• 每天从早到晚玩耍享受度过的

    Days are spent in play and enjoyment from morn till night.


  • 大部分童年时光法国度过,在那里,他每天几个小时在户外画画

    He spent much of his childhood in France where he spent many hours each day outdoors painting pictures.


  • 大利亚国立大学的一项研究显示,澳大利亚的孩子和中国的孩子在入学前的视力水平相同。但是一旦他们进入小学,中国的孩子每天只会在户外度过一个小时,而澳大利亚的孩子每天在阳光下待三到四个小时。

    According to a study by Australian National University, Australian children and Chinese children have the same level of eyesight before they start school, but once they enter primary school, Chinese children only spend about an hour a day outside, while Australian children spend three to four hours each day in the sunshine.


  • 个做糕点的富人叫来镇上二十个最穷的孩子,让他们每天从篮子里拿一块面包,直到度过艰难的日子。

    A rich man who made bread and cakes sent for twenty of the poorest children in the town, and told them to take a loaf of bread from a basket every day till the hard days passed.


  • 因此我们如何才能每天为基础度过我们日常工作

    So how do we get through our jobs on a daily basis?


  • 一位单亲父亲的记录表明几乎每天酗酒中度过并且垃圾食品。

    One single dad’s diary shows him eating nothing but junk for days on end.


  • 很多由于自己很懒,于是更倾向于将自己限于份毫无挑战性的工作中,平庸度过每天

    A lot of folks, due to the fact that they're as lazy as it gets, prefer to limit themselves to a job that allows them to coast through each day unchallenged.


  • 少年时期的几乎每天在下东区度过,她认为那里自己的家园那时纽约大学哥伦比亚大学的学生们nyet(不——俄语),为了追赶时尚,她离开了家园。

    Spent nearly every teen-age day on the Lower East Side, thought it would always be home, but then N.Y.U. and Columbia both said nyet, and she ended up even farther from the city than before.


  • 每天他们工作上的时间为8小时12分钟其中的7小时是在办公室度过另外1个多小时则个人笔记本上“加班”。

    He or she will spend eight hours and 12 minutes working every day - about seven hours in the office and another hour and a quarter remotely, tapping away on their laptop.


  • Mother Earth是一家私人运营幼儿园目前14名儿童,他们每天4个小时是在州立公园森林里度过

    The 14 children spend four hours a day at the privately run school playing in a state park forest.


  • 上图我们起居室我们每天这里度过很长时间

    Image above: This is our living room where we spend most of the time.


  • 在采取的举措之中坚持每日感恩日记每天一首定期丈夫度过约会之

    She kept a daily gratitude journal, read a poem every day and had regular date nights with her husband, among other strategies.


  • 一般每天有成效地度过时间少于7小时

    The average person spends less than 7 hours of their day productively.


  • 相信不少人每天晚上是这样度过的,坐在沙发上一边看电视一边啃片、饼干这些零食并且大口灌下含有糖分酒精饮料

    'I'm sure we've all lost evenings slumped on the sofa in front of the TV, snacking on crisps and biscuits and drinking sugary drinks or alcohol.


  • 相信不少人每天晚上是这样度过的,坐在沙发上一边看电视一边啃片、饼干这些零食并且大口灌下含有糖分酒精饮料

    I'm sure we've all lost evenings slumped on the sofa in front of the TV, snacking on crisps and biscuits and drinking sugary drinks or alcohol.


  • 每天往来奔波从事教学工作,还要抚养两个孩子,天天忙忙碌碌,紧紧张张倒心安理得。 直到有天,我不知怎么的突然想到要是如此度过一生可能就真的没有机会实现长期萦绕在我心中的梦想---搞创作小说

    While juggling three teaching jobs and raising my two kids, it hit me one day that I might live my whole life without doing what I really wanted to do, which was to write a novel.


  • 65岁以上老年人其他年龄组相比每天超过21个小时个人单独一个度过

    People over 65 are twice as likely as other age groups to spend over 21 hours of every day alone.


  • 其实正常现象因为郁闷的方面每天郁闷度过

    In fact this is a normal phenomenon, because think to the gloomy respect, people spend in the depression every day.


  • 记者而言,一般来说每天怎么度过的呢?

    RFN: What is a typical day like for you?


  • 王亚宁觉得自己最近运气不好的,不然生活怎么会这样玩笑现在每天忙碌担忧度过

    Wang Yaning feel their recent luck is very good, otherwise how would his life to open such a joke, so he spent every day now busy and worried in.


  • 请允许祝福度过一年一度生日希望每天都和过生日一样开开心心一个精彩的生日!

    Permit me to congratulate you on reaching another of these anniversary landmarks today. May each day be as happy as your birthday. Have a wonderful birthday!


  • 一项研究发现压力重重的英国每天36分钟焦虑中度过

    Stressed Britons spend 36 minutes every day wallowing in despair, a study has revealed.


  • 借著每天祷告我们建立亲密关系关系可以支撑我们度过逆境顺境

    Daily prayer builds a familiar relationship with God that sustains us through tough and easy times.


  • 度过狱中艰难的时日,想方设法每天生活寻找些许慰籍。

    To spend hard time in prison, you have to find ways to find a little comfort in everyday life.


  • 有时我会,把每天当作生命的最后一天度过不失为很好的生活守则

    Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow.


  • 可贵每天机会选择以何种态度度过

    The remarkable thing is that we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrance for a day .


  • 生平第一无法看到我的未来每天浑浑噩噩中度过今天决定有所不同。

    For the first time in my life I can't see my future. Everyday goes by in a haze, but today I have decided will be different.


  • 生平第一无法看到我的未来每天浑浑噩噩中度过今天决定有所不同。

    For the first time in my life I can't see my future. Everyday goes by in a haze, but today I have decided will be different.


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