• 就是终极形式抵制改变会导致麻木受到影响管理者无法做出决策无法主动采取措施应对改变。

    In its ultimate form, resistance to change results in paralysis; that is, the manager affected by it cannot make decisions or lead initiatives in response to change.


  • 这种用眼不当可能应对过多作业学习形式出现直至视力开始变得模糊不清

    This misuse can come in the form of being consumed with schoolwork and study until their vision begins to blur.


  • 伊朗内部场关于如何应对这种日渐孤立制裁逐渐增多形式辩论日渐升温

    Inside Iran a heated debate is now under way over how to respond to its growing isolation and the prospect of more sanctions to come.


  • 我们期望相对沉默形式承受坚强我们行为模板,而放声大哭哭哭啼啼则是种“悲伤屈服”的表现——这也认为一种不好应对方法

    We are expected to suffer it in comparative silence; being "strong" is the template; wailing and weeping a sign of "giving in to grief," which is held to be a bad way of "dealing with it."


  • 不过显然现代金融工具肯定帮助贫穷国家作好准备,以应对大大小小各种形式自然灾害

    But clearly the tools of modern finance could certainly help make poor nations prepare for and respond to all manner of natural disasters big and small.


  • 每天我们疲于应对工作会议电子邮件、突如其来打断烦恼孩子差事以及日常的事物。 我们就以这样疲惫不堪的形式生活这个世界里。

    You’re in the middle of a frazzled day, swamped by work and meetings and emails and interruptions, or hassled by kids and phone calls and errands and chores.


  • 人类家庭形式为了应对来自生存环境压力

    The form the human family takes is a response to environmental pressures.


  • 面对网络销售这种直接市场营销最新形式我们应当从容自如应对

    Faced with such a network of direct sales of the latest form of marketing, we should also take the deal with ease.


  • 为了应对棘手挑战谷歌正在寻求利用深度学习——机器学习最高级形式

    In taking on the more intractable challenges, Google is looking to draw on deep learning, the most advanced form of machine learning.


  • 通过问卷调查多种形式南通部分地区90青年挫折感成因他们采取应对方式问题进行实证分析

    Through questionnaire survey, and other forms of nantong, parts of frustration after 90s youth formation, they adopted by the way to deal with the problems such as empirical analysis.


  • HTML脚本病毒当前网络病毒主要形式本文就HTML脚本病毒的原理进行分析就此类病毒防范提出策。

    HTML script virus is the most prevailing form of current Internet viruses. The paper analyzes the principle of HTML script virus and puts forward its corresponding virus precautions.


  • 汉语称赞应对话语、称赞形式、称赞话题场合英语称赞语采取截然不同方式

    The praise speech, praise form, praise topic and occasion of courteous terms in Chinese take a completely different way with English.


  • 为了应对一新问题,欧盟立法主要供应商信息披露义务、合同的形式要求以及合同一般条款条件的制定等方面加强了对消费者保护

    The EU legislation has strengthened in the requirements of information, requirements of form, as well as general terms and conditions for the protection of consumer in E-Contractual Phase.


  • 虚拟企业应对复杂动态环境柔性企业的典型形式可以适应不断变化的市场环境。

    Virtual enterprise is a kind of representative flexible enterprise that can reply complicated dynamic environment. It can fit the changeable market environment.


  • 本文会展危机含义形式、危机会展影响及会展危机的预防应对措施等方面进行了阐述

    The author expounds the connotation and forms of MICE crises, the effects of the crises upon MICE, the precaution against them and the corresponding measures.


  • 本文利用树突冲激分布参数突触联接进行形式描述

    The paper gives the formalized description for the distributed-parameter synaptic connection through the impulse response of dentric tree.


  • 智能电气化理应应对能源挑战关键电能容易控制输送一种能源形式

    Smart electrification is the key to energy efficiency. Electricity is the most versatile and easily controlled form of energy.


  • 本文主要阐述了接触轴承安装形式及其轴向游隙实际应用中的影响介绍了相应应对措施

    This article explains mainly installation form of angular contact ball bearing and its axial backlash influence in practical application, and introduces the corresponding counter-measure.


  • 前言绿色壁垒定义入手,通过“绿色壁垒”表现形式产生原因以及我国纺织服装业影响方面进行了阐述分析提出应对措施。

    The article starts from the definition of "Green Barrier" with elaboration and analysis on its manifestation, cause and influence on Chinese textile industry. Some suggestions are put forth.


  • 功能等同原则应对了电子商务传统法律带来挑战目前解决数据电文书面形式最好方法

    As a reply to the challenges brought bye-commerce to the traditional law, the Functional Equivalent Approach is the best way to solve the problem about the written form of the electronic data.


  • 分析人事档案信息失真主要表现形式产生原因提出了具体应对和规避措施

    This article suggests that information distortion of personnel data is a serious problem in file management. It analyzes its causes and also puts forward practical measures to deal with it.


  • 国际范围内每当经济形式不好时,裁员就成为企业应对危机重要手段

    In the international arena, when it encounters the bad economy, downsizing becomes an important means for companies to respond to crises.


  • 第一节中,笔者总结了私法冲突两种存在形式应对进路,私法冲突涉及的三个层面法律关系以及冲突法历史基础

    Section One summarizes the three inroads to resolve conflicts of private laws, three levels of relations COL concerns, and the historical basis of COL.


  • 本文通过信用证欺诈产生原因、表现形式应对措施方面的探讨,希望实践中有效防止信用证欺诈提供帮助

    Based on the letter of credit fraud causes, manifestations and aspects of response measures, want to practice to help prevent credit fraud.


  • 而且未来研究方案形式清晰因此该建筑物理设计应该考虑更多的灵活性以应对未来的需求。

    And as the future scenario is not clear, the physical design of the building should be flexible regarding new future demands.


  • 运行每个格式列表字符串表示形式替换

    At run time, each format item is replaced by the string representation of the corresponding object in the list.


  • 运行每个格式列表字符串表示形式替换

    At run time, each format item is replaced by the string representation of the corresponding object in the list.


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