• 认为知道最终模样实际使用代码之前,我不想声明的“客户们可能需要什么

    I figure that until I know the final class shapes and have a little practical usage of the code, I don't want to declare what my clients might need.


  • 企业当年提取实际使用职工教育经费,在超过计税工资总额2.5%以内部分,在企业所得税扣除

    About enterprise withdrew and the actual use educational expenditure of stuff that year, it can deduct before the enterprise income tax which didn't surpass the total tax wage's 2.5%.


  • 当然开始实际使用操作,您可能会发现这些类别其他许多有趣组合扩展

    Of course, you may find many other curious combinations and extensions of these categories as you begin to use and manipulate trees in practice.


  • 这个示例说明端点地址选择地址实际使用可以分开,这样便动态路由提供了一种更加灵活更具可重用性方法

    This example shows that the selection of the endpoint address and the actual use of the address can be separated, offering a much more flexible and reusable approach to dynamic routing.


  • 避免命名空间污染集群范围定义资源保持资源定义实际使用这些资源服务器中可视

    Your resources should be defined at the cluster scope to avoid namespace pollution and keep resource definitions visible only in the servers where those resources are actually used.


  • Intel宣称Moorestown平台目标使设备续航能力达到24小时,这个24小时不是待机时间,而是实际使用条件下的续航时间.按照广达电脑总裁的说法,这家代工厂在他们生产的M1导航娱乐产品上已经做到一点,而其它公司则展示了基于这套平台,配备了3/4/5寸显示屏的设备.

    The goal is 24 hour battery life, not standby, but real use. According to the chairman of Quanta, they have achieved that with the M1 navigation and entertainment device.


  • 尽管知道这个目标可能很快实现,但争取实现这个目标可以防止核武器扩散避免其实际使用提供法律道义基础

    And while I know this goal won't be met soon, pursuing it provides the legal and moral foundation to prevent the proliferation and eventual use of nuclear weapons.


  • 介绍进口设备F370密炼机生产线特点,结合现场实际使用经验设备存在主要问题进行分析

    Introduced the production line property of the imported F370 mixer, and taken the experience of use in site, analyzed the main existing problems of the equipment.


  • 实际使用情况表明,通过采用该配套装置,既减少料量,能将较少及时地回收投入再使用,从而使粉末泄漏得到有效控制

    The actual performance of which showed that this unit can reduce powder leakage, and timely recover the leaked powder for reuse so as to effectively control the powder leakage.


  • 实际使用表明系统提供了AT M布点选址调查筛选评估决策对其运营与维护进行有效管理

    It was proved in practice that investigation, filter, evaluation and decision of the site of ATM could be realized in this system, and also management and maintain of ATM could be effective.


  • 介绍单片机仿真器工作原理提出实际使用遇到的一些问题给出了解决这些问题的办法

    This paper introduces the working principles of monolithic computer emulator, proposes some problems counted during its use, to which some solving methods ane given.


  • 介绍一种新型结构液压简述结构特点工作原理节能效果实际使用情况

    This paper presents a new type of hydraulic cylinder, and briefly introduces its structural features, operating principle, energy saving efficiency and its employment.


  • 讨论了多普勒频率定位技术实现方法,推导了定位误差公式给出实际使用时的简化而直观的形式,同时进行了数值模拟。

    The realization of location using the difference of doppler frequency is discussed, the formula for the location error is derived and its simplification form with data simulation is presented.


  • 试验结果同时反映现行蚊香试验评价标准难以全面评价蚊香实际使用效果,有必要应用野外蚊虫进行测试研究抗药性药效关系。

    The result of lab test can not reflect the application effect in field test, so it is necessary to use mosquitoes in field for resistance and efficacy test.


  • 然后分别阐述此四代中间包工作衬用耐火材料的性能实际使用过程中应注意的问题比较得出各自性能的优缺点

    Then their performance and the problems during their practical use are introduced respectively, and their advantages and disadvantages are concluded through comparisons.


  • 实际使用表明,树脂优良的化学树脂,适合缠绕成型的工艺要求。

    This UP resin is a high performance and chemical resistant resin which is suitable for winding process.


  • 通过实例计算,对六相和三相的计算公式进行了比较分析,从而获得了一些具有工程实际使用价值结论

    The comparative analysis between 6-phase formula and 3-phase formula is made with example and some useful conclusions are obtained.


  • 利用实测数据图的过程中,解决一些常见问题给出解决的办法及依据,同时给出一些有益的结论适应实际使用的需要。

    Solutions to some problems usually occur in the mapping process using actually measured data and some helpful conclusions are given for practical use.


  • 实际使用表明,系统能提供了AT M布点选址调查筛选评估决策对其运营与维护进行有效管理

    It was proved in practice that investigation, filter, evaluation and decision of the site of ATM co...


  • 为此设计出节能。舒适、安全智能系统投入实际使用

    A intelligent light-control system with energy efficiency and safe was designed and put into practice, Firstly, the intelligent light-control system and its demanding technique were outlined.


  • 结合实际使用PC- 1500微机进行空间校正构造实践证明效果良好

    In accordance with the actual conditions, the PC-1500 microcomputer was used to make spatial correction and compile structural maps. Practice proves this technique to be effective.


  • 按照支承实际使用寿命制定了支承辊制度编制了支承辊使用维护管理数据库

    They have also worked out, according to the rou's actual life, back up roll change regulation and compiled a data bank for back up roll service and maintenance.


  • 介绍程序使用注意事项百色油田实际使用情况。

    The paper mentions matters needing attention while using the programs, and their application in Baise oilfield. A processing result chart of a well is presented.


  • 论述冷水机组工作机理着重介绍可编程序控制器冷水机组实际使用中的程序设计思想。

    It introduces the operation principle and program design of PC (programmable controllers) used on the water cooling unit.


  • 最终实现了满足软件工程要求系统软件,投入实际使用

    The resulting system satisfies the criterions of software engineering, and shows fine performance in usability and reusability.


  • 结合听觉传入神经病变模型评价方法实际使用中的稳定性

    Methods a cochlear deafferentation model was utilized to assess the validity of this technique.


  • 结合听觉传入神经病变模型评价方法实际使用中的稳定性

    Methods a cochlear deafferentation model was utilized to assess the validity of this technique.


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