• 学生充分的机会探索各种各样兴趣增长他们通用具体知识自己选择职业做准备培养独立性

    Students have ample opportunity to explore a variety of interests, increase both their general and specific knowledge, prepare for a chosen career and develop independence.


  • 通用电气公司正在推广智能电网广告中来自绿野仙踪稻草人沿着电线蹦蹦跳跳唱道“如果大脑”。

    GE is promoting the smart grid with ads that show a scarecrow singing "If I only had a brain" from "The Wizard of Oz" while bouncing along an old power line.


  • 可以从中派生出通用范围获得业务需求理解

    From this, you can derive the general scope and understanding of the business requirements.


  • 相当方便所以也可以构造通用的页一开始就将其包括文档中。

    But that's pretty handy, so maybe you could construct a common header, too, and start including that in your documents.


  • 声明通用动力公司执行质量保证支持软件认证安全政策程序方面的问题。

    General Dynamics will also perform quality assurance and support the development of policy and procedures such as software certification and safety, the announcement said.


  • 中间件平台看作是ESB构架风格执行平台,其中,可以服务进行定义、部署执行通过通用事件机制来通信

    The middleware platform can be considered the execution platform for an ESB architectural style in which services can be defined, deployed, executed, and communicated through a common event mechanism.


  • 操作环境业务应用程序提供基础设施服务代表通用服务支持集成解决方案

    The operating environment provides infrastructure services for business applications and represents common services to support the integration solutions.


  • 当时通用设想,自身可以由此获取小型车生产技能,分享联盟伙伴各自国内市场成果

    The idea was that GM would gain access to small-car know-how, while sharing in the success of its affiliates in their local markets.


  • 请求数据放在一个失败事件中保存通用数据库中

    The request data is wrapped inside a failed event and saved inside the common database.


  • 过程一步确认达成一个通用数据格式

    The first step in the process was to identify and agree upon a common data format.


  • 白宫早前批准了经验丰富通用老板的辞呈,命令身无分文克莱斯勒放弃脱离意大利菲亚特的要求。

    The White House earlier ordered the resignation of GM's veteran boss and instructed cash-strapped Chrysler to surrender its independence to Italy's Fiat.


  • 我们解释了一些决策原因给出了通用指导原则。

    The reasons for certain decisions were explained and some general guidelines given.


  • 我们经验来看企业管理75%90%的配置数据对于所有营销目的创建维护定制站点通用的。

    In our experience, typically from 75 to 90 percent of all configuration data managed by the enterprise is common to all the customized sites that must be created and maintained for marketing reasons.


  • 通用公司其他品牌一样凯迪拉克正在走向歧途有可能重蹈柏加的覆辙

    Cadillac, like the rest of General Motors' brands, is going in the wrong direction. Cadillac is very likely to follow in the footsteps of Packard.


  • 周三下午通用发表了上述声明宣布将停产悍马越野车

    According to a statement released to the media Wednesday afternoon, GM will permanently wind down the off-road division as a result.


  • 然而了解一些指令基本知识可以帮助读懂PowerPC文档理解PowerPC指令集中的通用策略一些细微区别

    However, knowing some of the basic ones will help you read PowerPC documentation and understand some of the general strategies and nuances in the PowerPC instruction set.


  • Kid可以支持模板继承(template inheritance),这样生成的新模板可以基本模板进行扩充从而可以一个地方创建维护通用代码

    Kid also supports template inheritance, in which derived templates can extend from base templates so that common code can be created and maintained in one location.


  • 总结一些通用性能数据收集模式介绍ITracer接口,我将系列文章的其余部分继续使用

    I've summarized some general performance data collection patterns and introduced the ITracer interface, which I'll continue to use for the rest of the series.


  • 团队时间注入数十亿美元资金,他的通用核聚变公司就能核聚变发电厂

    Give his team six to 10 years and a few hundred million dollars, he says, and his company, General fusion, will give you a nuclear-fusion power plant.


  • 基于mashup应用程序最初那些搜索查看协作更新行为,jStart团队为很多通用使用模式编制了文档加以重用

    Based on the initial set of search, review, collaborate, and update behaviors with mashup applications, many universal usage patterns have been documented and reused.


  • 我们日志web服务提出高层架构研究架构体系组件定义节中使用通用术语

    In this section we create a high-level architecture for the logging web service, identify the components of this architecture, and define common terminology used throughout this section.


  • Geronimo 1.1文件主要方面进行了重构——也就是说所有应用程序服务通用现在都被存储解包一个存储中。

    Geronimo 1.1 brings a major restructuring of filesnamely all applications, services, and common libraries are now stored and unpackaged in a repository.


  • 复制状态方法实现容错系统一种通用方法,它复制组件通过consensus算法协调交互

    The replicated state machine approach is a general method for implementing fault-tolerant systems by replicating components and coordinating their interaction via consensus algorithms.


  • XPath一种领域专用语言(Domain-Specific Language,DSL),很快成为了其他通用语言重要组成部分

    XPath is a domain-specific language (DSL) that is quickly becoming an important part of other more general-purpose languages.


  • 还可以选择如果只想创建追踪一些通用测试需求的话,也是可能的。

    Alternatively, if you want to just create and track some generic testing requirements, that is also possible.


  • 另一种替代方法可能资源使用通用连接实现某种应用层安全性

    Another alternative might be to use generic connections for resources and implement certain application-level security.


  • 平面文件适配器模块(12)接收平面文件,调用通用数据处理程序

    The flat file adapter module (Figure 12) receives the flat file and invokes the generic data handler.


  • 本文中,展示通用JAX - RPC处理程序实现,它具备发送接收任意附件类型的部署的能力。

    In this paper, I show you a generic JAX-RPC handler implementation, capable of sending and receiving arrays of an arbitrary attachment type.


  • 开发视图(用户界面)视图链接组成,定义应用程序通用应用程序。

    Develop the generic application consisting of the views (user interfaces) and the links between the views, defining the application flow.


  • 我们必须拓宽资源优化这些材料制造过程使用,”负责通用电气公司全球研究部门史蒂夫·杜克洛

    "What we are going to absolutely have to do is diversify our sources and optimise the use of these materials in manufacturing," said Steve Duclos, who heads GE's global research division.


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