• 并且告知旅行开始之前上述非正规情况必须加以纠正

    And tell, before beginning in travel, informal situation described above must be corrected.


  • 这个门上的挂牌应该简要描述项目并且告知某人亲自来拜访

    The door-hanger should briefly describe the project and say that someone will be around in person.


  • 电源管理特性添加服务架构当中,并且告知用户客户

    Build power management into your services architecture and make it part of the message that you send to users and customers.


  • 甚至一个无线电台鼓励他们听众打电话教会并且告知我会地狱

    There was even one radio station that encouraged their listeners to call here to the church and tell me I was going to hell.


  • 贵方接受建议,并且告知期限具体条款,尤其是贵方愿意支付佣金率折扣

    We hope you will be good enough to accept to accept our proposal and let us know your terms and conditions , expecially the amount of commission or discount which you will be willing to give us.


  • 那些牧场主屠宰场主20亿雷亚尔(合12亿美元),并且告知零售商如果他们清理供应链将会遭到罚款

    He fined the ranchers and abattoirs 2 billion reais ($1.2 billion) and told the retailers that unless they cleaned up their supply chains he would fine them, too.


  • 那个时候没有验尸官,也没有报纸猜想当时人们一致同意是自然原因导致死亡或者说,我应该这样被告知并且记住

    It was not a time and place for coroners and newspapers, and I suppose it was agreed that he had died from natural causes or I should have been told, and should remember.


  • 20世纪早期,人们认为溃疡时由于压力过度胃酸造成并且病人总告知休息多吃些清淡食物

    In the early 20th century, ulcers were thought to be caused by stress and excess stomach acid, and sufferers were told to rest and eat bland food.


  • 我们应该好好利用而不是废止它,并且美国癌症协会建议的那样,最好过度治疗风险告知患者

    We need to make better use of it, not ban it, and, as the American Cancer Society recommends, better inform patients of overtreatment risks.


  • 儿童时代就确诊患有糖尿病并且告知使成为侦探梦想破碎。

    As a child, she was diagnosed with diabetes and told it would scupper her dream of becoming a detective.


  • 告知用户谢谢订购并且订单传输的时候发送包含包裹号码电子邮件

    It tells the user "thanks for your order" and sends e-mail with the package tracking number when the order ships.


  • 包括加州漂移太平洋”遥远未来如果任何一个外星文明到达地球他们就会告知地球形成的历史并且知道我们生活哪个时期

    In the future, if any alien civilization arrives to Earth, they would be able to instantly tell the history of Earth's geography and know where in time we lived.


  • 但是创建第二线程原始线程抢占并且再也允许告知线程结束因为RT线程两个处理器上执行而且永远不会阻塞

    But after creating the second thread, the primordial thread is preempted and is never allowed to tell the threads to terminate because the two RT threads execute on the two processors and never block.


  • 但是几千告知帮忙清理油污的工人,可能面临潜在健康问题,因为他们没有得到任何保护设备并且全身沾满了原油

    But he said the thousands of cleanup workers face possible health concerns after being told to help out, receiving no protective gear and being coated in crude.


  • 313日,巴基斯坦强大的情报局负责人告知国会已经选中印度袭击目标并且进行了预演。

    On May 13th the head of Pakistan's powerful Inter-Services Intelligence told parliament that he had already picked targets in India, and rehearsed attacks.


  • 我们教会植物侦察那些我们在意的物质并且以明显可见的方式作出反应告知我们附近危险物品。”

    We’ve "taught" plants how to detect things we’re interested in and respond in a way anyone can see, to tell us there is something nasty around.


  • 2005年,告知男孩并且还为此选了个名字买了婴儿,还告诉大家

    In 2005, she was told she was having a boy, and she chose a name, bought boy clothes and told everyone.


  • 他们研究征集28男性被试,并告知其中14人他们将要见到一位富有魅力女子并且这位女子对于他们怎样看待感到十分紧张担忧。

    They told 14 of 28 men recruited for their study that the attractive woman they were going to meet was nervous and worried about how she would be perceived by them.


  • 醒来后,他告知飞机已经坠毁并且一次断了

    When he woke up, he was told that the airplane had crashed and he broke his leg, once again!


  • 股东保持联系,随时告知他们新的进展并且他们知道面临问题寻求解决方式

    Stay in touch with your stakeholders, keep them apprised of progress, and let them know about the problems you're encountering and the solutions you are trying.


  • 如果这些可行,那就每个与会者一些纸张并且明确告知每个人把要提出建议下来。

    If that's not feasible, provide each participant with some paper and a pen and specify that everyone write down the ideas in the order in which they are presented.


  • 退了我的返程票并且买了便宜的,这次可能在索马里转机告知可能得花费更长的时间所以我可能几天到家

    P.S.I got a refund on my return ticket and bought a much cheaper one that connects through Somalia, but I've been told it might take a bit longer so I might be arriving a few days late.


  • 被试告知他们参与一个学习实验,他们执行电击并且需要持续实验最后

    Participants were told they were involved in a learning experiment, that they were to administer electrical shocks and that they should continue to the end of the experiment.


  • 例如ext3文件系统代码正在执行修改告知JBD并且修改磁盘包含的特定数据之前请求 JBD许可

    For example, the ext3 filesystem code will inform the JBD of modifications it is performing, and will also request permission from the JBD before modifying certain data on disk.


  • 这些响应被发送DESTINATION2,并且标签告知每一个地点接受者消息是否它们的地点所想要

    That response goes to DESTINATION2, and the tag tells recipients in each region whether the message is meant for their region or not. The message looks basically like this.


  • 年前我们在读大三时候,确诊患有乳腺癌并且告知生命剩下18个月

    Eight years ago, during our senior year of college, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and told she had eighteen months to live.


  • 年前我们在读大三时候,确诊患有乳腺癌并且告知生命剩下18个月

    Eight years ago, during our senior year of college, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and told she had eighteen months to live.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定