• 油藏开发潜力分析评价油藏开发开采水平重要参数

    The oil recovery under water drive is an important factor for the evaluation of water displacement efficiency of a reservoir.


  • 煤体层理结构研究煤层气开发开采理论基础前提条件

    Research on coal bedding structure is the theory foundation and precondition of coal seam gas exploitation.


  • 文章最后指出,需要从开发开采技术工程地质、“三废”处理土地复垦税收管理各方面强化不利影响控制

    Finally, to control negative influence, a lot of work must DE done involving exploitation technology, engineering geology, disposal of sewage and rubbish, land recultivation, tax management and so on.


  • 美国国家环境总署世界银行开始拨款并着手调查干旱地区地下水资源开发合适开采技术

    The United Nations Environment Programme and the World Bank have funded attempts to survey the groundwater resources of arid lands and to develop appropriate extraction techniques.


  • 安哥拉尼日利亚充分利用这种离岸开采专业能力赢得深海油田开发合同

    It has taken advantage of this expertise in offshore exploration and production to win contracts to develop deep-water fields in countries like Angola and Nigeria.


  • 文章指出急于开发美国大量的非传统天然气资源后勤保障上不太现实而且可能开采燃烧煤炭会使地球

    They suggest that the rush to develop the nation's vast, unconventional sources of natural gas is logistically impractical and likely to do more to heat up the planet than mining and burning coal.


  • 格陵兰一位矿产石油局官员明确指出,任何想要附近区域开采矿产的公司必须同时开发并且运用储存技术

    An official of the island's Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum has specified that any companies extracting hydrocarbons in the neighbourhood must also develop and use carbon-storage technology.


  • 自然,人们会优先开发便宜的能源例如沙特阿拉伯易于开采石油储备

    It was only natural for mankind to exploit the cheapest energy sources first, such as easy-to-extract oil reserves under Saudi Arabia.


  • 过去几年时间里,来自世界各地开发商,蜂涌而至,一直夺得开采而忙碌奔波,甚至连那些并不富集的矿藏,也遭到轰抢

    In the last few years, companies from around the world have been bidding for the right to exploit some of Afghanistan's more modest deposits.


  • 尽管ERA正在处理开发Ranger3Deeps地下勘探区的提议,但现有露天矿开采作业将于2012年底到期。

    Mining operations at the existing open pit are due to cease by theend of 2012, although ERA is processing a proposal to develop the undergroundRanger 3 Deeps exploration area.


  • 他们研究帮助他们石油开采石油天然气定位方面开发新的工作程序

    Their research helps them develop new procedures for drilling and find new locations of oil and gas reservoirs.


  • 在原有的钻井技术中加入方法后,天然气可以地表英里甚至更深的未曾开发柔软岩层中被开采出来。

    Drillers have combined old technologies into new methods of extracting this natural gas from the previously untapped soft rock layer a mile or more beneath the surface.


  • 从技术层面上来讲利用现有技术可以开发北极的)石油的,但是美国地质调查局并没有考虑克服开采困难而产生成本永久海冰以及海洋深水

    The oil is considered "technically recoverable" using existing technology, but the USGS did not consider the cost of overcoming obstacles to drilling, such as permanent sea ice or deep waters.


  • 如今新开发铜矿还不多,而随着铜矿开采深入上等品级的矿石逐渐开采,矿石品级已不如从前。

    As older mines get deeper and the choicest parts of deposits become exhausted, ore grades have declined.


  • 即便如此,假如与另一同一个开发开采油井相比,只不过相形见绌。 这处油井距离海上45千米远。

    But it, too, may be dwarfed by another find by the same consortium, 45km farther out to sea.


  • 论述矿山开采专家系统结构、系统开发设计知识获取问题。

    This paper discussed the structure, development, design, knowledge getting etc. of the expert system of mining.


  • 油管尺寸大小水平井开采效果影响说明,增大油管尺寸明显达到提高水平井开发效果目的。

    According to the influence of tubing size on the exploitation results with horizontal Wells, it can improve the exploitation results with horizontal Wells obviously to enlarge the tubing size.


  • 阿拉斯加拥有70万人口,并且人口分散虽然居民石油开采等行业能源需求很大,阿拉斯加能源市场仍有待于大规模开发

    With a scattered population of merely 700,000, Alaska is not a huge market for energy, even though residents need lots of heat and industries like oil drilling require plenty of power.


  • 阿拉斯加拥有70万人口,并且人口分散虽然居民石油开采等行业能源需求很大,阿拉斯加能源市场仍有待于大规模开发

    With a scattered population of merely 700, 000, Alaska is not a huge market for energy, even though residents need lots of heat and industries like oil drilling require plenty of power.


  • 2001年,中国公布海洋石油开发外部合作修订条例和陆上石油开采外部合作条例。

    In 2001, China promulgated the revised Rules on External Cooperation for Ocean Oil Exploitation as well as Rules on External Cooperation for Onshore Oil Exploitation.


  • 开发油藏论述天然驱动能量的分级方法天然水开采效果评价方法。

    For flooding development reservoir, addressed the classing method for natural driving energy and the evaluating method for natural water drive development effect.


  • 第一成功的与生产开采过程匹配显著增加了开发潜力

    It enabled to reach a first-time successful history matching, and to highlight significant additional development potential.


  • 矿石类型石膏硬石膏,矿石质量好,矿床开采条件简单交通方便能源充足具有广阔的开发利用前景。

    The types of ore are gypsum and anhydrite, with the high quality, simple mining conditions, the convenient traffic and the abundant energy.


  • 一直以来,我国国产矿石因为开采成本原因,其开发一直受到制约

    From long time ago, because of reasons such as high mining cost, there are many limitations for the development of domestic ore mining.


  • 伴随着全球海洋石油资源开采各种各样的海洋结构物投入开发应用

    With the global exploitation of ocean resource, different kinds of ocean structures are designed and applied.


  • 伴随着全球海洋石油资源开采各种各样的海洋结构物投入开发应用

    With the global exploitation of ocean resource, different kinds of ocean structures are designed and applied.


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