• EAR文件现在已部署Monitor测试环境意味着可以开始单元测试了。

    Your EAR file is now deployed to the Monitor test Environment, which means you can begin your unit test.


  • 单元结束时是开始这件事的合适时间。

    It's a proper time to start it when a unit is over.


  • 如果只是开始了解单元测试则可以获得一些帮助

    If you are just starting to look at unit testing, get some help.


  • 因而团队开始质疑单元测试价值如果它们代码质量那么重要,那又为什么会让人这么头痛呢?

    Consequently, you and your team have begun to question the value of unit tests: if they are so important to code quality, why are they such a pain?


  • 实际上每次开始构建项目之前,都将运行所有单元测试确保应用程序代码完整性遭到无意破坏

    In fact, before I even start building the project, all unit tests are run to ensure that the integrity of the application code has not been unintentionally compromised.


  • 无论执行作为迁移工作一部分操作系统升级还是迁移一个单元现在应该了解您有哪些选择以及如何开始

    Whether you are performing an operating system upgrade as part of the migration, or only migrating a cell, you should now have an idea of what options you have available and how to begin.


  • 完成准备工作后,现在我们可以开始编写单元测试了。

    With our preparations completed, we can now begin to write unit tests.


  • 可执行单元每一个基本开始每行源代码对应指南前面版本中的指南有所不同

    An executable unit begins at the start of every basic block and at any instruction that corresponds to a line of source code that is different than the previous instruction.


  • 编写极度琐碎单元测试可以结构准备就绪然后需要开始通过所有有意义方法考虑问题

    Writing insanely trivial unit tests allows you to get the structure in place before you need to start thinking about the problem domain in any significant way.


  • 开始单元测试中初始任务各个范例代码替换成我尚未实现的DSL的范例代码,并且修改数次,直到满意为止。

    I began by replacing the example code in my unit test which instantiates the task library's classes with example code for my unimplemented DSL and revised it several times until I was satisfied.


  • 单元测试应用程序开发过程开始之前就已存在

    Unit tests should exist before the application development process begins.


  • 开始之前,我首先要招认一个单元测试

    I'll start with a confession: I'm a unit testing addict.


  • 如果安装自动化测试工具,那么所有单元测试可以一个简单命令开始运行,您就可以容易地回答这个问题。

    This can be easily measured if you set up test automation so that all unit tests can be run from a single command.


  • 幸运的是,已经学到 绝不应该将未经测试代码投入生产因此开始坚持编写单元测试。

    Luckily, I learned that pushing untested code into production didn't work; consequently, I began to write unit tests.


  • 每次测试单元连续运行这个表格开始添加一个新的

    Each successive run of the test suite will add a new row at the beginning of the table.


  • 一旦版本6增量升级已经开始单元中的版本5节点可能一些约束

    There are some restrictions on what can be done with the Version 5 nodes in a cell, once the incremental upgrade to Version 6 has begun.


  • 每个音响单元底座开始振动上面各式玻璃元件会把这些振动传送,而在这个过程中每个元件就会产生不同频率声音

    The units at the base of each speaker vibrate, and these vibrations are then transmitted through the various glass elements above, each of which produces different frequencies of sound.


  • 理解神经网络一步是从抽象生物神经开始重点放在阈值逻辑单元TLU)这特征上。

    The first step toward understanding neural nets is to abstract from the biological neuron, and to focus on its character as a threshold logic unit (TLU).


  • 这样下一次激活输入提供者不用从头开始访问单元信息

    This way, the next time the input is activated, the provider can access the unit's information without starting from scratch.


  • 我们多数开发人员他们拥有一个能够测试软件单元不久就开始编写单元测试

    Most of our developers started writing unit tests as soon they had a software unit that could conceivably be tested.


  • 开始严重依赖功能测试,而且超过了对单元测试的依赖,用户那样测试应用中的变化

    I started relying heavily on functional tests (over unit tests) which allowed me to test changes as a user would.


  • 如果所有单元测试都失败可以开始编写实际代码了。

    Provided that all the unit tests fail, I know that I am ready to begin writing the actual code.


  • 集成测试阶段开发阶段之后开始此时单个软件构件已经进行单元测试了,发生客户接受测试之前

    The integration testing phase occurs after the development phase, when individual software components have already been unit tested, and before customer acceptance testing.


  • 在实际开始编写产品代码之前我们需要编写单元测试

    Before writing any production code, we'd write our unit tests.


  • 但是一旦一个零件编好程序自动化折弯单元开始运转,毫不停歇,毫无抱怨,效率显著。

    Once a part has been programmed, however, the automated bending cell is ready to run—no breaks, no excuses.


  • 一个箭头包含4单元开始向左上侧,但是没有

    The next arrow, from the cell containing a 4, also points up and to the left, but the value doesn't change.


  • 而且局部比对需要到达任何一个序列末端所以需要右下角开始回溯可以得分最高单元开始回溯。

    Also, your local alignment doesn't need to end at the end of either sequence, so you don't need to start your traceback in the bottom-right corner; you can start it in the cell with the highest score.


  • 最后回溯的时候,得分最高单元开始回溯得分为0单元格为止。

    Finally, in the traceback, you start with the cell that has the highest score and work back until you reach a cell with a score of 0.


  • 而且,与LCS算法类似获得S1'S2 ',要右下角单元开始沿着指针回溯,反向构建S1 '和S2 '。

    And, similarly to the LCS algorithm, to obtain S1 'and S2', you trace back from this bottom-right cell, following the Pointers, and build up S1 'and S2' in reverse.


  • 下载PHPUnit开始用于测试升级php脚本添加单元测试

    Download PHPUnit and start adding unit tests for your PHP scripts you can use for testing upgrades.


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