• 长长的镰刀留下了一堆稻草低语着:“重新回到劳动

    My long scythe whispered and left the hay to make "It returns us to the work of mowing."


  • 意味着待办事项清单已经存在了,越来越意识到下来重要性确保进行每天活动时,能享受一过程。

    It doesn't mean that my to-do lists no longer exist, but I've become more aware of the importance of slowing down and making sure that I enjoy the daily activities as I carry them out.


  • 因此学会生活遵循着伟大定律这些琐碎经验法则

    So I learned to live, by the great laws, and these little rules of thumb.


  • 整个夏季治理着这个国家等待孩子的降生。

    All that summer I ruled the country, and waited for the baby.


  • 但是为了以防万一,决定穷追不舍问道是意味着会出现真实上市商品还是一些OS测试版本

    But just in case, I decided to follow up and ask if that meant an actual shipping product was coming or some test version of the OS?


  • 段时间里一位非常值得信赖的、能干中国伙伴建立起爱英语学校,一起从事管理工作。

    During this time, I have worked together with a very trusted and talented Chinese partner on establishing and managing Ai-Hua English.


  • 最后还是鼓起勇气,坐在家附近那条安静道路旁,看着着车家门口一次次地经过,琢磨为什么孩子们自行车这样的经历记忆深刻

    As I sat along our (at last) quiet street, watching her go back and forth in front of our home, I thought about how learning to ride your bike is usually something a kid will remember.


  • 过去的四分之一世纪里工作着重建美化教堂而没有主教要一文钱。

    But for a quarter century I have worked and rebuilt and beautified the church without asking a centime from the diocese.


  • 一直如果冬天一直呆在家里,如果窗外多加追问注意到着腐烂气味或许就能挽救的生命。

    If only I'd been home through the winter, I kept thinking, if only I'd persisted when I'd stood outside his window and caught the odor of decay, perhaps I could have saved him.


  • 喜欢习惯变化东西保持距离这样知道什么不会时间抛弃的准则。

    I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time.


  • 啜饮白兰地开始聊天意识多年法语词汇不规则动词此时此刻派上了用场。

    As we sipped the apple brandy and talked, I realized that all the years of studying French vocabulary and irregular verbs had prepared me for this moment.


  • 认为巴勒斯坦儿童应该手持鲜花欢迎沙龙告诉他说,即便巴方控制圣殿山,也随时欢迎的来访。

    I thought Sharon should have been greeted with flowers by Palestinian children and told that when the Temple Mount was under Palestinian control, he would be welcome anytime.


  • 光是这一张照片花去了所有时间此时,甲板其他摄影人员正在欣赏着四周的美景,拍摄了大量有趣照片

    I had spent all my time going after one picture while other photographers onboard enjoyed their explorations and collected a whole raft of fun images.


  • 去年夏天发表第八本科生微观经济学教材,思索怎么微观角度讲述金融危机

    LAST summer I produced the eighth edition of my undergraduate microeconomics text and thought about what I could say about the financial crisis from a micro point of view.


  • 年后追寻着她们足迹,来到利兹加入到了她们当中。

    I moved to Leeds two years later to track these women down and join forces with them.


  • 既得到了自由,就赶忙那些仆人好容易一点点地领会了慌里慌张叙述意思,赶紧下楼一步地下楼时,大口喘着。

    Being at liberty, I lost no time in seeking the old servant; who, having gathered by degrees the purport of my hasty tale, hurried below, gasping, as he descended the steps two at once.


  • 第一晚上下载了电视剧《魔性人心》来看,认认真真地修着指甲

    On the first night of my week without books, I download Being Human on the iPlayer and give my nail polish some quality attention.


  • 窗户挂着棉布薄纱昆虫翅膀粒珍珠。 而当擦肩而过时,一个顶着苍白面孔切尔克斯人望出来微笑

    Across the windows hung thin curtains of muslim embroidered with beetles' wings and with tiny seed-pearls, and as it passed by a pale-faced Circassian looked out and smiled at me.


  • 可是,如果置身屋子相识之中,就立刻变成了“害羞大姑娘”,暗自祈祷有人——任何人——主动说话祈祷自己不要说出任何傻话

    But put me in a room full of people that I don't know, and I instantly turn into a "shy girl," secretly praying that someone, anyone, will strike up a conversation - and I won't say anything stupid.


  • 穿过马路膝盖,胳膊下包裹放在柏油路,仔细地观察着老询问有没有受伤

    I crossed the street, knelt down, put the package I had under my arm down on the asphalt, leaned in and asked the man if he was hurt.


  • 接下来告诉更多特性所有这些最好的地方在于他们无缝流畅的运行完美的工作着。

    What's the best thing of all though about these, and many more new features I'll tell you about later, is that they all work smoothly and seamlessly together.


  • 控制着半程接力周洋控制着后半程的接力。每个人都保持冷清进行比赛最终冲过终点,的队友感到自豪!

    I was in charge of the first half of the relay and Zhou was in charge of second half. Everyone stayed calm through the race and I'm so proud of them.


  • 唯有以身作则才能证明你强大内心,才能向你的团队宣示:临危不惧、克服险阻时刻准备学习适应,以及不断创造新的商机

    Show yourteam that you have the confidence to take risks, that you can persist throughdifficult times, and that you are prepared to keep on learning, adapting, andcreating new business opportunities.


  • 过去中的一天接受治疗保持复原计划

    Every single day for the past five weeks I've been doing therapies and keeping up with the recovery programme.


  • 感到更好处理这样的事情了,甚至即使意味着降低期望值,随波逐流

    I feel like I have more of a handle on things, even though it means I'm actually letting go of my expectations and going with the flow.


  • 来说营销者消费双方明确事项结果满意的话,营销有益于社会

    For me, marketing works for society when the marketer and consumer are both aware of what's happening and are both satisfied with the ultimate outcome.


  • 来说营销者消费双方明确事项结果满意的话,营销有益于社会

    For me, marketing works for society when the marketer and consumer are both aware of what's happening and are both satisfied with the ultimate outcome.


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