• 开始早起为了跑步决定每天早起

    In order to get my running in, I decided to start waking early.


  • 新的学期开始了,又开始早起

    New term is coming. It means that I have to get up early everyday.


  • 亚洲各地愈来愈多的年轻人开始早起赢在一天起跑点

    Across Asia, more and more young people are waking up early in order to get a head start3 on the day.


  • 慢慢地这件事,而且一旦,我开始早起,我逐渐发现其中乐趣和安静清晨时光

    I did it slowly, and once I began waking early, I began to discover the joys of the quiet morning hours.


  • 开始早起感到压力主要原因之一就是在面对大量任务时间不够

    Start waking up earlier: one of the main causes of stress is finding yourself out of time while being loaded with lots of tasks.


  • 开始早起感到压力主要原因之一就是在面对大量任务时间不够

    Start waking up earlier :one of the main causes of stress is finding yourself out of time while being loaded with lots of tasks.


  • 如果开始早起可能几天你会感到很累……最后,你不得不在早之间做出选择

    If you begin waking up early, you might be tired for a few daysand eventually, you will be forced either to go to sleep earlier or wake up later. One or the other.


  • 几年以前因为家人度过平和不慌不忙的早晨开始早起——我非常享受这样因此开始把闹钟提前提前。

    A few years ago, because I wanted a calmer, less hurried morning with my family, I started getting up earlier - and I enjoyed it so much that I've started setting my alarm earlier and earlier.


  • 学年刚刚开始英国孩子们每天都早起上学

    The new school year has just started and children across the UK have to wake up early in the morning to go to school.


  • 接下来7个月里床,开始画画上色裁剪

    For the next seven months, she woke up early to paint and color and cut.


  • 去年开始决定人生第一次马拉松比赛进行训练,所以我决定每天早起跑步,这样才能家人留下更多时间

    But last year, when I decided to train for my first marathon, I decided that I needed to start running in the mornings if I was to have any time left for my family.


  • 早起玛丽·克拉克希金斯·普拉斯这样的作家分别每天清晨4点和5开始写作

    Get Up Early: Writers like Mary Higgins Clark and Sylvia Plath started writing at 5 am and 4 am each day, respectively.


  • 经过星期努力逐渐适应这样安排现在每天早起开始晨练对我来说相当的自然

    After struggling for the first week I got used to this schedule and now I feel absolutely natural getting up early in the morning and starting my morning routine.


  • 这样停止了我的猫生活开始小孩早起一个小时的决定。

    I stopped being such a night owl and started getting up an hour before my kids.


  • 开始还是得很晚不过因为每天早起慢慢的你晚上就了。

    You may start out with a late bedtime, but if you get up earlier every day, you will eventually go to bed earlier, too.


  • 知道天气冷时,开始稍稍早起确实很难

    I realize that when the weather's cool it's really tough to start getting up earlier.


  • 我们记忆系统实际上开始工作得相当

    Our memory systems actually work quite well from very early on.


  • 奖励自己开始当然早起看成是困难的事,因为强迫自己如果这件事变得使自己愉快的话,不久期待早起了。

    Make waking up early a reward. Yes, it might seem at first that you're forcing yourself to do something hard, but if you make it pleasurable, soon you will look forward to waking up early.


  • 早起5开始邮件桑德伯格经常午夜走夜间活动的扎克伯格。

    Sandberg, who goes to bed early and starts e-mailing at 5 A.M., often had to usher the nocturnal Zuckerberg out at midnight.


  • 早起5开始发邮件桑德伯格经常午夜送走夜间活动的扎克伯格

    Sandberg, who goes to bed early and starts e-mailing at 5 A. M., often had to usher the nocturnal Zuckerberg out at midnight.


  • 关键要尽早起至少现在开始

    [via LifeHack] Key is starting early, or at least starting now.


  • 不用睡眼惺忪上班,但现在,我却每天迫不及待开始工作

    I don't drag my feet to go to work anymore - now I can't wait to get up early and start working.


  • 开始可以提前15分钟睡觉,随之也要早起15分钟,渐渐地将时间增加小时然后一小时。

    Start with 15 minutes earlier, with the expectation of getting up 15 minutes earlier, then gradually increase this to half an hour and then to an hour.


  • 当年还是一个音乐人的时候,弗里曼多年坚持每天早起,衣服都穿上,就开始进行单簧管半音音阶练习

    As a musician, Freeman rose every morning for years to practice chromatic scales on the clarinet before even putting his pants on.


  • 稍稍早起开始做起。

    Start getting up a little earlier.


  • 怎么早起销售总量,25%净利润开始几乎动,算是超乎想象

    Sales of How to Become an Advanced Early Riser account for 25% of the net profit, which is great as it wasn't really selling at the beginning.


  • 曾几何时,那些寻求充实有意义生活人们早起之后都会自己说一句话,开始新的:“每天变得更好!”

    There was a time when people in search of a full and meaningful life were advised to start off each morning by telling themselves: "every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better."


  • 曾几何时,那些寻求充实有意义生活人们早起之后都会自己说一句话,开始新的:“每天变得更好!”

    There was a time when people in search of a full and meaningful life were advised to start off each morning by telling themselves: "every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better."


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