• 连接工作数据(示例中,示例数据dwesampdb 2CONNECTTO DWESAMP)。

    CONNECT to your working database (in this example, it is the sample database DWESAMP: db2 CONNECT to DWESAMP).


  • 小节中启动应用程序构建器检查一些工件添加一些依赖项以及数据创建一个配置条目

    In this section, you launch the application builder, examine some artifacts, add some dependencies, and create a configuration entry for your database.


  • 教程面向的读者具有初级中级水平的数据管理员数据程序员

    This tutorial is written for database administrators and database programmers whose skills and experience are at a beginning to intermediate level.


  • 教程希望学习更多关于JDK 1.4NIO的知识的所有程序员而写的。

    This tutorial is intended for any programmer who wants to learn more about the JDK 1.4 NIO library.


  • jkedb28中得到了标准化;因此包含拓扑图单元模板可以用于数据部署建模

    JKE has standardized on DB2 Version 8; therefore, the included topology unit templates can be used to model the deployment of the databases.


  • 小节ibmDB 2数据系统提供一些数据调优规则

    This section provides some tuning guidelines for the IBM DB2 database system, as an example.


  • 操作完成,将出现一个窗口指示项目CVS存储同一

    When the operation is completed, a window opens indicating that the local and CVS repository versions of the project are the same.


  • JDBC资源适配器处理导入EIS请求示例中数据

    The JDBC resource adapter handles requests to the EIS from the import, in this case a database.


  • 教程DB 2数据开发人员DB 2数据管理员而编写的。

    This tutorial is written for DB2 database developers and DB2 database administrators.


  • JDBC资源适配器EIS更改信息(示例中数据创建、更改删除)转发模块中的导出

    The JDBC resource adapter forwards changed information in the EIS, in this case a create, update, or delete in a database, to an export in your module.


  • 教程专门水平中低级之间的关系数据专业人员编写的。

    This tutorial is written for relational database professionals whose skills and experience are at a beginning to intermediate level.


  • 修改该项目的构建路径设置,使之包括OSGi框架 osgi.jar使用其他(在实例中 servlet.jar)。

    Modify the project build path setting to include the OSGi framework library osgi.jar and other packages that we will use in the bundle code (servlet.jar in this case).


  • 教程那些没有使用DB 2Viper的经验但是使用SQL经验了解XML数据管理员编写的。

    This tutorial is written for database administrators who have limited experience with DB2 Viper and have some experience with SQL and some knowledge of XML.


  • 教程假设拥有一些AspectJ代码开发经验并且知道如何创建项目编译将其部署

    This tutorial assumes that you have some experience in the development of AspectJ code, and that you know how to create a project, compile a class, and deploy it as a library.


  • 教程假设拥有一些AspectJ代码开发经验并且您知道如何创建项目编译将其部署

    This article assumes that you have some experience in the development of AspectJ code, and that you know how to create a project, compile a class, and deploy it as a library.


  • 如图1左上角示,omnifind搜索应用程序设计一个常规Notes数据命名OmniFind.nsf

    Our OmniFind search application is designed as a conventional Notes database named OmniFind.nsf and is shown in the upper left hand corner of Figure 1. OmniFind.nsf consists of two forms.


  • 如果首次包含头文件之前用户显式定义宏,则缺省20

    Defaults to 20 if not explicitly defined by the user before inclusion of the first library header.


  • 一般情况下保留变量这样可以配置文件里存放敏感数据例如数据参数不用担心模版会将它们调用出来。默认情况下,变量设假。

    Typically you would leave this false, that way you can store sensitive data in the config files such as database parameters and not worry about the template loading them. false by default.


  • 研究成果进一步研究波浪散体斜坡破坏机理提供依据,对工程防护较高的应用价值。

    The study provides the basis for further study on the destructive mechanism of broken stone slope and can be applied in engineering for reservoir bank protection.


  • 试验所建细胞生物学特性研究延续以后深入研究提供技术支撑

    This experiment is constructs the cell bank biology characteristic research continuing, has provided the technical strut for the later thorough research.


  • 专家系统原理式设计如果数据知识进行适当的修改,系统适用其它类似的输电网络

    The expert systems is a prototype design, after modifying the start-up knowledge and part rules, it can be used to any other transmit electric network.


  • 研究中国玉米新品种标准DNA指纹建立”、玉米品种真实性鉴定纯度检测提供参考

    This study was reference for "Research on Establishing DNA Fingerprinting database of Chinese New maize cultivars" and the purity and reality identification of maize cultivars.


  • 作者《道藏》全书》中的《文献,考察“灵棋课法”的由来归属

    Taking advantage of Ling Qi Jing in Dao Zang and Si Ku Quan Shu, the author studied the origin and its ideology.


  • 文章第二章,笔者首先列出资源系统设计目标,以便以后设计提供一个总体概念

    In the Chapter II, the author first presents the resource base system design objectives for the future to provide an overall design concept;


  • 例如移动PC显示笔记电脑,数据使用传统数据状符号来表示

    For example, the mobile PC is shown as a laptop and the databases are shown using traditional database drum notation.


  • 研究丰富我国地方鸡种基因同时矮小型的品种资源保护开发利用提供了分子基础

    The study enriched the gene pool of our local chicken breeds. At the same time, it provides molecule base to preserve and explore the dwarf chicken.


  • 研究国家种质中期提供的300份大豆、100份菜豆种质材料,分别采用血清学分子生物学方法,对种传病毒的种类进行了检测。

    In this study, 300 soybean and 100 common bean germplasm conserved in National Crop GeneBank were screened for seed-borne viruses by serological and molecular biological methods.


  • 模型实现良好数据处理体系目标,以个人数据系统核心

    The core of the model is the personal database system, and the aim of the model is to achieve a good database processing system.


  • 一个绘制图形的包含各种控件绘制曲线6.0.0之前安装后的处理方式一样。

    Contains a variety of small controls can be drawn when the real curve. 6.0.0 version of the pre-installed with the approach is different.


  • 同时研究所采用的方法使用噬菌体随机进行甾体类激素特异性受体(配体)的筛选提供了可靠实验依据。

    The results also show that phage display peptide library is an effective, simple and efficient method to select specific steroid receptors.


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