• 此外还有一个家庭危险废物丢弃,存放禁止掩埋化学油漆杀虫剂其他化学品)。

    In addition, there is a household hazardous waste drop-off station for chemicals (paints, pesticides, other chemicals) that are banned from the landfill.


  • 跟Florigene培育康乃馨玫瑰所遇到的情况一样,吕克尔博士牵牛细胞液泡中被动产生外来化学物质当作废物给排泄了。

    As happens in Florigene's blue carnations and roses, Dr Lucker's petunias dumped the foreign chemical they were being forced to create into cellular waste buckets known as vacuoles.


  • 管理方法多样,简单的使用骨炭吸收致癌物然后当作有毒废物扔掉,高级使用化学方法把六转化良性的结构。

    Management tactics range from using bone charcoal to soak up the carcinogen and then dispose of it as toxic waste to chemically transforming hexavalent chromium to a more benign form.


  • 废物如果固体切割放入等离子体化空气中,等离子体的热能电荷会将废物组织化学打破,从而使之蒸发消失。

    Waste (chopped up into small pieces if it is solid) is fed into this plasma. The heat and electric charges of the plasma break the chemical bonds in the waste, vaporising it.


  • 就迫使所有废液成为可见的,就鼓励化学工程师找到废物利用方法或者开始的时候避免产生

    This forces all waste streams to become visible, which encourages chemical engineers to look for ways to use the waste or avoid its production in the first place.


  • 但是现在空气污染受到现代交通运输业的污染,尤其是天然气汽车以及燃烧矿物燃料发电机污染化学废物倾倒空气中。

    Butt air is now being polluted by modern transportation, notably gas-powered automobiles, as well as electrical generators that burn fossil fuels and pour polluting chemical waste into the air.


  • 有限时间可以获得软的100%超细纤维涂药可用保证保留形状经过无数次化学废物家伙应用系统任何产品的应用工作变得简单

    FOR a LIMITED TIME YOU GET: The softest 100% Micro fiber applicator available. Guaranteed to retain shape after numerous wastes Chemical Guys Applicators make any product application job EASY.


  • 环保人士警告说我们居住是个各种危险化学物质世界强效杀虫剂奥辛、聚氯联苯等有毒工业废物都有。

    We live, environmentalists warn, in a world laced with dangerous chemicals, from powerful pesticides to toxic industrial wastes like dioxin and PCBs.


  • 我们十一月开展了一项有关减少废物概念性计划,顾及各类废物包括废纸、金属塑胶化学木材建筑废物的问题。

    In November, we launched a framework plan for waste reduction. It addresses every kind of waste, not just paper, but metals, plastics, chemicals, timber and construction waste.


  • 废物处置场地选择性能评价中,地下水化学特征重要因素之一

    In the siting and site characterization studies for high-level radioactive waste repository, the chemical features of groundwater are one of the most important evaluation factors.


  • 这项研究显示使用微量元素稳定-放射电同位素记录现有地球化学和污染物废物坑道的运移是可行的。

    This study demonstrates the applicability of using trace elements, stable - and radio-isotopes to document the existing geochemistry and the contaminant transport from the waste trenches.


  • 报告指出或许我们可以知道过度暴露废物每一化学成分中的影响但是所有化学成分混合到一起人类产生影响未知

    It notes the impact of excessive exposure to each chemical component of the waste is likely to be known, but the consequences of the cocktail of these chemicals on humans is still unknown.


  • 阐述剧毒化学规章制度的制定明确使用注意事项探索剧毒化学废物处理方法

    This text explains the formulation of the rules and regulations of the hypertoxic chemicals, an item paid attention to while using clearly, treatment method to explore hypertoxic chemicals wastes.


  • 进而水文地球化学角度预选场地废物地质处置的适宜性作出初步评价

    Based on hydro-geochemical theory, the site suitability for high-level radioactive waste geological disposal is initially evaluated.


  • 公司承认他们雇佣一个公司年前曾非法倾倒化学废物但是他们拒绝承认这些废物有毒他们表示和解方案已经表明他们的清白。

    The company accepted that a firm they'd hired dumped chemical waste there illegally three years ago, but they denied the waste was toxic and say the settlement completely indicates them.


  • 足贴纯天然的产品,它可以帮助身体排除重金属新陈代谢所产生的废物毒素微小寄生虫,各种有害的化学物质,多余的脂肪以及其他许多中对身体有害的东西。

    The Hanfang Detox Foot Patch... is a natural way to assist your body in the removal of heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, microscopic parasites, mucous, chemicals, cellulite and much more.


  • 压缩采用不锈钢制造非常适用放射性废物化学废物(可导致碳钢涂漆掉落)的去应用。

    The stainless steel compaction head makes it ideal for decontamination of low-level radioactive waste or chemical waste that would take paint off of carbon steel.


  • 其他税目列名化学工业及其相关工业的副产品;城市垃圾下水道淤泥注释所规定其他废物

    Residual products of the chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere specified or included; municipal waste; sewage sludge; other wastes specified in Note 6 to this Chapter.


  • 办公设备多年一直污染废物来源产生大量数以吨的不可回收塑料危险化学和非生物降解的成分

    Office equipment has been for years a source of pollution and waste, producing tons of non-recyclable plastics, dangerous chemicals, and massive amounts of non-biodegradable components.


  • 足贴一种纯天然产品,它可以帮助身体排除重金属新陈代谢所产生的废物毒素微小寄生虫,各种有害的化学物质,多余的脂肪以及其他许多中对身体有害的东西。

    The Detox Foot Patch... is a natural way to assist your body in the removal of heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, microscopic parasites, mucous, chemicals, cellulite and much more.


  • 足贴一种纯天然产品,它可以帮助身体排除重金属新陈代谢所产生的废物毒素微小寄生虫,各种有害的化学物质,多余的脂肪以及其他许多中对身体有害的东西。

    The Detox Foot Patch... is a natural way to assist your body in the removal of heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, microscopic parasites, mucous, chemicals, cellulite and much more.


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