• 系统循环使用冷却塔内温60- 70华氏

    The Alliance system recirculates tower water at 60-70 F.


  • 爱情友情是零度的也许我们最好混合物

    Love is zero ice, friendship is the zero of the water, maybe we are the best ice water mixture.


  • 还有洗衣机耗电一步是给加热通常洗衣服用30的水可以了。

    Also, most of the electricity used inwashing comes from heating the machine, so turn it down. Normally soiledlaundry will wash well at 30 degrees.


  • 使用护发素的时候,应该把宽齿的梳子梳头,并且护发素留在头发上57然后再用36.7摄氏度的冲洗

    The conditioner should be applied with a wide-toothed comb and left for 57 seconds before rinsing with water at 36.7 c.


  • a quasar冷却系统使用高达华氏140因此对于能源的需求相同散热效率的风冷设备了足足40%。

    The Aquasar cooling system USES water at temperatures of up to 140 degrees, and as a result consumes up to 40 percent less energy than a comparable air-cooled machine.


  • 开采取决于两个性质孔隙渗透性

    Extraction of water depends on two properties of the aquifer: porosity and permeability.


  • 沸点摄氏100

    The boiling point of water is 100 degrees centigrade.


  • 刷子将窗户遍,保持一点以使多余可以导

    Pull the squeegee across the window at an Angle to direct excess water down.


  • 然后做了插值发现沸点是212

    Then he interpolated and found out water boils at 212.


  • 我们发现供应数量之间存在复杂非重大的关联没有处理设施一个地点较高病媒存在关联。

    A complex but non-significant association was found between water supply and pupal counts, and lack of waste disposal services was associated with higher vector abundance in only one site.


  • 沿海差异可能由于其他因素所导致包括径流强劲的以及清澈

    Differences in brightness in coastal area waters may be due to other factors, including freshwater runoff, strong currents, and water depth and clarity.


  • 最后完成每次取样净化顺序后,必须借助于游离测量校正测量仪器的零点,以确保可以进行一个读数

    Finally, after each sampling and cleaning sequence the measurementszero point ischecked with a water freeness measurement to make sure the next reading isrepeatable.


  • 周一时候,随着气温爬升33游客罗马人意大利城市著名喷泉自己身上

    Tourists and Romans alike splashed themselves with water from some of the Italian city's famous fountains on Monday as temperatures climbed to 33 degrees.


  • 只有在一个高能效洗衣机使用60洗衣周期限制24尿布以内,不要的情况下,洗尿布的足迹才会相对比较

    Washables can have a lower carbon footprint, but only if you have an energy-efficient washing machine, use a 60-degree wash cycle, limit yourself to 24 nappies, and don't tumble dry or iron them.


  • 地质特征暗示着火星上曾经流动着液态现在悄无声息的死火山也曾经一繁荣地表火星内部进行着化学物质交换。

    Geologic features imply that liquid water once flowed across the surface, and volcanic activity, now dead, once flourished, recycling chemicals and minerals between the surface and the interior.


  • 温抚而含有硫磺汩汩冒出向下流淌经过一系列风景如画、自然形成阶梯 然后到了37摄氏 此时唯一的只有头脑而已。

    The soothing, sulphurous water bubbles up, then down, through a series of picturesque, naturally stepped pools and, at 37C, your mind will be all that's chilled.


  • 随着供应量逐渐减少人口不断增加的关注越来越高,专家们急切地要求全球范围内大幅提高

    Major economies are pushing for substantial increases in the price of water around the world as concern mounts about dwindling supplies and rising population.


  • 而且这个法案定义了公众幸福感包括对于土壤,农作物植被人造材料动物野生生物天气空气可见气候影响

    It goes on to define public welfare to include "effects on soils, water, crops, vegetation, manmade materials, animals, wildlife, weather, visibility, and climate".


  • 然后通过岩浆饱和模型观察到了细节任何溶于岩浆的将会形成泡沫

    She then incorporated details about the saturation level of magma into the models and observed that any water that doesn't dissolve in the magma would form bubbles.


  • 气温升高一摄氏可能饱和空气团里7%的

    For each degree Celsius of warming, 7% more water is available to rain down from saturated air masses.


  • 定义一些参考,例如摄氏温标定义沸点100摄氏冰点0摄氏

    And Celsius first used the boiling point of water, and called that 100 degrees Celsius, and the freezing point of water and called that zero degrees Celsius.


  • 纳米的作用下,70~90摄氏条件下就分解产生氢气

    When in this nano-state, it is claimed silicon will readily generate hydrogen when contacted with water at temperatures between 70 and 90 degrees Celsius.


  • 罗默温标,定义冰点,是7。5,罗默,温血的温是22。5,罗默

    The Romer scale was, Romer was a Dane, and he defined freezing of water at 7.5 degrees Roemer, and 22.5 degrees Romer as blood-warm.


  • 便秘Minkin博士68可以通过保持粪便的柔软帮助预防便秘。

    Constipation. Drinking six to eight glasses of water a day can help prevent constipation by keeping stools soft, says Dr. Minkin.


  • 2:00开始,可以看见卷动混合好像温升到了100以上,或者好像这里的周边含有更多

    Starting at about 2:00, you can see it coiling and mixing like it’s hundreds of degrees hotter or more sugary than the surrounding water.


  • 葡萄牙二十世纪失宠直到葡萄牙美国爱犬人士对它们再推崇——主要是因为性情温顺小孩尤其如此

    The breed slipped out of favour during the 20th century until enthusiasts in Portugal and the United States launched a revival — inspired by the dogs' gentle temperament, particularly with children.


  • 38000涌进船头船尾也确实升高了与海面成11超出了承载能力然后一分为二

    When 38, 000 tons of water filled its bow, pushing the stern up even 11 degrees out of the water, the ship was loaded beyond its capacity and cracked in two.


  • 38000涌进船头船尾也确实升高了与海面成11超出了承载能力然后一分为二

    When 38, 000 tons of water filled its bow, pushing the stern up even 11 degrees out of the water, the ship was loaded beyond its capacity and cracked in two.


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