• 也许鲁塔克的建议略有不同更接近于马库斯·西塞罗的主张一个人应该通过创作来批评而不是吹毛求疵”。

    But perhaps Plutarch is suggesting something slightly different, something a bit closer to Marcus Cicero's claim that one should "criticize by creation, not by finding fault."


  • 鲁塔克的建议略有不同一建议与马库斯·西塞罗的主张更为接近,个人应该通过创作吹毛求疵来进行批判”。

    Plutarch is suggesting something slightly different, something a bit closer to Marcus Cicero's claim that one should "criticize by creation, not by finding fault."


  • 架飞机当时钻石主要生产地雅库茨克机场飞往西伯利亚的克拉斯诺亚尔斯克

    The plane was traveling from Yakutsk Airport in a major diamond producing region to the city Krasnoyarsk in Siberia.


  • 马萨诸塞州伍斯特克拉克大学地理研究生生物学副教授多米尼克·库拉科夫斯基说:“越来越多的人把房子在了容易起火的环境之中。”

    "We are increasingly building our homes in fire-prone ecosystems," says Dominik Kulakowski, adjunct professor of biology at Clark University Graduate School of Geography in Worcester, Massachusetts.


  • 雅库茨克永久冻土研究所研究员马克.沙特斯,“永久冻土带地球陆地面积15%,而占俄国国土面积的65%。

    Permafrost covers 15 per cent of the earth's land mass, and 65 per cent of Russia's, says Mark Shats, a researcher at Yakutsk's Permafrost Institute.


  • 波士顿智库- - -先锋研究所吉姆斯得吉尔斯高兴看到有越来越多的特许学校建立,同时,他也担心帕特里克先生计划不能长远

    Jim Stergios of The Pioneer Institute, a Boston-based think-tank, is happy to see more charter schools, but worries Mr Patrick's proposals do not go far enough.


  • 因此贝克博士华盛顿大学电脑科学家邹兰•波波维克,研究生赛斯·安德瑞恩•特瑞尔着手编制一个引人入胜的游戏

    So Dr Baker, Zoran Popovic, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, and graduate students Seth Cooper and Adrien Treuille set about creating a compelling computer game.


  • 貌似西红柿新品种水果“红色爱恋”世界上第一种拥有大红色果肉苹果,也是瑞士水果种植专家马库斯-克波特20研究成果

    The so-called "Redlove" may look like a tomato, but it acturally is the world's first red-fleshed apple, the result of 20 years of painstaking work by Markus Kobert, a Swiss fruit grower.


  • 好莱坞记者说,罗伯特·德尼罗米歇尔·佛,希拉里·斯旺克库彻正在制片人洽谈,拍续集演员阵容同样一流。

    The cast for the follow-up looks similarly stellar, with Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Hilary Swank and Kutcher in negotiations with the film-makers, according to the Hollywood Reporter.


  • 史蒂夫·乔布斯1976年史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克、迈克·马克库拉创建了苹果公司

    Steve Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976 with Steve Wozniak, Mike Markkula, and others.


  • 应用一系列高级数据库搜索方法沃卢克斯团队缩小研究范围,审阅大约3400万文件

    By using a sophisticated set of databases and search techniques, Mr Valukas and his team narrowed the focus but still examined some 34m pages of documents.


  • 如果去询问海因·克斯·勒沃库森战术打法的话,会告诉你这个并不重要因为中场球员进攻球员之间界限很模糊的。

    When you ask coach Jupp Heynckes about his tactical formation, he answers that it is not really that important because the boundaries between the midfield and attack are blurry.


  • 嘉莉接过信封,看到伯缪台兹太太另一个是马库斯·詹克斯第三个是珀西·韦尔停了一会儿然后门口走去。

    Carrie took it and found that one was Mrs. Bermudez, another Marcus Jenks, a third Percy Weil. She paused only a moment, and then moved toward the door.


  • 除了来自科比生死威胁之外,湖人老板米奇-库普查克布斯还可能一辈子都会因为放走奥尼尔科比而被球迷嘲弄

    Aside from death threats from Bryant himself, Mitch Kupchak and the Buss's would be scorned for life for being the ones responsible for letting Shaq and Kobe walk.


  • 湖人球迷们小心了,因为巴斯可能有着普·切克还有吉姆·巴斯一样的看法夏威夷巴斯可是坚决袒护他们两个的。

    And Lakers fans should be terrified that Buss is feeling the same way about Mitch Kupchak and Jim Buss, whom he pointedly defended while meeting with reporters in Hawaii.


  • 一直以来,普·切克获得巴斯支持唯一一个知道该做什么的人。

    All the while, Kupchak had the support of Buss, the only man who really matters.


  • 俄罗斯钻石都雅库茨克矿开采里尔斯克土地承受能力显著下降面临危险。

    At risk too from a stark weakening of the 'bearing capacity' of the ground are Russia's diamond capital Yakutsk and nickel mining city Norilsk.


  • 过几天湖人老板巴斯普·切克杰克逊将会静心坐下来商讨球队未来

    Lakers owner Dr. Jerry Buss, Kupchak and Jackson will sit down in the next couple of days to assess the team's future.


  • 斯科尔斯不可思议的失误墨菲能够轻松的击败库什·萨克。

    Paul Scholes' uncharacteristic error enabled Danny Murphy to step forward and beat Tomasz Kuszczak.


  • 他们最好的机会出现在55分钟杰弗斯距离接到右侧角球。但的射门什·萨克漂亮化解。

    Their clearest chance came on55 minutes as Jeffers met a right-wing corner from close-range, only to see his effort turned brilliantly over the bar by Kuszczak.


  • 这个长鼻子的线人莫斯埃斯利一路跟踪卢克·天行者欧比-万·克94号船库。

    This long-snooted informant Shadowed Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi as they made their way from the Mos Eisley Cantina to Docking Bay 94.


  • 克诺比拒绝相信这个绝地的话,也拒绝杜库一起对抗西斯

    Kenobi refused to believe the words of the elder Jedi, and refused, too, an invitation to join Dooku in battle against the Sith.


  • 克诺比拒绝相信这个绝地的话,也拒绝杜库一起对抗西斯

    Kenobi refused to believe the words of the elder Jedi, and refused, too, an invitation to join Dooku in battle against the Sith.


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