• 这样能够合理把握二者之间关系,使得可再生能源更好的为建筑设计服务

    Only in this way can a reasonable grasp the relationship between the two, making renewable energy the better for architectural design services.


  • 战略定位出发除了美国中国我们现在中东印度韩国和越南在内的各国业主提供建筑设计服务

    By the strategy position, we mostly offer architecture design service except for US and China, and also Middle East, India, Korea and Vietnam clients.


  • 澳大利亚一个服务大国,新州教育旅游金融城市规划建筑设计服务部门拥有很强的实力

    Australia has a strong service sector. Education, tourism, finance, urban planning, architecture design industries in New South Wales are also very competitive.


  • 我们海滨策地酒店,它的建筑设计别具一格,酒店里有的任何服务虽然价格不菲物有所值。

    We stayed on the coast at the Chedi, a combination of designer chic and whatever-you-want-in-the-world service, expensive but not absurdly so for what you get.


  • 建筑设计功能定位成为当地居民游客服务的攀岩中心和聚集地,”工作室

    "The design of the building is based on its function as a mountaineering centre and gathering place for both locals and visitors," said the studio.


  • 公司配有一整套完善的先进建筑设计制图绘图打印晒图设施运用计算机应用管理系统顾客更好服务

    Companies with a set of sound, advanced architectural design, mapping, mapping, printing, Shaitu and other facilities, and use a computer application management systems for customers better service.


  • 至于建筑设计电脑保安两方面的服务需求不断增加

    Demand for its services in architectural design and computer security continued to expand.


  • 图书馆建筑设计功能布局规章制度读者服务等几个方面阐述了图书馆人性化建设诸要素

    The article discusses the factors of the humanity construction of library from the aspects of library construction design, function layout, rules and regulations and reader service.


  • 公司从事规划建筑设计工程咨询相关技术服务技术咨询

    This company is engaged in the plan architectural design project consultation and so on, related technical service technical advisory work.


  • 建筑设计中采用了一个简单铜质屋顶邻近的服务空间屋顶采用了纯天然的木质材料,成为一部分元素,各部分均包含连续石质墙面

    The design has been conceived as a simple copper pitched roof form with adjoining servant Spaces in a low sedum-roofed element, all contained by a continuous wrapping drystone wall.


  • 第五十一医疗机构基本标准建筑设计服务流程应当符合预防传染病医院感染要求

    Article 51 the basic standards, construction design and service process of medical agencies shall be in conformity with the requirements for prevention of hospital infection of infectious diseases.


  • 其余附加服务包括豪华建筑设计室内设计推荐

    Additional services include luxury architecture and interior design referrals.


  • 最后基于以上过程,笔者就高校学生宿舍开发建设、规划布局、后勤服务管理以及建筑设计等问题,提出我国高校学生宿舍在今后一段时期内的发展趋势

    Finally, the author states the development trend of the college students' dormitories of our country on the basis of development, planning, logistics management and the building design.


  • 论文针对高校综合性餐饮服务中心建筑设计技术设计如何满足新的需求进行研究

    This thesis has carried on the research of the relevant problem to the synthetic diet service center of university from architectural design and technology of the building.


  • 迦勒安德森设计服务涵盖设计过程全范围包括室内装饰设计建筑设计项目管理定制家具设计

    Caleb Anderson Design's services span the fullscope of the design process and include interior design & decoration, construction design, project management, and custom furniture design.


  • 四川省建筑设计我国西部城市建设开发领域提供专业服务大型建筑设计咨询机构

    Sichuan Provincial architectural design Institute (SADI) is a large-scale architectural design consultancy institution offering professional service in fields of urban construction and development.


  • 设计类:三圣建筑设计事务所产品大型建筑小区项目服装设计公司,为海内外企业服务

    Design: Trinity architectural design firm, products are for the construction of large residential projects such as clothing design company, for enterprises at home and abroad services.


  • 建筑设计系统设计交互设计服务设计中的现代实践要求上述般一情境体验的稳定性

    Modern practice in architecture, systems, interaction and service design all require the type of multi-context consistency described above.


  • 实际工作中,对于建筑形态拓展有理有节综合考虑各种因素建筑设计更好地社会服务

    In practice, the architectural form of the expansion section to be justified, considering various factors, for architectural design to better serve the community.


  • 公司成立以来卓越的设计理念优质服务很快得到市场认同,以业界新锐立足于中国深圳建筑设计

    Since the company was established, the market has approved the remarkable design and high quality service so that the company can base on the architectural design of Shenzhen.


  • 建筑设计中,南部包括120办公楼,一个馨乐庭服务公寓一个大型购物中心。

    The design for the south plot incorporates a 120-metre-high office tower, a Citadines serviced apartment tower, and a shopping mall.


  • 除了产品设计服务设计平面设计信息系统设计时尚设计电子商务设计室内设计建筑设计设计管理涵括商业各个方面。

    Instead of designing products, services, graphics, information systems, fashion, e-commerce, interior design and architecture as separate projects, it is necessary to address all aspects of business.


  • 建筑设计一个广阔服务领域中忙碌着,包括规划设计建筑设计景观设计室内设计

    Culturescape Planning is engaged in a wide range of services including master plan, architecture, landscape and interior design.


  • BAM融合传统以植物为基础景观设计服务,又吸收新的技术建筑设计手法艺术概念能够提供完备的景观设计服务

    Pairing conventional plant-based landscape design services with new technologies, architectural methodologies, and artistic conceptualization, BAM delivers complete landscape design services.


  • 长期以来致力于建筑设计建筑表现领域研究设计开发服务工作。

    We have been consistently engaged in the research, design, development, and service of architecture design and presentation.


  • 思联建筑设计有限公司非常自豪是能给客户提供质量服务客户很高满意率回顾

    CL3 pride themselves in client satisfaction and a high percentage of repeat clients, concentrating on high quality and professionally executed projects with attention to detail.


  • 思联建筑设计有限公司非常自豪是能给客户提供质量服务客户很高满意率回顾

    CL3 pride themselves in client satisfaction and a high percentage of repeat clients, concentrating on high quality and professionally executed projects with attention to detail.


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