• 然而苹果零售完全一回事

    The Apple Store, however, is another matter.


  • 致电到贵受到一无礼对待。

    I called the shop, but the salesgirl was very rude.


  • 昨天接到朋友电话说是慕尼黑那边个日本料理店却人手,不要过去试试。

    Yesterday, i go a phone call from one of my friends. He told me there is a job at restaurant there and asked me if i want to take it.


  • 一个所谓“小鲜肉艺人可以通过拍摄一部40集古装奇幻轻易赚到千万。然而,唱片正处于消失边缘

    A so-called "fresh meat" artist can easily earn tens of millions of yuan for shooting a 40-episode ancient fantasy series while CD stores are on the verge of extinction.


  • 尽管感恩节黑色星期五网络星期一网上消费创下了纪录,但假期周末实体销售额大幅下降。

    While Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday all saw record spending online, in-store sales plunged over the holiday weekend.


  • 2009年,美国提供全方位服务餐馆销售额下降了6%以上,快餐连锁销售额保持不变。

    In 2009 sales at full-service restaurants in America fell by more than 6%, but total sales remained about the same at fast-food chains.


  • 如今的活动形式1906年就初次定形了,但在那之前的活动缺乏组织纪律:在1898年,2万位丹佛人免费啤酒灌得酩酊大醉,便大闹美洲水牛烧烤

    Earlier variations were less organised: in 1898, enticed by free beer, 20, 000 drunken Denverites ravaged the Bison Barbeque.


  • 服装女人又一套衣服询问意见什么都不买时男人就会感到焦虑失意

    Men become anxious and frustrated in a dress shop when a woman tries on outfit after outfit, asks for his opinion and then buys nothing.


  • 虽然这里不尽完美,但是拥有很多餐饮购物娱乐场所以及一些非常刺青(如果真的很入流的话)。

    It's still a little rough around the edges, but with a variety of fun places to eat, drink and shop, and (if you're really getting into the scene) some very cool tattoo parlors.


  • 小有小好处,每家公司希望看上去街头便利拥有全球性定价权沃尔玛般强大的分销渠道。

    I call it getting small. Every company wants to seem like the corner store, but have the global pricing power and distribution of Walmart.


  • 弗洛伊德先生被一张火车时刻表搞得不知所措,或是明明已经咖啡门口了,还要询问路人那里咖啡,都让人觉得他就普宁教授一样可爱

    Freud is as lovable as Professor Pnin when he pores hopelessly over a train schedule or asks a stranger the way to a coffee shop while standing in front of a coffee shop.


  • 一支与众不同队伍玛利亚身后浩浩荡荡地进了一家糖果,要想寻找最大手杖糖。正在此时碰见了露丝的妈妈。

    It was with this extraordinary procession trooping at his and Maria's heels into a confectioner's in quest if the biggest candy - cane ever made, that he encountered Ruth and her mother.


  • 为什么一家咖啡厅似乎在各方面占优势经营失败第二,虽然处于劣势,成功了呢?

    Why did the first shop, which seemed to have everything going for it, fail when the second shop, which seemed to have nothing going for it, succeed?


  • 尽管沃尔玛总利润实现增长,但年前相比,沃尔玛美国销售额下降了1.4%。

    Although profits were up at Wal-Mart, sales at its American stores fell by 1.4% compared with a year earlier.


  • 这个削瘦顽强商人甚至启发了一家牛排连锁-记牛排-号称提供工作间隙食用的特色牛排。

    The wiry businessman even inspired a steak house chain, Wang steak, which claims to serve up beef in the style in which Wang ate at work.


  • 有些城市试图遏止快餐食品涌入例如犹他州的斯普林·戴尔就通过条法令禁止市区范围内新建连锁食品其他人热烈欢迎这些食品

    Some cities have tried to stem the influx of formula food stands, like Springdale, Utah, which passed an ordinance banning chains from setting up within city limits, but others have embraced them.


  • 但是乐天俄罗斯经验表明国外扩张是多么困难。乐天去年九月在俄罗斯使国外开的一家

    But Lotte's experience in Russia, where it opened its first foreign store last September, suggests that expanding abroad may prove harder than it thinks.


  • 很多美国经营低档商品以增加销量百货销售增长得像蜗牛,上次衰退以来闻所未闻的;与此同时折扣的买卖依然生意兴隆。

    Many Americans are trading down: sales at department stores are increasing at sluggish rates not seen since the last recession, while sales at discount stores are still growing briskly.


  • 他们家通用汽车公司经销于1926年开张,经历萧条时期二战,如今面临着倒闭的命运。

    Now, the General Motors Co. dealership that has been around since 1926 and managed to survive the Great Depression and World War II, is faced with closing.


  • 然而某些人担心英国地理巧合可能让乐购公司高估了新鲜轻松现成饭美国的前景。

    Some,however, worry that this accident of British geography may have colouredTesco's view of the ready meals it is proposing to sell through its Fresh &Easy stores in America.


  • 1961年,那时大部分时装设计师们自己名字来开办时装,而圣洛朗用自己的名字巴黎开设了一家时装公司。

    In 1961, when Mr Saint Laurent set up shop in Paris under his own name, most couturiers were not quite like this.


  • 装饰豪华大型宠物美国加拿大到宠物产品市场的五分之一以上几乎不存在格兰德河(译者注:美国和墨西哥之间分界河流)以南的地区。

    Glitzy pet superstores, which account for more than a fifth of pet-product sales in America and Canada, barely exist south of the Rio Grande.


  • 国外家电连锁卖场纷纷苏宁电器"逆势扩张"。

    Suning Appliance is seeking an expansion in the world economic downturn as many overseas home appliance chain stores have closed down.


  • 通用计划未来18削减1600家零售商,但是希望他们关于专卖的合同一直有效,直到6月12日

    GM plans to cut nearly 1,600 dealerships over the next 18 months but wants showrooms moving ahead to sign on with them by June 12.


  • 通用计划未来18削减1600家零售商,但是希望他们关于专卖的合同一直有效,直到6月12日

    GM plans to cut nearly 1,600 dealerships over the next 18 months but wants showrooms moving ahead to sign on with them by June 12.


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