• 库萨帕里卧室走出。

    She and Koothrappali emerge from your bedroom.


  • 大部分照片拍摄沿海希拉库萨奥提伽古城

    Most pictures were photographed in the coastal cities of Siracusa and Ortigia.


  • 有些上校信任库萨超过信任自己儿子们

    Some would argue that the Libyan leader trusted this man more than he did his own sons.


  • 近十年末精心搭建“空中楼阁”开始土崩瓦解

    But by the end of the decade, Kusa's carefully constructed house of CARDS had started to fall apart.


  • 外事办公室表示库萨到来是出于个人意愿,已经辞去外长职务

    The Foreign Office said he had come of his own free will and had told officials he was resigning his post.


  • 库萨叛变英国提供了一个了解卡扎菲集团内部情况的绝好机会。

    Kousa's defection provides Britain with a figure of unparalleled intelligence value in terms of understanding the situation within Gaddafi's inner circle.


  • 表示阿拉伯利比亚人民感谢中国国际上主持公道支持阿拉伯人民正义事业

    Kousa said the Arab and Libyan people appreciated China's promotion of justice in the international arena and its support for Arab justice.


  • 现在根据巴顿计划我会这儿攻打锡拉库萨,而巴顿在这上面攻打巴勒莫

    Now then according to Patton's plan, I would attack Siracusa here and he would attack Palermo up here.


  • 库萨英语流利美国有一定了解是03利比亚美国进行缓和关系谈判中心人物

    As a fluent English speaker who understood something about America, Kusa was a central figure in helping to negotiate Libya's detente with the u.


  • 库萨英语流利美国有一定了解是03利比亚美国进行缓和关系谈判中心人物

    As a fluent English speaker who understood something about America, Kusa was a central figure in helping to negotiate Libya's detente with the U.S. in 2003.


  • 库萨不仅卡扎菲关系密切美国有着长期联系,他曾密歇根州大学获得过硕士学位

    Despite his close ties to Gaddafi, Kusa also has long-held connections to the U.S., with a Master's degree from Michigan State University.


  • 库萨不仅卡扎菲关系密切美国有着长期联系,他曾密歇根州大学获得过硕士学位

    Despite his close ties to Gaddafi, Kusa also has long-held connections to the U. S., with a Master's degree from Michigan State University.


  • 英国外交大臣黑格宣布了库萨抵达英国的消息。黑格说,库萨行动表明卡扎菲的支持率急速下降。

    In announcing Koussa's arrival, British Foreign Secretary William Hague pointed to the defection as a sign that Gadhafi is fast losing support.


  • 成为库萨国王西西里的阿加索·克利斯,不仅仅只是一个普通公民而是来自于最低赤贫的阶级

    Agathocles the Sicilian, who became King of Syracuse, was not only an ordinary citizen but also of the lowest and most abject condition.


  • 中欧斯,参观了公元前190年期间在建造半月形剧场当时的云石雕刻,手工精细

    Went to the central library saada, visited in the construction of a half moon during the year 190 BC in ancient theatre, was the marble sculpture, fine handwork!


  • 库萨一直卡扎菲信任助手之一,本周初他悄悄越过利比亚边境进入突尼斯,星期三早上9降落伦敦堡罗机场

    Kusa, who has long been one of Gaddafi's most trusted aides, landed at London's Farnborough Airport at about 9 p.m., after slipping across Libya's border into Tunisia earlier this week.


  • 库萨离开利比亚之后英国露面的,分析人士从表面上看,策反工作是英国情报机构MI - 6军情六处进行

    Koussa surfaced in Britain, which, analysts say, make it likely the defection was engineered by the British intelligence service, MI-6.


  • 款葡萄酒同名阿沃拉葡萄酿制而成,这种葡萄采摘西西里南部锡拉库萨这里的葡萄园俯瞰爱奥尼亚

    This wine by the same name as the black Arrawarra grapes, the grape harvest from the southern Province of Syracuse in Sicily, where the vineyards overlooking the Ionian Sea.


  • 举了这么多高不可攀例子应该个稍微实际点的例子;不过其他例子某种联系而且希望能够适用于所有类似的情况就是锡拉库萨的希罗。

    To such lofty examples I should like to add a lesser one; but it will have some relation to the others, and I should like it to suffice for all similar cases: and this is Hiero of Syracuse.


  • 马克•强竞选缅因州市市长时没有竞争对手。

    Mark Johnston was running unopposed for mayor in Saco, Maine.


  • 上午6点45分,·奈都搭乘的充气快艇绿色和平组织的船只埃斯佩兰号(Esperanza,西班牙语意为“希望”——译注)出发,避开钻井周围巡航数周之久的丹麦海军军舰后,将运送到了钻井的基座。

    At 6:45 am this morning an inflatable speedboat carrying Kumi was launched from the Greenpeace ship Esperanza.


  • 罗伯特·比卡事故叠出比赛中,通过平和驾驶获得了值得称赞第二冠军落后12领先法拉利飞利浦2.4

    Robert Kubica took a meritorious second place after a calm drive in an incident-packed race, bringing his Renault home 12 seconds behind the winner and 2.4sec ahead of the Ferrari of Felipe Massa.


  • 由于来自法国总体尼拉斯·科奇要求如果里斯本条约》生效,那么自由竞争不再欧盟建立的主要目的之一

    Because of a demand from Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, competition will no longer be one of the EU’s main objectives if the Lisbon treaty comes into force.


  • 查理斯·以前英国里郡苏别顿市的修车场改装赛车。人们他们的迷你开过去做好道路赛或拉力赛的赛前准备。

    Charles Cooper's garage in Surbiton, Surrey, used to build racing cars; it was the place to take your Mini to have it prepared for racing or rallying.


  • 这是勒克教授正在研制技术人们躺在成像仪里几乎可以同步屏幕上看到自己大脑活动的图像。

    In a new technique being developed by Komisaruk, people inside the scanner can see their own brain activity on a screen almost instantaneously.


  • 齐主张反对土耳其加入欧盟;但什内却是支持者。

    Mr Sarkozy is against Turkish entry to the EU; Mr Kouchner is for.


  • 齐主张反对土耳其加入欧盟;但什内却是支持者。

    Mr Sarkozy is against Turkish entry to the EU; Mr Kouchner is for.


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