returned to his books.


  • 他们深深陷于债务中,不能房子做抵押,不得不开始今后的退休存钱

    They're still deep in debt, can't borrow against their homes, and have to start saving for retirement.


  • 如果一年期间没有用户加入DPAR就会开始损失用户(因为他们可能离职退休)。

    If no new users are added over the course of a year, a DPAR starts to lose users (they leave the company, retire, and so on).


  • 他们认为一旦他们乔迁新居开始新的工作旅行或者退休,他们就幸福

    They think that once they move into the new house, start their job, travel or retire they will be happy.


  • 开始认真考虑起自己的退休计划,你必须清楚你要去哪里挣得所需要的因为你想要保障自己日后生活

    When you start thinking seriously about retirement, you have to figure out where the money you'll be living on will come from.


  • 中国近年来大部分航天成果载人航天计划钱先生退休很久开始实施。

    Most of China's recent space achievements, like its manned space program, began long after Mr. Qian's retirement.


  • 相反你可以考虑这样开始少量款项退休帐户随着时间推移慢慢提高百分比

    Instead, consider starting by contributing small amounts to your retirement account and slowly raising the percentage over time.


  • 但是提高公共部门员工退休年龄反映增长的人均寿命将会是个开始

    But raising the retirement age for public-sector workers in order to reflect increased life expectancy would be a start.


  • 如果现在已经想好退休计划并且准备开始你的计划,文章来说基础了。

    Now, if you are someone with your retirement plans all set and ready to go, this article will be way too basic for you.


  • 自从年前退休的人们开始光临上海徐汇区宜家

    Retirees began coming to the IKEA in Shanghai's Xuhui district about three years ago.


  • 人们偏向于使一生中的消费顺顺当当,所以他们工作的期间,他们消费少于储蓄以便积累财富当一旦他们退休开始领取资金。

    People like to smooth consumption over their lifetimes, so during their working years they spend less than they earn and accumulate wealth, which they then draw down once they retire.


  • 至于爱德菲尔德先生,退休前更为忙碌已经开始下一个计划

    As for Mr Elderfield, busier than ever in retirement, he is already on to his next project.


  • 柯林·鲍威尔袭击开始退休约翰。沙里卡什·维利没有确定接替者

    Colin Powell had retired three days before the raid and John Shalikashvili had not yet been confirmed as his replacement.


  • 现在78已经退休开始新的项目,一个把旨在改变遗产一种疯狂方式的项目——普通人变成英雄

    And so now, retired from teaching at the age of 78, he has a new project, one that aims to change his legacy in a dramatic way: to turn regular people into heroes.


  • 抵制有望2月23星期二西班牙开始反对官方计划延长退休年龄至67岁。

    Protests are expected in Spain on Tuesday February 23rd against an official plan to lift the retirement age by two years to 67.


  • 2013年开始公共部门人员退休年龄由之前的男性57岁,女性52岁统一延长至男女统一65岁。

    From 2013, the retirement age for public workers will rise to 65 for both men and women, up from about 57 and 52 respectively.


  • 摩根索先生已经做了35年检察官,他刚刚退休,就开始他的工作。 即使他今年已经90

    Fresh off a 35-year stint asthe Manhattan district attorney, Mr. Morgenthau has begun a new careerat the age of 90.


  • 退休那年开始其他学校推广孩子项目

    Each year since I retired, I have taken a Children's Day program to other schools.


  • 很多向往退休他们可以不再工作,掌控自己时间开始以往想做没有时间精力做的事情。

    Most people look forward to retirement as a time when they can finally clock out, control their own schedules, and take up activities that they never had the time or energy to pursue before.


  • 如果从快四十开始退休存钱和我从二十岁就开始存钱,哪个会更难呢?

    How much harder did I make it on myself by waiting to begin my retirement savings until I was nearly 40 than starting at age 20?


  • 十一月十七日瑞银的新老板Oswald Grübel,一个倔强老兵二月份开始退休生活召回,制定银行转型计划

    On November 17th UBS’s newish boss, Oswald Grübel, a hard-bitten veteran who was hauled out of retirement in February, outlined plans to turn the bank around.


  • 知道现在开始计划不算太晚,所以最近几年开始认真思考需要什么和,以及怎样开始退休计划。

    I know it's not too late to start planning, so just in the last couple of years I started seriously thinking about what I need to do, and how to get started.


  • 补充说,他有很多时间投票自从投票开始,他试图一个退休人员举行商品交易会上兜售服务,他发现,这些人当中很少有人牙齿

    He added that he would have plenty of time to vote, since on voting day he was trying to hawk his services at a trade fair for retirees, few of whom, he discovered, had teeth.


  • 补充说,他有很多时间投票自从投票开始,他试图一个退休人员举行商品交易会上兜售服务,他发现,这些人当中很少有人牙齿

    He added that he would have plenty of time to vote, since on voting day he was trying to hawk his services at a trade fair for retirees, few of whom, he discovered, had teeth.


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