• 建筑设计准备概念构思而且要满足其他顾问项目承包者

    Koolhaas will prepare a concept plan for the building design and content with the other consultants and contractors.


  • 一部分中,库哈斯生平成长经历理论著作进行了简要概述。

    In the first part, the growth of Koolhaas "s life experience and theoretical writings are briefly outlined."


  • 喜欢因为库哈斯非常有眼光。无论从概念完成度都非常棒。

    I like Koolhass, because of his unique vision, his concepts and comprehensiveness.


  • 我们工作的起点对已存在事物的尊重,”周六项目发布会上说道

    "We worked on a respect for what was existing," said Koolhaas, speaking at the project launch on Saturday.


  • 二分中记录出版《癫狂纽约,博采众长的思想形成过程

    In the second, this article records the formation process how Koolhaas absorbed quantities of ideologies to be his own before the book Delirious New York was published.


  • 持续大风浅海先进绿色工业相信供能潜力可以媲美波斯湾石油

    With its constant high winds, shallow waters and advanced renewable industries, Koolhaas believes the North Sea offers energy potential approaching that of Persian Gulf oil.


  • 库哈表示,亚洲国家需要通过货币互换国际货币基金组织援助维持外汇流动性

    Kochhar adds that Asian countries also need to maintain their foreign exchange liquidity through currency swaps or assistance from organizations like the International Monetary Fund.


  • 大都会建筑事务所阿尔克·曼德阿联酋伊马角新城设计巨型RAK会议展览中心

    Rem Koolhaas and Reinier DE Graaf of Office for Metropolitan Architecture designed the giant RAK Convention and Exhibition Centre for the new city at Ras Al Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates.


  • 其实最后一刻灵光现的点子,寻求一种方式看似平凡单纯元素赋予价值,”

    "It was actually a last minute inspiration, to find a way to give value to a seemingly mundane and simple element," said Koolhaas.


  • 文中作者结合切身的体验建筑形式空间结构以及主创建筑师创作思想等方面对建筑进行了解读。

    Combining with personal experience, the authors interpret the architecture form, space, structure and creation idea of the main architect Koolhass.


  • OM A创始人合伙人说:“建筑反映纽约建筑传统的退台形式,其外形即是是熟悉的,又是新颖的。”

    "Mirroring the traditional New York setback, the building's form is at once familiar and distinctive", said OMA founder and partner Rem Koolhaas.


  • 穿过佛罗拉大街,便看到乔舒亚·普林斯·拉莫斯及雷姆·库哈斯共同设计的成银色立方体状的查尔斯·威利剧院

    Across the street is the Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre, a silver cube designed by Joshua Prince-Ramus and Rem Koolhaas.


  • 也正是荷兰建筑师库哈斯及其领导都市建筑事务所以及一代年轻的荷兰建筑师组成MVRDV小组密度实验”的价值所在。

    This is the value of "experiment on density" which has been held by Holand architect Koohas, Office for Metropolitan and MVRDV group consists of young Holand architects.


  • 不仅如此,荷兰丰富而独特治水经验、以及诸如•高、伯朗这样的艺术大师闻名当今世界的建筑师——雷姆库哈斯,无一不是荷兰骄傲。

    Other examples include Dutch water management, Dutch masters such as Van Gogh and Rembrandt and, more recently, the success of architect Rem Koolhaas.


  • 文章简要介绍荷兰建筑师库哈城市主义发生了什么?》一文中提出清淡的城市主义的概念讨论建筑师在城市系统操作中的作用与价值

    By brief introduction the notion of lite urbanism advanced by Rem Koolhaas in the essay named What Ever Happened to urbanism, the paper discusses the value of architect in citys operation.


  • 并不改变这样事实这些人诟病的图片完全断章取义-用来证明设计幢飞船般的建筑(Koolhaas)的脑海不可告人的东西

    This doesn’t change the fact that the damning pictures which supposedly prove that Koolhaas had unspeakable things on his mind when designing the party spaceship were taken completely out of context.


  • 亚马逊地区的蒙杜部落部落文化没有数字只有精确数字。

    Cultures without numbers, or with only one or two precise numbers, include the Munduruku and Piraha in Amazaonia.


  • 他们发现,同地球上相比含量更高——同海尔·波普彗星塔克彗星上的水有着相似的平。

    They found deuterium at higher levels than it's found in Earth water - but at levels similar to the comets Hale-Bopp, Hyakutake and Halley.


  • 他们发现,同地球上相比含量更高——同海尔·波普彗星塔克彗星上的水有着相似的平。

    They found deuterium at higher levels than it's found in Earth waterbut at levels similar to the comets Hale-Bopp, Hyakutake and Halley.


  • 格德对此缜密的研究悲剧提供坚定分析解剖

    This rigorous study by Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland provides an unflinching analytical autopsy of the tragedy.


  • ·兰,里克的大伯,同时也是《发条》的制片人表示,“最大过错就是不表态,无论别人什么,态度是罪重要的。”

    Jan Harlan, Kubrick's brother-in-law and his producer from a Clockwork Orange on, says: "his big mistake is that he never talked back to the press."


  • 这场意外始于拉克叔叔德逊北部南安普顿岛上狩猎

    The drama began when Nakoolak went hunting with his uncle Jimmy on Southampton Island in the northern part of Hudson Bay.


  • 伦敦查塔姆社负责土耳其项目认为,土耳其的加入欧盟有益的。

    Fadi Hakura, who runs the Turkey Project at London's Chatham House, says Turkey would be a useful addition for the European Union.


  • 酒店沿夏威夷奥豪的卡纳莫海滩海岸排开

    Hotels line the shores of number-three Kahanamoku Beach on Hawaii's island of Ohau.


  • 我们希望我们的“智能电脑能够可以我们进行语言交流就像斯坦利布里克执导的《2001太空漫游》里的一样,当然了,横冲直撞杀人那部分除外

    We want our "smart computers" to engage with us linguistically like HAL did in Stanley Kubrick's 2001 — well, except for the murderous rampage part.


  • 底改将自己拭,灭绝犹大人应许捐入的银数都告诉了他。

    And Mordecai told him of all that had happened unto him, and of the sum of the money that Haman had promised to pay to the king's treasuries for the Jews, to destroy them.


  • 在后场,他们拥有出色的守门员,马斯·内曼上赛季队表现出色,1号蒂姆·霍华德则更

    Marcus Hahnemann was outstanding for Wolves last season and Tim Howard, their No1, is terrific.


  • 在后场,他们拥有出色的守门员,马斯·内曼上赛季队表现出色,1号蒂姆·霍华德则更

    Marcus Hahnemann was outstanding for Wolves last season and Tim Howard, their No1, is terrific.


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