• 我们没有故意改变原来的空间而是使新的阁楼重新组织整个建筑创造一个全新的建筑系列形象

    We didn't intend to cover the existing volume, thus the new attic redesigns the whole building and creates a brand new architecture.


  • 这个乐高公司推出八个建筑场景,其灵感都来自于电影加勒比海盗》,符合迪斯尼公司发布的这个系列电影第四部。

    This month Lego will launch eight building sets inspired by "Pirates of the Caribbean", to coincide with the release of the fourth film in this Disney franchise.


  • 冷漠建筑...希拉·贝歇系列摄影局部,宾夕法尼亚矿坑地上部分(1974)

    Coolly architectural ... a detail of Hilla Becher's series of Pennsylvania pit head photographs (1974)


  • 系列建筑中,层高建筑正在兴建中,周围的建筑还要上一层。

    The newest of them – still not complete, like almost every building in this series – rises up six floors, one higher than its neighbour.


  • 墨菲说:“这儿没有死亡没有毁灭,倒是挺适合销售员塑料植物的。”最终战争建筑》。作为这系列照片得主题。

    There's "an absence of death and destruction, and in their place [are] suited salesmen and plastic plants," says Murphy. His resulting photo series is titled Architects of War.


  • 去年的高达设计系列展上里奇对他观众阐述了模块化建筑:“宇宙中的一切建造一个实体模型...。

    Speaking about his modular architecture at Seed’s Design Series last year, Ritchie told the audience, “I want to make a physicalized model of everything in the universe….


  • 上周系列骤发洪水泥流巴西里约热内卢附近的塞拉纳山地区爆发,建筑道路被破坏

    Last week, a series of flash floods and mudslides struck the Serrana mountain region near Rio DE Janeiro, Brazil, destroying buildings roads and more.


  • 罪犯于1836年建造美丽沙岩澳大利亚历史上悠久。 并用系列令人印象深刻雕刻作品来装饰建筑之一

    The beautiful sandstone span, built by convicts in 1836, is one of Australia's oldest and is decorated with an impressive array of carvings.


  • 正在消失美国”这系列作品的主要摄影对象是废弃/衰败的建筑城镇

    WebUrbanist: Your seriesVanishing America” features images of abandoned and/or decaying buildings and towns.


  • 建筑内部空间设有居住用房办公室科学实验室娱乐场所,同时还包括系列采用生物降解技术菜园回收废品的同时能够提供食品

    The interior spaces feature room for housing, offices, scientific laboratories, and entertainment, and a series of bioremediating vegetable gardens provide a source of food while recycling waste.


  • 卓越结构工程师自己整个系列价值几百万美元的建造设备放在了一栋超级摩天大楼的崭新建筑工地里。

    A prominent structural engineer has situated his entire fleet of multi-million-dollar construction equipment at a brand new building site for a massive skyscraper.


  • 过去很多学生大学毕业欧洲假,”帮助建立系列青年旅馆廉价旅馆建筑胡杨(音)到。

    "In the past, a lot of students would go to Europe for a holiday after they graduated from university," says Hu Yang, an architect who helped set up a chain of youth hostels and budget hotels.


  • 所提及的解决措施包括沿着罗海湾建筑系列海堤,此计划大约花费为20亿欧元

    One solution he proposed consists in building a huge series of sea walls along the Siam gulf, a project that would cost about 2 billion euros.


  • 一路上建筑多变风格一直可以追溯至25年前金融变革”,1986年10月27强制推行的系列金融服务业规则造成改变

    The shifting architecture on the journey traces the changes wrought byBig Bang”, a set of new rules for the financial-services industry that came into force 25 years ago, on October 27th 1986.


  • 施托·伊弗·桑特镇彼得·库珀沿纽约东河不规则延伸的系列砖结构建筑,大约11000个租住单元

    Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village is a sprawling series of brick apartment buildings with 11,000 rental units that line New York's East River.


  • 史蒂文森城–彼得Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village)由系列不规则延伸砖砌公寓建筑组成,11,000套出租单元沿着纽约的东河排列成行。

    Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village is a sprawling series of brick apartment buildings with 11, 000 rental units that line New York’s East River.


  • 2001年2007年,布置系列骗局中,从银行建筑投资人那里套取总额18亿的资金。

    In a string of scams conducted from 2001 to 2007, Wang fleeced Banks, construction contractors, and private investors for a total of nearly 1.8 billion yuan.


  • Raskar博士认为技术产生系列应用研究难以接近人体角落缝隙观察失火建筑

    But Dr Raskar reckons that his technique will eventually open a range of applications, from studying inaccessible nooks and crannies of the human body to looking into burning buildings.


  • 雕塑建筑形式反映围绕一个环形园林设计配合建筑景观水景系列

    The sculpted building forms are reflected in a series of surrounding water features set into a curvilinear garden landscape designed to complement the architecture.


  • 后来添加整体建筑这个系列开始囊括来自柏林汉堡当代建筑

    Later I started adding whole buildings to the series, and starting including contemporary buildings from Berlin and Hamburg.


  • 但是建筑工程规模逐渐扩大导致建筑工程暴露出系列质量管理问题尤其是施工现场的质量管理问题。

    But building project scale expands gradually lead to the construction of a series of exposure quality management problems, especially the quality management of the construction site.


  • 这些巨大雕塑取代传统建筑框架体系支撑着一系列楼层

    These gigantic statues take the place of a traditional architectural framework, supporting the various floors.


  • 系列重复框架组成小型建筑

    A series of repetitive frames comprise the small buildings.


  • 系列建筑基础设施密集场所商业活动有关生物技术研究

    The series of new buildings and infrastructures are places of intense commercial activity relating to biotechnology research.


  • 建筑周围设置的系列庭院通过景观花园小路连接

    The buildings are placed around a series of courtyards connected by landscaped gardens and pathways.


  • 利用下层形状组合居民居住提供系列建筑便利

    The utilization of contextual shapes in new combinations gave the building a series of architectural benefits for the residents.


  • 在这里建筑添加了系列种植区域

    Here, the architects also added a series of planted areas.


  • 结构伦敦建筑基金会组织系列活动提供场地,探索如何失去复原主题解决建筑问题。

    The structure will provide the setting for a series of events organised by London's architecture Foundation to look at how themes of loss and resurrection are addressed in architecture.


  • 不仅仅是因为极佳材料选择有助于建筑结构高机动性还有系列设置在建筑侧边碳纤维槽体增加建筑稳定性

    Not only does the material choice effect the actual mobility of the structure, but a series of carbon fiber "gutters" that run down the side create added structural stability.


  • 不仅仅是因为极佳材料选择有助于建筑结构高机动性还有系列设置在建筑侧边碳纤维槽体增加建筑稳定性

    Not only does the material choice effect the actual mobility of the structure, but a series of carbon fiber "gutters" that run down the side create added structural stability.


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