• 首次非线性自由包装结构缓冲设计进行灵敏分析。

    The cushioning design sensitivity for nonlinear multi degrees of freedom packaged structures is at first analyzed in this paper.


  • 根据瞬态振动理论重复冲击响应迭加效应计算自由包装响应加速及其最大值

    The response acceleration and its maximum of a package with SDOF have been calculated according to the transient oscillation theory and response reiterative effects under impetus of repetitive shocks.


  • 食物包装放置一个绝热容器中将其保持140的温以上

    Hot food should be wrapped well, placed in an insulated container, and kept at or above 140 f.


  • 这家食品包装集团股价探7.05港元,较发行价上涨31%,随后冲回落收盘上涨13%,收于6.11港元。

    Shares in the food packaging group rose as high as HK$7.05, up 31 per cent from its offer price, before easing back to close 13 per cent higher at HK$6.11.


  • 真空调理食物真空包装食物,将食品塑料真空包装而后用温受控的温水烹调达到期望

    Sous vide, or cryovacking, where food is vacuum packed in plastic and then cooked in warm, temperature-controlled water to a desired doneness


  • 卡夫正在四处网罗崭新包装技术保证巧克力在摄氏40高温不会溶解

    The company is actively searching for high-tech packaging that will prevent chocolate bars from melting even at temperatures up to 104 degrees.


  • 优秀包装设计有利于提高企业知名增加企业的效益

    An excellent package heightens the reputation and gains the profit of a corporation.


  • 如果源代码作为产品,那确保进行了佳的包装其清晰也应与其他产品保持一致。

    If you ship your source code as a product, you need to make sure it is as well packaged and clean as any other product you create.


  • 对于2010品牌包装类型指南PILOT克隆人天空概念始于狭窄画面剪裁出阿金凝视远方的双眼。

    For the 2010 Star Wars brand packaging style guide, the "Clone and Sky" concept first began at PILOT with a very tight crop into the eyes of Anakin Skywalker looking off into the distance.


  • 为了保证产品稳定性干燥必须控制8-10%。生产过程必须塑料盖住直到包装以保证表面干净

    To maintain stability in moisture content max. 8 ? 10 % and clean surface, the product in process must be covered by polythene (plastic sheet) throughout the process from begin till packing.


  • 提出包装损伤缺陷进行清晰边界模糊模糊隶属评价以及模糊统计评价方法。

    In this paper, the assessment of fuzzy subordination degree to make fuzzy of the clear boundary of the package damage is illustrated and also that of fuzzy statistics.


  • 旅游购物商品进行包装提高地区国家旅游知名竞争力重要手段之一。

    Packaging tourist shopping goods is one of the important means to improve the reputation and competitiveness of a region or a country.


  • 作为包装产品瓶装受到FDA保护办法全面制约,这些保护办法均是用于增强产品安全,以保护消费者

    Being a packaged food product, bottled water is also bound by the full range of FDA protective measures designed to enforce product safety and protect consumers.


  • 丙三醇增塑后,超微淀粉结晶低达9.3%,加工性能得到极大改善,用于制备食品级生物降解包装

    After plasticised by glycerol, its crystallinity becomes 9.3%. In this way, the mechanical property of starch is improved and it can be applied to food package film.


  • 然而挤压装置能大体估计样品新鲜程因为测量结果同样还要取决于包装材料面包片装填松散

    However, the squeezing device gives only an approximation of freshness, since the reading also depends on the stiffness of the wrapping and the looseness with which the bread slices are packed.


  • 包装防震缓冲、物品易损、缓冲包装材料包装防震缓冲设计等方面进展存在问题了综述和分析。

    The developments and existing problems involved in packaging isolation and cushioning, product fragility, cushioning packaging material, packaging structure design, etc. are summarized and analyzed.


  • 萝卜包装热力杀菌,对保持性进行了研究。

    After the low salt sauce radish processed thermal-sterilization, its crispness retentivity was studied.


  • 生产高档针织服装面料需选用优质原料,使用均匀、无结、高清洁包装完好纱线,在高精的大圆机上织造而成。

    The superior quality apparel fabric described in this article, is knitted on precision-made large diameter machine from well packed first class materials with a high degree of evenness and cleanness.


  • 本文探讨了羊奶果果实成熟包装方法、带枝叶与否、气调、以及保鲜剂处理对其贮藏效果影响。

    The effects of maturity, packing methods , branches and leaves , CA , temperatures and preservatives upon postharvest storage of Elaeagnus conferta fruits were studied.


  • AP1000系列数字转速表一款检测系统精确稳定性好采用耐用、简洁包装

    The AP1000 Series Digital Tachometer is a complete rate monitoring system that combines accuracy and reliability in a rugged, compact housing.


  • 包装防震缓冲、物品易损、缓冲包装材料包装防震缓冲设计等方面进展存在问题作了综述和分析。

    The developments and existing problems involved in packaging isolation and cushioning, product fragility, cushioning packaging material, packaging structure design, etc.


  • 结果8000个压力蒸气灭菌包裹发现了64个湿,与灭菌包裹受潮包裹包装运载干燥冷却时间以及蒸气饱和因素相关。

    Results 64 wet bags are found in 8000 pressure steam sterilization bags. It is due to damp before sterilization, packaging and transport, drying and cooling time, saturation of the steam, and so on.


  • 基于数理统计方法,提出一种包装准确评定方法。

    An evaluation method for accuracy of cement packager was presented based on mathematical statistics.


  • 产品水分低于0.7,采用镀铝包装存放阴凉避光便可达到6个月保存期标准

    The product of water activity below 0.7, and use aluminum in packaging so that can be stored in a cool dark and place up to 6 months shelf standards.


  • 品牌形象包装总体视觉效果设计增强企业辨识提高企业知名

    Brand image packaging, overall visual effect design, enhance the enterprise identification, improve enterprise visibility.


  • 一个包装单位经过验证比色法检测器提供了稳定性灵敏选择性反应的摩尔。

    It's a well packaged unit that is based on the proven Dry colorimetry detector, which provides stability, sensitivity, selectivity and equimolar sulfur response.


  • 重点研究了双自由缓冲包装系统冲击力作用时简化问题。

    The emphasis is laid on the simplification of a two-degree of freedom cushioning package system under impact. The corresponding simplification method and conditions are presented, too.


  • 重点研究了双自由缓冲包装系统冲击力作用时简化问题。

    The emphasis is laid on the simplification of a two-degree of freedom cushioning package system under impact. The corresponding simplification method and conditions are presented, too.


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