• 网络空间必须建设时候,注意细节构建的成熟性因为往往是人们消费场所

    A place in cyberspace must be built with the same attention to detail and architectural sophistication as the physical space in which people shop.


  • 今后需要消费者驾车停车所有地方建设更多的电动汽车充电设施,比如住宅工作场所咖啡店购物中心附近酒店城镇四周等等。

    New EV charging infrastructure will need to be built in the home, at work, at coffee shops, near shopping malls, hotels and all around townanywhere consumers drive and park their vehicles.


  • 建设风力发电站最佳场所远离建筑物开阔地带所以需要建设电力传输线路风力发出电传送到需求最大城区

    Wind power is best in open areas away from structures so power lines are needed to move the electricity it to urban areas where demand is the biggest.


  • 周四希腊官员否认了此种说法雅典所面临的严重工程建设延期使得比赛场所交通运输系统更易受到攻击

    Greek officials on Thursday denied claims that serious construction delays facing Athens could leave venues and transit systems more vulnerable to attacks.


  • Macquarie Securities认为,家庭房屋办公场所厂房建设10月份下降了16.6%。

    Construction of homes, offices and factories fell by 16.6% in October, according to Macquarie Securities.


  • 客厅的美观对于宾客来临是个长期接触谈话交流场所所以做好客厅的相关建设相当重要

    Beautiful living room for the arrival of the guests is a long-term exposure, the conversation exchange places, so do related to the construction of the living room is very important.


  • 全省正在建设改造各类演出场所22个

    The place of of all kinds show that complete province is being built or transforms 22.


  • 作为当今城市建设主角- - -ꆮ高层建筑引人注意的轮廓线,限定城市活动场所公共空间

    As the city construction, high-rise building leading to contour the eye-catching, limits the city places of public space.


  • 这个具有破坏性堕落世界上建设这样场所、一个生命的绿洲—人们可以其中学习一种完整健全和智慧的生活方式—显得越来越重要

    It is becoming more and more important in a world that is destructive and degenerating that there should be a place, an oasis, where one can learn a way of living that is whole, sane and intelligent.


  • 节点作为市民进行公共生活的主要场所对外展示城市风貌的重要窗口,是城市建设中的重点

    City nodes have been a key base of city building for they serve as both major public places for city dwellers and Windows to city view and culture.


  • 空间有限的时候,城市必须找到创造性的方式建设停车场、公园户外场所

    Cities must find creative ways to build public parks, gardens, and out door areas when space is limited.


  • 部分山地陡峭险峻,可以进行旅游探险开发建设拓展训练基地场所

    Some steep hills dangerous, and can travel adventure, development and construction is an excellent place to expand training base.


  • 城市居民近郊休闲场所风格偏好研究对于近郊休闲企业场所建设市场开发意义重大

    The study of style preference of urban residents towards suburb leisure places means a lot to sites construction and market development of those recreational companies in suburb areas.


  • 建设同时管理工作也应该跟上一些场所管理效果不尽人意

    At the same time of construction, management should follow, but some areas of management effectiveness was not perfect.


  • 配套条件:气候温和交通方便经济繁荣建设物流基地理想场所

    The Matching ConditionsThe location is a desirable one for the construction of a goods distribution base with its mild temperature, convenient transportation and prosperous economy.


  • 城市中公共空间建设方兴未艾,但也表现出诸多问题主要体现设计建设对于人行为因素的忽视致使具有场所精神的公共活动与公共空间的缺失

    The most primary problem is the ignorance of the behavioral factors in the process of design and construction, which led up to the scarcity of public activity and public space that have genius loci.


  • 作为教学科研场所高校建设一个高效网络来进行联系与交流显得尤为重要

    It's obviously very important to set up an efficient network to teaching and research work for a university.


  • 社区城市居民建设娱乐、进行社会交往重要场所应建立完善社区体育服务体系

    The community is the important place for entertainment and society associations of city peoples, hence we should establish and consummate the community sports service system.


  • 全国各地都建设应急避险场所颇有成效公园类应急避险场所更是建设重点

    The whole country take success in building Emergency Shelter, Emergency Shelter in Park is the key.


  • 结论二甲苯建设项目职业病危害控制措施可行、有效部分场所噪声作业危害较大,仍采取有效的防护措施。

    Conclusion the control measures of occupational hazard are effective during m-xylene production process, but noise in the workplace needs to be taken effective protective measures.


  • 乡村聚落中的公共空间农民参与乡村文化建设重要场所

    Rural public Spaces are important sites for villagers to conduct their local culture.


  • 湘江流域历史文化名城目前存在建设破坏场所特性消失等问题这些问题有着深层次原因

    The historic and cultural cities in Xiangjiang river basin have problems of constructive breakage and place characteristic vanishing, and this problems have deep reasons.


  • 应急避险场所建设管理中的问题急需得到解决。

    Emergency Shelter construction and management issues need to be addressed.


  • 北京市应急避险场所建设工作一直全国前列近几年建设几十处应急避险场所其中绝大多数公园类型

    Beijing Emergency shelter building has been the leader in the nation, dozens of shelters constructed in recent years, most of them were the park types.


  • 本文介绍医院病房大楼建设如何调动医务人员参与的积极性博采众长,病人提供温馨舒适的就医环境,为医务人员创造便捷、高效的工作场所

    To provide patient and stuff with warmth comfortable circumstance how to mobilize medical service and make full use their wisdom was discussed in this article.


  • 居住生活场所建设人类社会有史以来基本生存活动

    Live life for the development of human society in the history of basic living activities.


  • 居住生活场所建设人类社会有史以来基本生存活动

    Live life for the development of human society in the history of basic living activities.


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