• 应该必须达到摩根大通6.4%的一级股本水平。

    Suppose they had to hit JPMorgan's equity tier-one ratio of 6.4%.


  • 选民应该必须依赖媒体描述理解一个处死时,会发生什么

    Voters should not have to rely on media accounts to understand what takes place when a man is put to death.


  • 穿着应该时尚整洁而且必须非常合体。

    What you wear should be stylish and clean, and must definitely fit well.


  • 应该所有必须事都列出来按轻重缓急排顺序。

    You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and prioritize them.


  • 必须这些结果有所保留因为调查对象们倾向给出他们认为应该给的答案

    You have to take these findings with a grain of salt because respondents tend to give the answers they feel they should.


  • 他们好起来的,因为我们必须开始他们成为他们现在应该成为的样子。

    They'd get better, because we would have to start making them what they ought to be right now.


  • 其中随机挑选出来提出双方都知道应该如何分配允许有一个报价必须被接受拒绝没有谈判

    One is randomly chosen to propose how a sum of money, known to both, should be shared between them; only one offer, which must be accepted or rejected without negotiation, is allowed.


  • 应该接受这样事实就是无论多么避免考试,你都必须参加考试。

    You should accept the fact that you have to take the exam no matter how much you want to avoid it.


  • 如果惩罚不是必须,那么只有在案件事实支持的情况下应该施加惩罚。

    Where the penalties are not a must, they should be imposed only if the facts of a case support it.


  • 教师必须可以自由他们自己的方式教学——课程应该足够灵活这样他们可以利用他们个人才能实现课程目标

    The teachers must be free to teach in their own way—the curriculum should be flexible enough so that they can use their individual talents to achieve the goals of the course.


  • 教师必须自由他们自己的方式教学——课程应该足够灵活这样他们就可以利用他们个人才能实现课程目标

    The teachers must be free to teach in their own way — the curriculum should be flexible enough so that they can use their individual talents to achieve the goals of the course.


  • 形成龙卷风寒冷空气必须处在暖湿的空气上部,应该不同高度向不同的方向运动,以此创造出剪切

    To form a tornado, cold air must sit above warm and moist air, and the wind needs to go in different directions at different heights, creating shear forces.


  • 个奇怪的、几乎不可理解事实许多教授认为他们应该用一种枯燥的方式讲课他们觉得写作必须很枯燥一样。

    The strange, almost incomprehensible fact is that many professors, just as they feel obliged to write dully, believe that they should lecture dully.


  • 必须另一站下车一遍时间表莎拉应该在哪里下车才能可以短的

    She has to get off at another stop. Look at the schedule again, where should Sara get off the bus so that she can have a shorter walk to Flag Street?


  • 写道:“孩子应该家务原因成年人一样,是家务必须不是期望做家务能得到报酬。”

    Kids should do chores, he writes, "for the same reason adults do, because the chores need to be done, and not with the expectation of compensation."


  • 懒惰可怕的疾病必须马上应该小的时候就治好

    Laziness is a serious illness and one must cure it immediately; yes, even from early childhood.


  • 必须知道这些元音应该加在哪,使得学习如何阅读变得更加困难。

    You have to know where the vowels are supposed to go, and that makes it harder to learn how to read.


  • 工作中,人们清楚他们应该什么工作赚钱为了获得收入而做他们必须的事情。

    At work, people pretty much know what they're supposed to be doing: working, making money, doing the tasks they have to do in order to draw an income.


  • 必须立即采取行动——应该采取什么行动呢?

    Some immediate action was necessarybut what?


  • 必须考虑一下应该先做什么。

    You must think about which should be done first.


  • 换的基本规则之一应该是,每个人在拿衣服之前都必须试穿——当你穿上它们的时候,它们总会看起来不一样。

    One of the ground rules of the swap should be that everyone must try on the clothes before they take them—things always look different when you put them on.


  • 应该意识到,每个人都有自己的优点和缺点,所以我们必须恰当对待这些优缺点。

    We should realize that everyone has his or her own merits and defects, so we must treat them properly.


  • 深入开展HLD工作团队应该创建必须加以保护所有实体列表

    Before delving into an HLD, the team should create a list of all the entities that they must secure.


  • 因此从逻辑上我们应该而且必须,把我们精力用一些维护已有客户身上

    Logically, we can therefore assume that we should, and indeed must, apply some of our energies to retaining existing customers.


  • 应该没有必须不”严重所以眼下许多开发者没注意到这个特殊建议

    "Should not" is not as serious as "must not", so for the time being, many content developers are overlooking this particular recommendation.


  • 就是为什么这个丑闻应该而且必须制止

    And that is precisely why this scandal can and must be stopped.


  • OO系统中,如果没有事情就不应该存在必须职责(操作)。

    In an OO system, a class shouldn't exist unless there's something for it to do; there must be responsibilities (operations).


  • 显然2共识应该限定各国必须承担各种减排目标应该设定令人信服的哥本哈根协议参数

    It is clear this 2c consensus should determine the sorts of carbon-reduction targets countries must take on, and should set the parameters of a strong Copenhagen treaty.


  • 显然2共识应该限定各国必须承担各种减排目标应该设定令人信服的哥本哈根协议参数

    It is clear this 2c consensus should determine the sorts of carbon-reduction targets countries must take on, and should set the parameters of a strong Copenhagen treaty.


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