• 然后镶边、涂饰面,再然后在开口上安装“回风”把开口隐藏起来,回风”要是可以拆卸的,以便接触到内部的构件。

    Then, after taping and painting, screw a “return air” grate over the opening to conceal it but still have access.


  • 克服不能治疗中不能开口或是害怕开口简单方法就是:在治疗开始,事先写下一些重要谈话内容。

    One of the easiest ways to help overcome your fear or inability to talk in therapy is to write down some things that are important to you to talk about before session.


  • 渐渐意识到制度化学校教育不过是个用顺从交换偏爱优势地方老师哪就坐哪,老师开口才能开口记住老师记住的东西。

    Institutionalized schooling, I gradually realized, is about obedience in exchange for favors and advantages: Sit where I tell you, speak when I allow it, memorize what I've told you to memorize.


  • 得到的是一个方向开口向下,而在另外的个方向开口向上的抛物线。

    So, we have a parabola going downwards in one direction, upwards in the other one.


  • 而肉眼看不到的组织膜(即黏膜)很多微小开口所阻断,每个开口通向产生激素的一个个微小通道

    What you can't see with the naked eye is that the lining of the stomach (the mucosa) is interrupted by multiple tiny openings, each of which leads to a tiny hormone-producing tunnel.


  • 着话,转身走向路边开口,那个开口通向片草场

    The man turned as he spoke to an opening at the roadside leading into a pasture. 'if.


  • 随后王后深受感动国王面前,开口讲了起来:「亲爱的夫君现在可以开口说话了,可以表明,我清白无辜的,遭到了诬陷。」

    Then the queen went to the king, who was greatly moved, and she began to speak, saying, "Dearest husband, now I may speak and reveal to you that I am innocent, and falsely accused."


  • 个洞穴漏斗开口锥形向下至5cm宽度朝向曾经必是的一个开口

    The other has a funnel-shaped opening that tapers down to a width of 5cm and runs towards what must once have been another opening.


  • 这个硅胶iPad保护套背面上方有个给后置摄像头开口,背面下方还有喇叭开口

    The silicon iPad case shows a space for a rear-facing camera at the top, and a speaker grille on the bottom rear side.


  • 两个笼子之间一个开口,该开口是为了相邻动物一起。

    There was a small opening in between the two cages for intermingling of neighboring animals.


  • 着话,转身走向路边开口,那个开口通向片草场

    The man turned as he spoke to an opening at the roadside leading into a pasture.


  • 而且这种一对一教学模式很多机会开口英语锻炼开口说英语的能力提高英语口语效果

    And this one-to-one teaching mode, you will have plenty of opportunities to speak English and exercise your ability to speak English to improve oral English is very effective.


  • 上面开口地方用来瞭望射击进攻者的,在下面低一点的地方小的开口或是枪眼,防卫者通过这个仍然可以射击。

    On the upper part of the DuoKou are large openings used to watch and shoot at attackers, and on the lower part are small openings or loopholes, through which defenders could also shoot.


  • 建筑之间开口带来了视觉活力开口强调长长的立面展现内部景象

    This vision was brought to life through tall openings designed between the building materials, which punctuate the long facades and open up a view of the inside.


  • 使稀释剂穿过多个开口朝向至少个燃料喷嘴中的至少一个气流开口流动

    The diluent is flowed through the plurality of openings toward at least one airflow opening in the at least one fuel nozzle.


  • 介绍角钢轧制中,开口切分孔型优点构成,并开口及闭口切分孔进行了受力分析比较。

    The advantage and forming of open slitting pass used in Angle steel rolling have been introduced.


  • 本文开口闭口薄壁理论统一乌曼斯假设之下,建立开口和闭口薄壁杆件统一基本微分程序。

    In this paper, on the base of Ullmanski's hypothesis, the unified beam theory of thin walled open and closed cross-section and the governing differential equations are established.


  • 包包开口箱子一样,翻盖式拉链开口配有按扣固定,绝佳的防盗功能

    Like a box, it adopts clamshell-style opening, and equipped with two fasteners which has excellent safeguard feature.


  • 当天房间开口部分如门窗进入时候,我会这些天光进入的开口作为一种光源考虑。

    When the skylight come into the room from opening ie. Windows or doors, I consider those openings that the sky light came through as area light sources.


  • 攀岩墙面上开一个一侧的墙上有四个开口,通过这些开口阳光能照射这个紧凑空间。空间内部装饰白色细节采用木材绿松石色调

    A large window that punctures the climbing wall and four smaller openings on the other side allow light into the compact space, which is decorated white, with wood details and turquoise accents.


  • 女性骨盆的形状椭圆形顶部一个大的开口敌部较小开口的

    The female pelvis is shaped like a wide, oval bowl with a large opening at the top and a slightly smaller opening at the bottom.


  • 这些露台大小适中其中两个石板开口开口上方天空以及缕缕移动阳光景色构了起来。

    Two of these modest sized terraces have cut-outs in the slab above which frames the sky and tree tops and also the shifting shaft of sunlight.


  • 一个开口放置一个新的泛光灯作为蓝色天光调节它们端衰减范围适合开口大小。

    Put new omnis as blue skylight outside every opening and adjust the far attenuation ranges to fit in the opening area.


  • 康妮站在那儿远眺着世界隔绝树林中的一个开口。从这开口咱使可与世相通。但是并不告诉克利福。

    Connie had stood and looked, it was a breach in the pure seclusion of the wood. It let in the world. But she didn't tell Clifford.


  • 通过工业化试验应用开口,证明采用该开口满足生产产品质量要求具有良好经济效益社会效益

    Adapting such anti-block agent can meet production as well as product quality requirement and have good economical and social benefit through industrial test and application.


  • 分析开口箱中倒相作用,并且介绍了开口品质因数QTSB调整

    The phase-inverted tube in the vented-box and the adjustment of quality factor QTSB are introduced.


  • 开口分别用二胶带住其开口,在内盒的中间贴上标签

    Seal the slot case wit two pieces of tape & an inner label to middle of slot case.


  • 依照中庭中需要新鲜空气,建筑机械系统能够调整开口大小,14.5花园四分之一墙体开口的大小相等的。

    Depending on the quantity of fresh air that is required in the atrium, the BMS adjusts the size of the openings which are equivalent to a quarter of the 14.5m garden wall.


  • 依照中庭中需要新鲜空气,建筑机械系统能够调整开口大小,14.5花园四分之一墙体开口的大小相等的。

    Depending on the quantity of fresh air that is required in the atrium, the BMS adjusts the size of the openings which are equivalent to a quarter of the 14.5m garden wall.


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