Within the span of several centuries, the Lapita stretched the boundaries of their world from the jungle — clad volcanoes of Papua New Guinea to the loneliest coral outliers of Tonga.
And it is from this extended sense of connection that the magnitude of changes, the rapidity of changes, can truly begin to take place.
Nintendo set out to reach beyond existing gamers and expand the market.
Using WebKit would enable the company to leverage the framework's standards compliance and impressive speed, while still enabling Microsoft to extend ie with proprietary extensions.
对于喜欢使用延伸鼠标产品的顾客,lapworks计划不久推出snap -on nouzpad来扩展鼠标领域。
For customers who prefer an external mouse when using a laptop on their lap, LapWorks plans to announce shortly a snap-on MouzPad to expand the Futura's mousing area.
But it also created a much larger pool of knowledge from which people could draw, a pool that has continued to expand (or, dare we say, continued to extend?)
Producers value market integration because it expands the actual and potential market for their goods.
So you can look at the web as the ultimate extension of the media business model to a wide range of other industries.
During this process, you will build the application in a way that it is scalable and extensible.
So you can look at the web as the ultimate extension of the media business model to a wide range of other industries like data recovery service.
Fractures raced down to the base of his skull and around the sides of his head.
‘This hypothesis can be extended to any software in general, however more research is needed for that, which is a potential future work as an extension to this report.’
These green balconies extend along one face of the tower, increasing the building's image as a "green oasis" in the city skyline.
The advantages of the standardized approach are many, but they all boil down to the same basic advantage: the extension and expansion of the resources available for grid computing.
This effort has been extended to the Asia-Pacific region in 2016 and can be further extended to other regions over time.
A layer of the extension to the distance, slowly calm down, like breath like, leave a fleeting bubble, and shook the bad smell of seaweed.
Interior finishes are intended to complement the extension. All of the window frames are painted black, while the walls are bright white.
Fracture lines start from the outside and spread over the whole cross section, particularly starting in the fillet area and very often after a fatigue crack propagation.
Accepting that life extends well beyond your planet and that it abounds everywhere, and mostly in the higher dimensions allows for a greater expansion of your consciousness.
This paper explains the relationship between the narrowing and filling of information gap and the extending and altering of schema knowledge.
The right to know of consumer has been developed from traditional basis and is easily offended in the age of Internet.
The right to know of consumer has been developed from traditional basis and is easily offended in the era of Internet.
These tumors can remodel the temporal bone and extend into the posterior cranial fossa, possibly producing mass effect on the brainstem and cerebellum. Some tumors may extend below the skull base.
Your improved state of emotion will not be limited only to the 15 minutes that you are participating in the guided meditation, but will extend into many of your other waking moments.
Relationship between port and region is extension of relationship between port and city.
Providing the employment information service for the graduates is the enlargement and extension of the service function of university library.
Providing the employment information service for the graduates is the enlargement and extension of the service function of university library.