• 建筑立面朝向校园心脏”——中央花园庭院

    Its Northern facade faces the central garden courtyard, which ACTS as the 'heart' of the campus.


  • 建筑立面尽可能多设置光伏电池板建筑供能。

    Photovoltaic panels were added to as much of the north-facing side wall as possible, generating solar electricity for the building.


  • 追溯到2004年,开曼群岛(这个古巴150公里属直辖地)上,这栋建筑就为12 748家企业提供同一地址

    Back in 2004, the building served as home to 12, 748 companies using the same address in the Caymans, a British crown colony 150 miles south of Cuba.


  • 本周开发商J .H .施耐德好莱坞一座建筑举行破土动工仪式。

    THIS week J. H. Snyder, a developer, broke ground for a new building in North hollywood-a district in the San Fernando Valley where people shop for car batteries.


  • 即将撞上建筑之前联合航空175号航班降低高度世贸中心。先受到恐怖劫机飞机撞击塔正在燃烧。

    United Airlines Flight 175 flies low toward theSouth Tower of the World Trade Center, shortly before slamming into thestructure.


  • 2011年4月7日,纽约,被称作狗”隧道挖掘工人第二大街地铁建筑工程隧道的隧道掘进机走出。

    A subway construction worker, known as a "sandhog" exits the tunnel boring machine in the northbound tunnel of the Second Avenue subway construction project, Thursday, April 7, 2011 in New York.


  • 我们某种程度恢复立面原始形态,进一步创造建筑的可居性。

    We recover, in part, the original topography on the north facade to facilitate, now, the accessibility and livability of the building.


  • 免得建筑明确不同规模展览室提供展示艺术作品理想条件

    In the northern building, clear exhibition rooms of varying sizes offer ideal conditions for presenting the works of art.


  • 功能上酒店楼层服务式公寓之下,使核心筒可以上下堆叠且沿立面创造建筑的“入口”。

    Programmatically, the hotel floors are stacked below the serviced apartment levels, enabling the core to telescope and creating the architectural "portal" along the north façade.


  • 坍塌尘烟以及吞没了世贸中心周围建筑

    Dust, smoke and ash engulf buildingsaround the World Trade Center in New York City, after the collapse of bothtowers on September 11, 2001.


  • 此外木质建筑系统隐含方面要传统建造建筑大部分明尼阿波利斯市中心建筑以及环外建筑

    Additionally, the embodied carbon in the building's wood structural system is lower than that found in conventional buildings found throughout most of downtown Minneapolis and the North Loop.


  • 入口处位于建筑立面,进去便是一个狭长的走廊顺着楼梯蜿蜒而上一直能穿过建筑中心

    The entrance is positioned on the northern facade and leads into a long narrow hallway with a staircase winding up through its centre.


  • 此次展出场地由“丝厂“西栅景区部分组成,西栅景区人们所熟知沿河岸而立的东方传统园林风格建筑

    The exhibition will be in two areas: the silk factory area and the tourist area that is known for its ancient houses along the river, which have East China's traditional garden-style architecture.


  • 此次展出场地由“丝厂“西栅景区部分组成,西栅景区人们所熟知沿河岸而立的东方传统园林风格建筑

    Thee exhibition will be in two areas: the silk factory area and the tourist area that is known for its ancient houses along the river, which have East China's traditional garden-style architecture.


  • 建筑,由西,由室外边界室内空间,处处都将其透明通达特点展现淋漓尽致。

    Transparency is achieved from north to south and from east to west, widening the boundaries of the interior space.


  • 整个建筑群的布局形式幢塔楼沿西、、东周边布置,商业空间镶嵌其间。

    The four towers are disposed beside the nearby streets, while the commercial Spaces are filled among them.


  • 一部分包含风景办公室立面停车场新建有轨电车站,成为建筑立面

    This part contains the landscape offices, and whose northern elevation, which faces the parking lot and the new tramway stop, becomes the main facade of the building.


  • 建筑围绕露天庭院布置,庭院包括一楼公共私人空间

    The building is arranged around a north facing open courtyard containing a mixture of public and private spaces at ground level.


  • 目的研究硼酸木材防护剂对危害建筑台湾乳白蚁白蚁预防效果。

    Objective To measure the efficacy of boric acid wood preservatives in the prevention of Coptotermes formosanus (Shiraki) and Reticulitermes speratus (Kolbe) in buildings.


  • 广场西三面宏伟壮丽宫殿建筑环绕

    Plaza South, North, West three were magnificent palaces around the building.


  • 仁寿殿之有一建筑

    Renshoudian north, a group of opera Park Building.


  • 最后从立面上开门离开建筑回到场地。

    They will leave the building through the exit on the north facade of the factory.


  • 展馆建筑用了熔块玻璃波纹金属,从外观可见一个室内悬臂楼梯

    The North Pavilion features a fritted glass and corrugated metal panel facade with a cantilevered interior staircase made visible on the exterior.


  • 政殿凤凰,三层,当时盛京城内最高的建筑

    The Phoenix Tower, which is three-storeyed, on the north side of Chongzheng Palace, was then the highest-rising buildings within the Shengjing City.


  • 健身房两个不同大小建筑并列排开。

    At the gym, two volumes in different sizes are juxtaposed from north to south.


  • Campana兄弟——他们最近进入建筑界的设计师——把一相同材料应用建筑立面,保护其免受夏天的强烈阳光

    The Campana brothers - who are the latest designers to move into architecture - applied this same material to the house's north-facing facade to protect it from the intense summer sun.


  • 建筑坐落斜坡,每组织直接外部空间相连接

    The building is integrated into a north facing slope. It is organized on three levels, all of which are directly linked to the exterior spaces.


  • 建筑坐落斜坡,每组织直接外部空间相连接

    The building is integrated into a north facing slope. It is organized on three levels, all of which are directly linked to the exterior spaces.


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