• 负责工艺流程改进工装工具开发

    Be responsible for process improving and process tools developing.


  • 文章介绍了丙酮市场应用开发前景工业上催化氧化直接生产丙酮的工艺流程

    The article Introduces market application, and develop prospect of acetone as well as industrial USES of catalytic oxidation and direct oxidation of propylene to acetone.


  • 软件进行整车设计开发工艺流程设计,贴花设计,车型分色设计。

    Vehicles such as software design and development, process design, applique design, color design models Chiyoda?


  • 介绍了马钢取向电工M11含铬绝缘涂层开发过程及工艺流程

    The development, performance and application of M11 chromate-containing insulation coating on non-oriented electrical steels of Masteel was presented.


  • 开发环氧化反应产物分离工艺流程

    The products' separation process in propylene epoxidation reaction is developed in this paper.


  • 介绍了该钢级套管开发背景、套管的性能指标、基本生产工艺流程、实际性能检验结果油田使用结果

    The development background, casing property index, product process production property measuring results and casing used result in oil-field are presented.


  • 以某模型开发可视化油港工艺流程管理系统

    A visual technological flow of management system was developed by taking an oil harbor as a model.


  • 龙虾综合加工利用进行了叙述包括壳、虾红色素生产工艺流程开发利用。

    The paper has a report of the comprehensive machining utilization on Chinese lobsterS including the technology process and development utilization of lobster shell, lobster flesh and red pigment.


  • 这次在商会协调下能够完整地看到工艺流程,对于今后公司产品开发具有相当大借鉴意义。

    With the help of the Commercial Chamber, he finally watched the entire technical process of it. This, he thinks, will be of great reference to the development of the company's new products.


  • 自由设计为了能够指导包装纸盒各生产工艺流程开发线型图形库。

    A linetype base and a pattern base are made in the free design to guide the process of producing packaging cartons.


  • 异丙草胺— 莠津悬浮乳剂配方工艺流程进行了开发研究,找出了悬浮乳剂的最佳配方。

    This paper has developed the formulation and the technique of the Propischlor-Atrazine suspemulsion, has found out the best formulation of the suspemulsion.


  • 介绍了河南天宏焦化(集团)有限责任公司开发、应用焦炉煤气替代燃料油生产炭黑工艺流程工艺设计取得经济社会效益

    The paper introduces the process, process design and achieved economic and social benefit of charcoal black production in which coke oven gas takes the place of fuel oil.


  • 研究开发利用酒糟工艺条件工艺流程

    This paper studies the process conditions and flow of rice wine lees utilization.


  • 开发了以甲醇均相催化剂制备生物柴油的工艺流程,研究了相应催化剂后处理工艺

    Using magnesium methoxide as a heterogeneous catalyst to produce biodiesel was put forward, and the corresponding process for catalyst disposal was researched.


  • 开发系统具有简单方便的操作性能,控制机床三个驱动多个开关协调工作自动完成筛管切分加工的整个工艺流程

    The system is easy to operate and can make three axeses of the machine tool and certain switch signals work in phase, completing the cutting process automatically.


  • 文章介绍了乌拉草纤维开发现状成分分析以及生产工艺流程,对提取乌拉草纤维的脱胶工艺进行优化选择

    The development status, composition and production process are introduced, and the optimized degumming technique of extracting meyer sedge fiber are selected.


  • 传统车身开发流程按照概念设计详细设计、制定工艺流程、设计工装夹具加工装配程序进行的。

    The traditional development process of automotive body is shown as following order: conceptual design, detailed design, process planning, fixture and jig design, and then manufacturing and assembly.


  • 介绍湿涤纶纤维性能纺纱工艺流程工序的工艺参数选择技术措施、质量指标今后的开发方向

    Performance, spinning technology circulation, parameters choice of each process, technology measures and development direction of conduct wet polyester fibers were introduced.


  • 根据铜线挤压生产实际情况开发适应铜线连续挤压生产需要挤压模具工艺流程

    Based on the actual circumstance of extrusion production of copper lines, the extrusion die and technology flow adapted to the continuous extrusion of copper lines were developed.


  • 叙述了流程生产线的主体设备特点工艺流程调试生产工艺品种开发等工作。

    In this paper, the author introduces the main equipment and technology of short cycle production line, and also emphasizes process practice on hot readjusting trial and development of steel grades.


  • 基于传统工艺研制开发了一非晶合金制备设备工艺流程

    A new set of facilities and work flow for preparing amorphous selenium alloy films had been developed out based on traditional techniques.


  • 介绍了聚乳酸纤维纺丝方法、聚乳酸熔融纺丝工艺流程目前国内外聚乳酸纤维的生产开发情况。

    It described the spinning method including solution-spinning and melt-spinning and process of melt-spinning of polylactide and companies manufacturing polylactide fiber in the world.


  • 本文叙述的尿素生产方法,作者总结了尿素基础理论生产实践经验之后开发种低能耗尿素生产工艺流程

    This is a newly-developed urea process based on the author's summarization of basic theory and practical experience in urea production.


  • 运用CAPP技术通过了解工艺流程收集大量数据完成产品加工工艺卡片管理系统开发

    Knowing technology flow procedure, collecting large amount of data and applying CAPP technique, a management system of the technology CARDS of grinding processes of products is completed.


  • 测试及培训结果表明开发的非纤聚酯培训系统反映实际生产工艺流程,所建立的培训模型符合实际生产状况。

    The result of test indicates that the system developed by this paper reflects the real product technics, and the model build for the system is suitable to real product situation.


  • 本文介绍研制开发经编仿毛呢类产品,如素色仿毛呢、印花仿毛呢、仿毛呢、提花仿毛呢及经编起圈产品的编织、工艺流程、后处理加工

    The article introduces the investigation and development of wool-like knitted fabric, and theproduction processes of plain coloured, printed, coloured strip, jacquard, and terry warp-knitted fabrics.


  • 本文通过合成氨工艺流程课件开发探讨了多媒体化工工艺流程教学中的应用

    This article discusses the application of multimedia in the teaching of the chemical technological process.


  • 开发高炉炼铁技术缩短钢铁工艺流程,实现节能、减排高效生产具有重大现实意义,形成了直接还原熔融还原为主的工艺流程

    The purpose of development non-blast furnace technology is reduce iron and steel process, save energy, and efficient production. So far formed by direct reduction and smelting reduction process based.


  • 开发高效长寿廉价催化剂及精炼工艺流程总体考虑也是本文论述的重要内容。

    An attempt to develop an effective long-life catalyst with view of the whole system of refining pro...


  • 在所研究理论模型工艺流程分析基础上,开发动力压井工艺参数设计软件进行了实例验证

    Based on the research and analysis of the theoretical model and construction process, it developed dynamic kill software, and the example is verified.


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