• 清代新疆水利开发中国西部开发史重要组成部分。

    The development of Xinjiang water conservancy in Qing dynasty played an important role in Chinese west development history.


  • 中国具有悠久土地开发史由于地域辽阔,自然条件差异大,使土地利用土地覆盖类型多种多样,中国的LUCC变化全球环境变化的重要组成部分

    Owing to having long history of land development and various types of land cover, the change of China's LUCC is an important component part of global environmental changes.


  • 澳大利亚兰杰(Ranger铀矿26年开发史大部分时期内,一直受到来自生态学家抗议他们反对一个世界遗产公园周边地区开发铀矿用于核燃料生产。

    FOR much of its 26-year life the Ranger uranium mine in north Australia has seen protests from ecologists who oppose digging for nuclear fuel on the edge of a world heritage park.


  • 史蒂文·乔布斯并没有现身公司的开发商会议上

    Steve Jobs is a no-show at developers conference.


  • 葛兰素史克英格玛诊断公司联合开发即时PCR试验鉴别特异流感病毒

    GlaxoSmithKline and Enigma Diagnostics have an agreement to develop point-of-care PCR tests to identify specific flu strains.


  • 阿加沃解决方案,由他加利福尼亚大学另外名教授史蒂芬拉杰史一起开发创造出一个隔离的、虚拟机器备份

    Agarwal's solution, developed with two other UCSD professors, Stefan Savage and Rajesh Gupta, is to create a stripped down, virtual copy of a machine.


  • 阿加沃解决方案,由他加利福尼亚大学另外两名教授史蒂芬拉杰史一起开发创造出一个隔离的、虚拟机器备份

    Agarwal's solution, developed with two UCSD professors, Stefan Savage and Rajesh Gupta, is to create a stripped down, virtual copy of a machine.


  • 微软最高行政总裁史蒂文鲍尔默开发苹果iPad相抗争的平板电脑他们当前优先考虑的项目。

    Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's chief executive, said that developing a tablet-style computer to rival Apple's iPad was a top priority Photo: AP


  • 史坦大学加州分校的研究员麻奴鸠摩开发了一种面向更广泛市场的视线跟踪系统,美其名曰GUIDe

    Manu Kumar, a researcher at Stanford University in California, is developing a gaze-tracking system called GUIDe aimed at a broader market: people who share documents.


  • 该住宅开发区俗称“史蒂城”(Stuy Town),有大约25,000名居民大多数中产阶级

    Residents of "Stuy Town", as it is called, number around 25, 000. Most are middle-class.


  • 住宅开发区俗称“史蒂城”(Stuy Town),有大约25,000名居民,大多数中产阶级

    Residents of "Stuy Town", as it is called, number around 25,000. Most are middle-class.


  • 目前已经有许多制药企业,葛兰素·史克公司,他们最有创造能力的研发人员开发帮助穷人的药物。

    There are a number of pharmaceutical companies, like GlaxoSmithKline, that are already putting their top innovators to work on new approaches to help the poor.


  • 充分开发利用这些文学资源,成就了战时重庆文学繁荣,也给文学史留下深长启示

    The full exploitation of these resources brought the prosperity of Chongqing literature during the war, and at the same time, it left a significant inspiration to the literary history.


  • 微软公司市场开发部门经理詹姆士 乌兹史内德,“顾客来到我们这里告诉我们他们真的很喜欢XO笔记本电脑并且希望看到视窗操作系统上面运行。

    "Customers have come to us and said they really like the XO laptop and they would like to see Windows on it, " said James Utzschneider, manager of Microsoft's developing markets unit.


  • 本文区域经济史入手,揭示了现代矿业开发如何促进河南经济的中兴从中得出了几点具有一般意义推论

    Starting with regional economic history, the paper brought into light how modern mining industry promote flourish of he Nan's economic development, it also got general inference.


  • 验证了拉莫三嗪普通片剂生物等效性后,拉莫三嗪口腔崩解被批准,由葛兰素史克与尤兰德EurandNV合作开发

    These new disintegrating tablets were approved on the basis of their demonstrated bioequivalence to Lamictal tablets and were developed in collaboration with Eurand NV.


  • 人类歴8 !亚克·安娜发现硑记事簿!急需开发人类器皿

    History of Mankind 8: Alcyone library Discover Book of Creation - Book of Ani! Development of Human vessel must hurry!


  • 帧1907年拍摄、1927年公开发表梅兰芳照片由于重要性20世纪多种戏曲人物传记中,反复使用

    A photo of Mei Lan-fang taken in 1907 and issued in 1927 has, because of its importance, been used repeatedly in many versions of the 20th century drama history and biographies.


  • 借由苹果全世界开发者会议大约旧金山平常谣言讽刺什么运行长史蒂文工作是的绝对猜测有关显示进行

    With Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference about to kick off in San Francisco, the usual rumors, innuendo and sheer guessing of what CEO Steven Jobs is about the reveal is well underway.


  • 物理学物理教学中的运用情况不容乐观,教师物理学史功能开发不足

    Thus, the history of Physics is not made sufficient use of in physics teaching, and teachers have not developed enough about its functions.


  • 一位葛兰素史克发言人表示如果这次FDA拒绝申请,两家公司知道些什么,葛兰素史克拥有洛伐他汀市场开发权一点是肯定的。

    Glaxo spokesman said the companies haven't decided what they will do if the FDA rejects the drug again, but Glaxo would own the marketing rights.


  • 目前已开发、佛传洞、观音洞世人展示着丰富佛教文化

    Now in the exploitation, there are cavities about history of Buddha, publicity and Kwan-yin, which bring forth abundant Buddha culture to the earthling.


  • 相应地化学教育中化学教育受到越来越重视随后化学史的教育价值成功地开发

    Accordingly, in chemical education, education of chemical history has been pay more attention, later on, the value of it has been developed.


  • 相应地化学教育中化学教育受到越来越重视随后化学史的教育价值成功地开发

    Accordingly, in chemical education, education of chemical history has been pay more attention, later on, the value of it has been developed.


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