• 几个世纪时间里,拉塔人扩展他们边界巴布亚新几内亚丛林覆盖火山延伸到汤加孤独的珊瑚群。

    Within the span of several centuries, the Lapita stretched the boundaries of their world from the jungleclad volcanoes of Papua New Guinea to the loneliest coral outliers of Tonga.


  • 并且扩展延伸连接感觉当中强度会发生改变,而且迅速的改变,这会真实的开始并且发生。

    And it is from this extended sense of connection that the magnitude of changes, the rapidity of changes, can truly begin to take place.


  • 任天堂准备延伸现有的玩家群体扩展市场

    Nintendo set out to reach beyond existing gamers and expand the market.


  • 使用WebKit能够更好地遵循标准获得令人印象深刻速度同时能够让Microsoft使用他们独有的扩展延伸ie的功能。

    Using WebKit would enable the company to leverage the framework's standards compliance and impressive speed, while still enabling Microsoft to extend ie with proprietary extensions.


  • 对于喜欢使用延伸鼠标产品的顾客lapworks计划不久推出snap -on nouzpad扩展鼠标领域

    For customers who prefer an external mouse when using a laptop on their lap, LapWorks plans to announce shortly a snap-on MouzPad to expand the Futura's mousing area.


  • 可是,书写不同时为人类开辟一个广阔得多学识天地么?有了片新的知识天地,人们得以从中吸取知识,而这个知识天地一直都处于不断扩展之中(是否也可以大胆,处在不断地延伸之中?)

    But it also created a much larger pool of knowledge from which people could draw, a pool that has continued to expand (or, dare we say, continued to extend?)


  • 生产者看重市场整合是因为扩展延伸实际潜在产品市场。

    Producers value market integration because it expands the actual and potential market for their goods.


  • 所以,可以网络看作是媒体商业模式延伸其他行业终极扩展

    So you can look at the web as the ultimate extension of the media business model to a wide range of other industries.


  • 这个过程中构建扩展以及延伸应用软件

    During this process, you will build the application in a way that it is scalable and extensible.


  • 所以,可以网络看作是媒体商业模式延伸其他行业的终极扩展

    So you can look at the web as the ultimate extension of the media business model to a wide range of other industries like data recovery service.


  • 骨折一直延伸头骨底部头部两侧扩展

    Fractures raced down to the base of his skull and around the sides of his head.


  • 尽管仍更多研究总体来看,假说可以扩展任何一种软件也许未来研究报告做进一步延伸的工作。

    This hypothesis can be extended to any software in general, however more research is needed for that, which is a potential future work as an extension to this report.’


  • 这些绿色阳台沿着个立面延伸扩展城市天际线中增加建筑作为种“绿色绿洲形象

    These green balconies extend along one face of the tower, increasing the building's image as a "green oasis" in the city skyline.


  • 标准化方案许多优势,最终可以归纳一点:扩展延伸网格计算可用资源

    The advantages of the standardized approach are many, but they all boil down to the same basic advantage: the extension and expansion of the resources available for grid computing.


  • 2016年,一工作扩展亚太地区未来延伸其他地区

    This effort has been extended to the Asia-Pacific region in 2016 and can be further extended to other regions over time.


  • 一层层浪涛远处扩展延伸慢慢平息下去,像是喘一口气似的留下片转瞬即逝泡沫还有摇晃着海藻的霉腥味。

    A layer of the extension to the distance, slowly calm down, like breath like, leave a fleeting bubble, and shook the bad smell of seaweed.


  • 室内装饰扩展部分延伸所有窗框黑色涂成明亮的白色

    Interior finishes are intended to complement the extension. All of the window frames are painted black, while the walls are bright white.


  • 断裂面轴承部位外部开始延伸整个截面。典型的是从圆弧部开始,常常由于疲劳而产生裂纹扩展引起的。

    Fracture lines start from the outside and spread over the whole cross section, particularly starting in the fillet area and very often after a fatigue crack propagation.


  • 接受生命延伸远远超越你们星球,并且无处不在,主要的是更高维度中允许你们的意识一个更大扩展

    Accepting that life extends well beyond your planet and that it abounds everywhere, and mostly in the higher dimensions allows for a greater expansion of your consciousness.


  • 本文主要阐释信息缩小填补图式知识扩展延伸改变的相互关联

    This paper explains the relationship between the narrowing and filling of information gap and the extending and altering of schema knowledge.


  • 网络时代消费者知情权传统基础上得到扩展延伸,并且容易受到侵害

    The right to know of consumer has been developed from traditional basis and is easily offended in the age of Internet.


  • 网络时代消费者知情权传统基础上得到扩展延伸,并且容易受到侵害

    The right to know of consumer has been developed from traditional basis and is easily offended in the era of Internet.


  • 肿瘤可以重塑颞骨并且扩展后颅窝可能导致脑干小脑受压一些肿块可能延伸颅底下方

    These tumors can remodel the temporal bone and extend into the posterior cranial fossa, possibly producing mass effect on the brainstem and cerebellum. Some tumors may extend below the skull base.


  • 提高了情绪状态并不只限于参加那个15分钟我们指导下冥想,它还会延伸扩展你的其它清醒时刻

    Your improved state of emotion will not be limited only to the 15 minutes that you are participating in the guided meditation, but will extend into many of your other waking moments.


  • 港口区域关系港口与城市关系的延伸扩展

    Relationship between port and region is extension of relationship between port and city.


  • 毕业生提供就业信息服务高校图书馆服务功能扩展延伸

    Providing the employment information service for the graduates is the enlargement and extension of the service function of university library.


  • 毕业生提供就业信息服务高校图书馆服务功能扩展延伸

    Providing the employment information service for the graduates is the enlargement and extension of the service function of university library.


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