• 品牌延伸战略指导企业品牌延伸活动总的谋略,因此我们必要进行战略管理

    Since brand extension strategy is the total scheme that guides the whole of brand extension activities, we should go on strategic management for brand extension.


  • 幼儿园开展儿童电视美术片教育活动,可以划分观看活动延伸活动两个层次

    There are two levels of activities as" watching activity" and" expanding activity"- in the children's cartoon teaching process.


  • 然在北纬88°以北其较为罕见,但有证据表明,它们的活动范围甚至一直延伸到北极,向南则延伸到加拿大的詹姆斯湾。

    While they are rare north of 88°, there is evidence that they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada.


  • 测试可能延伸基本产品安装单元测试、简单的配置,正式FVTSVT 活动

    This testing may range from basic installation of the product, unit testing, simple configuration, or formal FVT or SVT activities.


  • 鹞鹰的活动区域西延伸俄勒冈州但是美国东部鹞鹰仍只是一种南方鸟类

    Its western range now extends to Oregon, but in the eastern United States the white-tailed kite remains a bird of the South.


  • 但是昨天反常太阳活动造福北美人民:超级绚丽北极光此次的延伸范围广得多,使得半个美国的天文爱好者大饱眼福,亲眼见证了北极光。

    But freak solar activity yesterday saw the stunning auroral display stretch much further than usual, as it was spotted by stunned stargazers across half of northern America.


  • 注意可以延伸整个开发生命周期过程可以多个阶段迭代活动等等建立这种方法配置

    Note that you could create such method configurations for processes that span the whole development lifecycle as well as just one or more phases, iterations, activities, and so on.


  • 此次耀斑是从太阳南半球活跃1158区延伸开来,此前太阳南半球的耀斑活跃性落后北半球,此后几天又发生了小规模的耀斑活动

    The flare spread from Active Region 1158 in the sun's southern hemisphere, which had so far lagged behind the northern hemisphere in flash activity. It followed several smaller flares in recent days.


  • 选择一些活动记录简短大事记中不是容易的事- - -一个领馆所经历重大事件都将在这个建筑围绕延伸

    Choosing a few events to put on our brief timeline was not easya true accounting of every significant event that this consulate has been part of would stretch around the building.


  • 活动教育寓于主体性教育之中,主体性教育一种有效手段延伸

    Activity education contained in subjectivity education is an effective means or extension of subjectivity education.


  • 社会支付这种现象一种自然延伸成为大多数沟通交流活动核心

    Social payments has been a natural extension of this phenomenon - it's going to be the locus of most communications activity.


  • 涉及户外活动房车露营基础,延伸垂钓骑行登山徒步

    Outdoor activities related to RV camping is based, extending to fishing, riding, climbing, hiking and so on.


  • 网络会议营销最低成本投入市场活动空间无限延伸

    Network marketing: the lowest cost and investment, the market space of unlimited extension.


  • 通过建筑循环路径延伸这些区域许多景观成为额外的室外活动场所

    And by extending the circulation paths of the building into these areas, many of the landscapes serve as additional outdoor event locations.


  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学的社会学家Karen BettezHalnon指出纹身已经不在一种亚文化现象,它的触角几乎延伸社会的各个阶层,医生银行家甚至是重视孩子休闲活动的中产阶级妇女。

    Karen Bettez Halnon, a sociologist at Penn State University, says tattoos are no longer a subculture; they appeal to almost everyone from doctors to bankers and even to soccer moms.


  • 旅游购物某种意义上可以说旅游活动延伸

    Tourism Shopping is the Extension of the Tourism Activity in a way.


  • 一个扇形形态中,趋势线沿着价格活动区域边缘延伸

    In a fan pattern, the trend line is drawn along the upper edge of the price activity.


  • 英语课外活动英语课堂教学延伸,是英语课堂必不可少辅助教学形式

    The English extracurricular activity is the extension of English classroom teaching, is the absolutely necessary auxiliary teaching form of English classroom.


  • 之上露台:日常活动延伸区域——厨房餐厅起居室,这些空间都是覆盖一种木质屋顶以免太阳辐射

    Above the stone layer is located the terraces: an extension of the social area -kitchen, dining room and living room - covered with a wood roof that protects form sun radiation.


  • 社区中心人们住家延伸,使人们可以见到朋友、参与活动享受生活

    The Village center should be viewed as extension of people's homes, a place where you can meet friends, live and enjoy life.


  • 武术健身活动正在城市加速农村延伸

    The physical activity of Wushu extends from urban areas to rural areas.


  • 活动课堂教学延伸补充,是以活动为中心展开教学的课程

    A activity classe is the extension and supplement of classroom teaching, and it is also the course of centring on activities.


  • 现代交通工具延伸人们活动范围因此使市场上商品数量增加了。

    Modern vehicles have extended the range of people's activity, and thus made much more goods available to local markets.


  • 展览会可以邀请作家工作室举办音乐会或者延伸功能作为其他活动地点马尔什就这些活动发生额外接触

    Here exhibition invited writers, workshops, concerts, continue to function as a venue for events to be held in conjunction with the Marche of the extra touches that make such talk events.


  • 展览会可以邀请作家工作室举办音乐会或者延伸功能作为其他活动地点马尔什就这些活动发生额外接触

    Here exhibition invited writers, workshops, concerts, continue to function as a venue for events to be held in conjunction with the Marche of the extra touches that make such talk events.


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