• 矿山固体废物酸性废水导致矿区土壤富集大量的重金属。

    Solid wastes and acid water caused heavy mental enriched in soil surrounding mine.


  • 矿山固体废物酸性废水成为矿山资源开发过程中的大环境公害。

    Mine solid wastes and acid wastewater in resources exploitation have become two major environmental pollutions.


  • 病人需要通过透析机进行急诊透析——一种用于清除血液中的废物多余水分人工方法。

    If this happens, you may need emergency dialysis - an artificial means of removing extra fluids and waste from your blood - typically with an artificial kidney machine (dialyzer).


  • 肾小球过滤血液,从中摄取代谢废物各种身体所需物质——(译者:离子?)

    The glomeruli filter fluid from your blood, extracting both waste products and substances your body needssodium, phosphorus and potassium.


  • 通过黄石污水改扩工程固体废物产生环境影响分析提出了固体废物和污泥处置方法

    The method for solid waste and sludge disposal was proposed through analysis of solid waste generation and environment impact from the expanding project for Huangshi Wastewater Treatment Plant.


  • 肾脏一个腹部血液中清除废物多余的液体通过他们走出身体背面尿豆形器官

    Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs located at the back of the abdomen, which remove waste and extra fluid from the blood and pass them out of the body as urine.


  • 所以重要项目经理适当地加入重叠迭代定义相同策略度量例如增长废物重做、士气

    So it is important that project managers put in place the same strategies and measures as defined for overlapping iterations: i.e., increased scrap and rework, low morale, etc.


  • 红外线Lipo称为光线治法”有在皮肤使废物杂质消失的作用,并使皮肤吸收更好而有效成份

    IR also increases the removal of waste and impurities in the skin and makes the skin absorb better the active ingredients in LIPOREDUCTION, which is called "PHOTOTHERAPY".


  • 来自纤维素质的先进生物燃料-植物废物木头-更好,因为他们直接食物竞争他们仍然需要适度肥沃土地生长

    Advanced biofuels from cellulosic material - plant waste and wood - are better, because they don't compete directly with food, but they still need reasonably fertile land in which to grow.


  • 抓住死去东西不放会我们所能意识到的耗费更高精神代价适时,死去的事物废物死去的东西一样的——令人厌恶

    Hanging onto dead stuff has a higher psychic cost than most of us realize; in time, dead stuff does what trash and dead things do - it stinks.


  • 静脉弹性并且能够扭曲的,它能够降低血液流速潜在地运出代谢废物化合物比如脑中所集聚(废)物质。

    Veins are flexible and can get twisted, slowing the rate of blood flow and potentially leaving waste and compounds such as iron to accumulate in the brain.


  • 心血管系统:将血液运送全身各个组织管道系统。它营养物质氧气输送全身各个组织,废物二氧化碳排泄代谢掉。

    Cardiovascular system: system of vessels that convey Blood to and from tissues throughout the Body, Bringing nutrients and oxygen and removing wastes and carbon dioxide.


  • 此外还有一个家庭危险废物丢弃,存放禁止掩埋化学品油漆杀虫剂其他化学品)。

    In addition, there is a household hazardous waste drop-off station for chemicals (paints, pesticides, other chemicals) that are banned from the landfill.


  • 想想你可以减少重复利用的东西打电话给城市废物管理部门了解当地堆肥计划

    Think of what you can reduce and reuse, and call your county or city waste management to find out about local compost programs.


  • 剧烈运动时我们肌肉因为耗尽能量产生废物累积疲劳

    During vigorous exercise, our muscles tire as they run out of fuel and build up waste products.


  • 了垃圾废物

    The water was full of flotsam and refuse.


  • 真菌岩石吸收水分矿物,并代谢废物传递这些物质,而这些废物藻类提供营养

    The fungi absorb moisture and mineral salts from the rocks, passing these on in waste products that nourish algae.


  • 电子垃圾中的材料包括,这些材料可以重复利用转售废物利用回收

    The materials from e-waste include iron, copper, gold, silver, and aluminum materials that could be reused, resold, salvaged, or recycled.


  • 日常摄入食物各类能量输出的污水、固体废物空气污染物能源经过某种转化的物质相匹配

    A daily input of water, food, and energy of various kinds is matched by an output of sewage, solid waste, air pollutants, energy, and materials that have been transformed in some way.


  • 废物回收创造更多就业机会刺激当地经济发展,为产品循环利用产业提供精制原料削减控污能源支出

    Recycling also stimulates the local economy by creating jobs and trims the pollution control and energy costs of industries that make recycled products by giving them a more refined raw material.


  • 迅速发展中的国家政府废物最小化的思想纳入目前正在规划设计建造的运输基础设施储存设施

    Governments of rapidly developing countries incorporate waste minimisation thinking into the transport infrastructure and storage facilities currently being planned, engineered and built.


  • 零碳学校”是指那些承诺在七个方面停止碳排放的学校,包括获取食物的地方,以及使用水回收废物的方式。

    Carbon-zero schools are ones that promise to stop emitting carbon in seven areas, including where they get their food and how they use water and recycle their waste.


  • 今,船只工厂在向海洋、河流等排放废物

    Right now, ships and factories are putting wastes into seas, rivers and so on.


  • 下水道淤泥”,是指城市污水处理厂产生的淤渣包括预处理废物污垢性质不稳定的淤泥

    "Sewage sludge" means sludge arising from urban effluent treatment plant and includes pretreatment waste, scourings and unstabilised sludge.


  • 赤潮灾害规模近岸养殖农业陆地废物密切相关

    The scale of red tide disaster is closely correlated with the longshore breed aquatics and agriculture, terrestrial recrement.


  • 这份报告介绍了那些建立了先进电子垃圾管理中心回收地区废物管理建设现有有力的组织国家

    The report recommends countries establish e-waste management centers of excellence, building on existing organizations working in the area of recycling and waste management.


  • 尽管卫生保健废物进行处理处置可以减少风险,但处理处置过程有毒污染物可能释放环境中,从而造成间接健康风险。

    Although treatment and disposal of health-care waste reduces risks, indirect health risks may occur through the release of toxic pollutants into the environment through treatment or disposal.


  • 使用安全方法处置管理医疗废物

    Using a safe system for health care waste management and disposal.


  • 使用安全方法处置管理医疗废物

    Using a safe system for health care waste management and disposal.


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